Green Skin
00575 To Heaven
- Aaaahhh!
You hear the excited man's voice. Looks like an old angel to me. He can't even say Moore. He must be in a corner like that. He must be suffering mentally.
The angels with you are heretics who betray the gods they serve and receive their corrupt black wings. God will not save them. All of this is already scheduled. For the future of our tribe, God has given us a way forward.
- The will of God to exclude all angels who are not full of faith. It is God's will to turn all the contaminated and corrupt into what was not and to place a new flag of the Holy Spirit on this earth! You're right. You are a test from our Lord. It is a test of our faith and of our strength, of our love for God. Those who do not pass the trials will enter the forces of the devil and live with their crotches spread throughout their lives by the filthy monsters you call God! You will be enslaved by humans who are less than worms, and you will be eaten by monsters.
Saying it like that means it's already self-destruct. This legend represented their religion. It must have been so beautiful for him to start reacting with such excitement and illogical insults and selling. The angels on our side don't look so good, either. Suddenly, I wanted to give or receive a slightly more aggressive speech, and suddenly I thought it was worth it.
- The sin of disobeying God is great. Soon after the war has begun, we will scream in agony and tell you how foolish your choices are. We do not forgive those who sin. In addition, there is no forgiveness for those who impersonate God. We will tear its wings, break its arrogant horns, cut its tail off, and spit in the face of the monster you call God.
Relaxing seemed to be thinking the same as me, but I started raising my mouth a little. They think that the level of one-dimensional criticism is dropping.
“You're blowing yourself up. Puheheheheheheh. I think about 2,000 people will come tomorrow. Puheheheh.”
It was then that the silent tease suddenly began to creep around.
- You guys...
It was also at that moment that the old angel who was making fun of me was suddenly silent. The reason is obvious. I'm looking at the face of the white zinc that spreads through the image that's in the sky. So far, I've been doing very well, but when I think about it, I can't bear to hear White Zinc talk like that.
Unlike before playing the perfect religious leader, my eyes were slightly narrower. The tail of the mouth was twisting strangely, and blood was spilling from his fist, which was invisible to the video. Your fingernails are digging into the palms of your hands.
She didn't seem to be in pain, but what she was showing was an explanation of how angry she was. It is not the spread of divine or magical power. Simply the madness of a single person. The frenzy of relaxation is shaking.
- Are you...
- You've finally shown your true colors! Devil's whore.
- There's a devil in your eye. Bariel. It's written by the devil. Absolutely. Yes, absolutely. Our Savior is very merciful. Unlike your demons who don't forgive one mistake. Through the purification ceremony, we can repent, and if we look good, we can be forgiven for our sins. But not your kind. Heehee! You're not the same person who insulted the Savior in front of me!
This is not good. It is still time to stop exposing your madness. The old angel, Bariel, must have known about it.
- Speak up! You've finally shown your true colors, demon army. It looks good on a human like a prostitute who sold herself to the devil. Not only the devil, but the children of the devil, will all be judged by our God. You will live in hell forever!
- You! How dare you!!!
It is a judgment to show that whiteZinc is full of madness, even if his image is slightly shaved. Regardless of the belief, there seems to be something dangerous about the look on White Zinc's face. If you're not an idiot, it looks like you're twisted enough to know. When I thought I had to take action, I heard a voice right next to me.
It was a voice that lowered its voice heavily.
“Oh... glory... glory! Glory! Glory, glory! Glory! Glory! Glory! To the Savior!”
The guy who was trembling next to me started singing hymns with a wave of his hands. Melody and lyrics I've heard a lot somewhere. It was Martha's melody with something addictive.
“Glory! Glory! Glory! To the Savior! ”
Surprisingly, that strange melody started spreading like a plague around him.
“................ ”
I've never heard of such an incitement.
“Together! I will call upon the Lord Savior. Blood Dagger hymn verse 32 to the Savior! ”
- By faith and the Holy Spirit! You can wipe out the Devil's voice! Gentlemen!
“Glory! Glory! Glory!”
- Glory!
“Glory! Glory! Glory!”
- Glory to the Savior!
“Glory! Glory! To the Savior!”
- To the Savior!
It even contained voices from the middle to the voice amplification. The skill of putting the empty audio of an unlikely endless spinning song in the middle with a sharp voice is overwhelming. There's nothing unusual about clapping. Seeing as I did my best to make a big clap, I began to wonder if I had worked as a pastor before.
It was at that moment that the excited Zinc revived the hymn that was echoing from all over. You're feeling a little overwhelmed. The twisted mouth has not returned, as if the aftermath had not yet gone, but it does not look bad coming down from the top like there is nothing more to say.
It was relaxing to receive Barton.
- Glory, baby! Glory! Glory! Glory, glory! Glory!
The angels, shaking their hands around, are doing their best to make a voice. Even the hymn that was sounded a little crazy at first makes harmony in a short time, so it is embarrassing to be able to hear it in its own way. The sound of the instruments brought by angels spread and the voices of thousands of believers and angels began to spread throughout the earth. He looks at him and says he is bored.
- It's called a spokesperson relaxation. It seems that our Archbishop was a little disappointed in Bariel's attitude to protect the sanctuary that he would make a sudden comeback with a slightly more true story. Heh heh.
“............... ”
- I think our Bariel should calm his nerves a bit. Lord Bariel is not the face of the god Agape carries. Phew! If you blush like that and say it, what would a lot of angels think about following our great Bariel? All anyone can see is logic swearing and spiritual victory. Heh heh.
Although it seems to be showing off in its own way, you may notice that someone is scratching their insides with sarcasm. A fierce voice and a middle burst of laughter made me feel strongly despised by the great Bariel.
Fourteen angels who have lived many years are not fools. Anyone would notice that the current tone is making fun of themselves. It may look like a third party is trying to behave politely, but the feelings of the person who is being taunted are different.
- You bastard!
- Don't get excited. Lord Barriel, it's huge! Phew! Your god would never want you to get excited. It's like hurting your face. He who guards the place of God cannot control his anger. There's no such thing as religion in the world. I think Bariel still lacks a bit of a lamb. The number of wings has nothing to do with intelligence. Phew.
It was important to scratch my insides slowly. If he had just tapped on the fact that there was white zinc before, it felt like he was inside out.
- It wasn't really a place to talk about this. Hahaha. Two religious leaders were competing against each other before the Temple began. I salute the ignorance of Bariel for turning his position into a market floor in an instant. Hahaha.
- You... you!
“............... ”
“I'm all upset. ”
While taunting was underway, Hyugari muttered. She was also in a position to be indignant at the time of the holy prostitute incident, so she would understand the heart of the angel Bariel.
- I just didn't think I needed to talk to you. Humans like worms.
You know that's a lie, right? Someone who says he doesn't need to talk is still amplifying his voice and spitting out his voice. Gentlemen, I need to stop talking to that angel, Bariel. There are far too many differences in fundamental intelligence that each other has, rather than coming from different religions. You can see which Bible they studied in. Do you really believe in a god who chose him, people? Do you believe in beings in the sanctuary who do not put him to the test, but only you?
- You're the ones who attacked us first.
- And you described us as trials. Phew. Ah! Maybe we should take back what we just said. As long as your god is putting you through hell. Phew.
- A trial that can never be fed. Puheheheheheheh.
To be honest, I almost blew up myself.
While Hayuri and Choi Hyuk were already covering their mouths, even the angels who were cheering intensely were trembling. That Bariel doesn't seem to have a very good reputation.
- You little worm! Dare! I'll tear you to shreds! You don't need salvation. I will never set foot on this earth, and I will make it hell.
- I look forward to speaking with you more constructively next time. Ah! And salvation is a concession. First, I want you to go up to heaven and work hard for salvation. I will allow you to enjoy paradise with our Savior on earth! Okay, everybody, let's do it again! Glory to the Savior! Glory, glory! Glory!
“Glory! Glory! Glory, glory! ”
- To the Savior!
“Glory! To the Savior! ”
Ridiculously, the angels singing the hymn together look very happy. I was singing aloud, even though my smile was still on my face and my throat was hurting. He applauds and cheers vigorously, reaching for a new god.
To some extent, I began to understand that they were a species born to believe. I feel like anyone would be jealous if they were that happy. I thought it might be a problem that the situation here is being shown to the enemies.
At least those in Agape are unhappy.
I think he looks the same as the people here. What do the white angels think, looking at the black angels who sweat and sing, smile and spread their wings?
The answer was obvious.
Glory to the Savior!
At least you won't be happy.
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I'm taking a day off from Ripples today! Thank you! Thank you!