Green Skin
00670, this is my mother.
This is a small battlefield. It was the worst time to satisfy nine mothers-in-law, but I had to believe what I had prepared for it.
I heard you were treating her like a daughter.
No matter how hard she tries, she cannot become a daughter.
“Here we go, boys. ”
“Yes, sister. ”
“It's a big family reunion after all. I think everyone practises in advance. At that time, the same situation will feel like a charm. ”
“I know. ”
“Yes, sister. ”
“You matter. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen except for Nicole. ”
“...... ”
Minuel was an angel ranked third among the Latvian women. A person who grew up to be loved a lot as Michael's daughter, who was the brother of Blood Dagger. Considering that the Grand Chief Governor and his other brother Blacksphere really care about Minuel, it is no exaggeration to say that Minuel's position is as his daughter-in-law and not as his daughter-in-law. He's being favored by powerful people.
‘It's real. ’
Apparently, the daughter of the deceased brother came in as his daughter-in-law, and it seems that Master Blood cares a lot. I know the whole family was very happy when Latga followed. It must be natural for Choi Seulgi and other mothers-in-law to think of Minuel a little differently. Although he always looks like a lump of ice on his face, he was the most willing person here, not an angel.
“First of all, my mother-in-law, Zhang Ye-ri, is more likely not to yell at me very much. But considering our mistake is the dismissal of our mother-in-law... if things go wrong, the way back won't be so easy. You don't want that for him, do you? ”
“Yes, of course. Sister.”
“I'll be in charge overall. The menu is not too glamorous, but it's authentic...”
“Wouldn't it be nice to be glamorous? ”
“You'd better get to the concept in the first place rather than get caught up in the mess. It's certainly hard to satisfy all the mothers with our skills right now. Let's focus on making it feel like a friendly home meal without having to overdo it. The most important thing is care. ”
“Yes, sister. ”
The role has already been shared. Although I can feel her vacancy, the daughters-in-law here are already breathing perfectly in case she isn't around. The fourth is trimmed and the fifth is classified. The sixth thing about knife-fitting is that Minuel, the third one, moves like a factory, in a dazzling frenzy.
It's a busy kitchen, but don't forget to communicate with each other.
“Maeve likes sweetness, so you can add a little more sugar than usual. ”
“Yes, Sister! ”
“Jeongyeon likes to eat dull things, so eat as much seasoning as possible. ”
“Your sister! ”
“Choi Seul-gi is as irritating as possible... Han So-hye won't mind making her feel like a healthy food. ”
“White Zinc sticks to the basics. ”
“Shakara and Kim Yura should be enough to suit Nicor's taste as much as possible. I also care about Eun-suh's cooking. He's a good man, but the better off he is. ”
All mothers-in-law's tastes are already stored in their heads.
‘I didn't practice it for nothing. ’
There is no shaking. Of course, it is natural for their cooking to be unstuffed, but it is important to show their efforts. After all, they joined the Blood Dagger family and if they are going to live next to King Latga, it is good to be loved by their mothers-in-law.
As time goes by, I feel like sweating on my forehead. Since I could not manage with just one food, I had to make this and that. It is also important for my husband and my sister-in-law to prepare food.
‘It's hard.'
At first, I hated that Latga was a cheater, but now I feel so lucky. If I was alone, I would never have survived this situation.
‘At least I'm glad I have brothers. ’
It was a fact that even if I thought about it a hundred times, I couldn't deny that my brothers would be a great force on this day. The dishes that seemed like they would never finish were just waiting for the dish to finish, because they had to eat as warm as possible.
“We're done here. Sister.”
“Well done.”
“We're done here, too. Wanhee.”
“Very good. Will you look after Minuel's liver? ”
“We'd better get this over with. Too late is bad. ”
“Stu, don't forget the order. It's a big deal if you change it. ”
“The youngest is already out and set up. ”
“Okay, sister. ”
Of course, it's scary to go outside. We know that waiting is a serious assessment. My legs were shaking for no reason, but seeing Minuel and the other brothers holding hands, I feel a little energetic, and I don't know if Nicole is cheering me on, too.
Everyone usually fights in secret, but today it was a community of destiny.
‘If we live together or die together, we die together. ’
“Then let's go. ”
“Yes, Sister! ”
I was able to take one more step. The faces of the brothers following me were already full of tension. Even Minuel's expression is firm, so the others would add more, but not less. The kitchen was like a battlefield, but the real battlefield wasn't just the kitchen. The real war is on the table. The real battle takes place there.
In this situation, the first thing Jang Ye-ri said to this side was, of course, to roast the arm inward.
“Well done. ”
“Oh, no. Ma'am.”
“No, you really did a great job. ”
“Thank you."
“It looks delicious. Good work, everyone. ”
“Thank you, Elder Mother. ”
The first mother who gives me a small compliment to see if she was sad or not, doesn't disappear from her heart because of that.
"Thank you, Big Mother-in-law. ’
Rath was also the most obedient person except for Mother, so it would be right to say that his character and personality were very good. If everyone had been like a great mother-in-law... maybe I wouldn't have been worrying about this.
However, when there is light, there is darkness, and there are those who pour out compliments who can simply do it, while there are those who complain.
“I haven't spent much time on it. ”
“Oh, I'm sorry. ”
“Right, Maeve? ”
“Huh? Me? I don't know...”
“I thought you'd be ready to break your leg... a bit of a shame. ”
“I'm sorry. Clever Mother.”
“No. I didn't mean anything by it. Don't put it in your heart. Wanhee, that's just what I said. You shouldn't get hurt for nothing. ”
I've already been hurt.
“But I'm sure it'll taste fine. ”
“Yes, I did my best. Mothers.”
“It's a simple dish, but it's pretty neat. ”
“Thank you, Mother Jeongyeon. ”
“Eat a lot of rap. ”
“Yes, Las A. And please enjoy your meal. ”
“Let us carry it too, dear. ”
“Yes, Mother. ”
Not bad. Halfway to the start. The atmosphere of mothers who don't really care about the menu itself. Preparation was a little slow, but this was not something to be trifled with. Especially when I looked at Minuel next to her, which is a beautiful part of saying that Eun-suh's mother hit S.H.I.E.L.D., I saw her also send a small smile.
We did it, didn't we? ’
It was at that moment when I was giving and receiving a pleasant smile.
“The noodles are salty. ”
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Hi, I'm soy sauce. Poor capacity, but up one side! Thanks Ripples! Especially Elijah for celebrating Jackpot 2 times. Everyone else's ripples are well read!
We'll get you up to speed again soon! I'm so sorry and thank you!