Grimoire x Reverse ~Reincarnated Demon Romance Tale~

Episode Eight: Kettleburg Harbor IV: I'm Not Looking Good.

"Uh-huh. Cheer up, Chang. - Hey, this is another one. Uh, it's kind of subtle what to talk about from. I'm fine. That's a guy who can afford 16 more chains of kimchi and fever. Anything looks sudden when you say you're kidding instead of deciding, I wonder why.

Well, no, you're reading this letter. What I want to tell you for all Hiiragi is that I'm fine, and I'm going to go to Japone.

As always, I know the path is through, and I don't care if the mental line I feel from you does make me stronger, but you still can't be brain-communicative? I don't know because I'm not the one who specializes in exorcisms, but I read the letter and realized, "Oh, I'm Wang Chang. You're the brain-calling Ko Ringu!? Yabe!! It would be nice to hear from Tetsu. We have to make the most of each other. Guys, I've got a lot to talk about... and you've had a lot to talk about, haven't you?

I'm with the Tetumina Company right now.

The two of us are in the store for anything, and this is the funny one again. That's why I'm acting a little silly with them.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I was contacted by Crain and I heard you were taking care of them. Are you going to do it? For the leech's sake. If you think you're screaming and screaming, when I hear you say the image is a "quiet, but harsh sister," it's different in you than when I'm here.

Well, I don't mind if you're over-conscious, but I'm glad you're looking for me on purpose, but don't pack too many roots. It's easier if you give me a vacation.

Well, whatever.

I'm finally free to move around, so I'm going to go to some different places and stick a letter like this to my guild.

So I hope we can rendezvous somewhere. For one thing, we'll head to Japone.

I'm sorry I haven't heard from you for three months.

Looking forward to seeing you again!

Sten '

This is Sten from the Chi-su scene.

I arrived at Kettleburg Harbor, and once I broke up with the Minerinas,

I'm finally getting used to hiding the hegemony, but that's it. I knew it.

Demon ghosts seem a lot rarer.

I was driven by a lot of itching just walking down the cobblestone streets because I could see it with a strange gaze from over there.

Look, if you clear your ears, there's an ambient reaction to the Japanese-style demon ghost...

"That guy put a horn on his head... he's not good-looking..."

"Huh!? That's the kind of arrogant gaze you had!? Dumb thumbing!?

Twenty-four years old, Mr Sten, who accidentally put in a scratch. Well, it's almost twenty-four. Probably.

Looking back, there.

"Hello, uh... Mr. Sten"

It reminds me of some bee avant-garde idol when I look at my peach hair, but this girl's hair color is slightly lighter than that Demon King's Army number 2. The girl winked small as she gave a lightly deceitful salute.

"Harna, was it?

"Yes! Oh, did I possibly offend you? Mr. Hiiragi heard that the very existence of the joke, rather than the joke about Mr. Sten, makes sense... so I followed him, I did it!

"You did it inside. I don't hate you."

"Oh, good. Hit."

Harna, who laughs at the shards, is low in height. Wouldn't that be less than Veroche? Although I may just be feeling a little heavier under pressure because my presence is tremendous in the case of Veroche.

When I met her, which would inevitably take the form of a look down, she accidentally set herself up, for example.

"Oh, haha...... I knew the pressure was awesome, Mr. Sten"

"Hmm? Hegemony is supposed to hold you back."

"Still, I knew you were strong. Not before this, not this time. Thank you."

Pepper, and she lowered her head, and Sten broke her face unexpectedly.

I knew her well in the original, but I know very well that she is, but is therefore a very kind and good child. It's about her without a back table, because the statement will remain genuine.

"Oh no, the timing is on about that. I'm just kidding. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm sorry you fought and made it worse. You guys would've gotten stronger if you did it."

"Oh, that's because I was at the Giant Wall where Mr. Sten advised me."

nature, and Harna and Sten were walking out next to each other.

It's only natural when it comes to the same accommodation on the way. But the sight of a girl dressed in a monastic garment and a demon ghost in a Japanese costume would still be an unusual reflection for the surroundings.

"... there's a girl named Flair Reel."

"Am I?"

This one, this one, and the cobblestone step by step on the way home. Whether there is a conversation or not, only the footsteps sound solid.

Apart from the occasional wheels of the carriage running in the ground, there was no noise that would interfere with their conversation. At dusk, such a path.

"I'm sure he's going to get stronger and turn to the Lord... because he's always drawn to the dungeons with japonies like the Adventurers (Bravers), the Duchmen, and the Imperial College. That place, fortified, can be a threat to the people of Japone, so it's no surprise the crusaders are about to be formed.... but I want to help her."

"You know him?

"Ah, haha. It's not like that. Instead, we... Especially me, I think I've been made a lot worse. Trying to talk so forcefully isn't so powerful either. Depressing, I'm sure that's all they think about."

in a downward mood, she said.

Though I moved because I thought it was good, it was just a favor. Besides, I'm only in the way of people telling me to help people who are weaker than me. It's also someone who's not a friend or anything. Considering that, surely, it's not strange that they think it's depressing.

"... Mr. Sten knew what we were like."

Words that came out breaking through a period of silence were less relevant to earlier topics. When a decent sten looked at her, she was smiling.

But it's not as bright as when I called Sten into a teasing mix earlier, it's that kind of atmosphere that makes me feel dark somewhere.

Feeling the lack of appearance, Sten listened carefully to her words.

"Flare reel told me. He doesn't want to be told by a guy who doesn't have a reason to fight.... reason to fight, because I certainly don't have one"

"The Son of Light, the Second Prince of the Kingdom, the Shinobi of the Republic, what a member surrounds you, huh?

"Yeah... I was just moving for money to live. Sure, that kid's right."

For the money.

Literally, it seems dishonest, but it's very important for people to live. But where I said that, she wouldn't be convinced, and Sten doesn't mean that either.

Hmm, and put one hand on his chin, and think.

"Flare reel. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.


Harna looking up unintentionally.

But if Sten remembers correctly, she did name herself Flair Reel when she met her in the Mount Negri Abandoned Pit, and she also said something to the effect that she wanted to be strong about anything.

So I can remember. It's all about how weak she was.

"When I first met you... I mean, I've only seen you once. She was chased by a vampire hunter."


"Seriously. Really, I thought I was serious about boulders, Dawn with an axe! Ya, in retrospect, I don't think the pit collapsed a lot at that time, but is that the strength of the dungeon after all? Well, let's just say. He seemed so short of blood, he asked me to bite him a little bit."

"Oh, so... what happened?

"Hmm? He can't get out in the sun outside, and he usually left it"


Looking at her with her eyes round and surprised, Sten tilted his neck.

It's also true that I have no idea why I was so surprised, but I was strangely concerned that her gaze was saying "unbelievable".

"The Lord... could..."

"Am I?"

"Flare reel, I was saying. The Lord said that he was my beloved, who saved my life and made a covenant for the blood of my vows. I was born to devote myself to that person, because... here's a little scary tension."

"Oh, what's that frightening?"

"You're supposed to be younger than me, but there are people who could risk their lives like that."

"No, not there."

"If I'd seen her like that, I'd still be so... miserable about why I fight"

"No, no, no, no."

What, I'm the Lord? No, no, no, no. I don't know about the blood contract. Wait, wait. And he was a bumpy shrugged sten, but chopped Harna's head once as if he'd regained his mind.

It was very soft because it threatened to crack the watermelon when I did everything I could.

Still, around leaking her voice "ahh," I guess there's nothing she can do about her troubles or Sten's added or subtracted powers.

"Oh, my God, I was in the mood when I was fighting. Try to fight a little bit - I don't like this guy - I protected that kid -... and when I say it's easy, it's much easier for me. I know you're desperate to live... and more importantly... you're not fighting for yourself anymore, are you?

"... how, what is it? But after all, when we're all dying, I feel like I'm running away because I'm weak."

"The battle on the streets with no wagons I was with. I almost died of blubbering, but you're one of them. Hey, you've been working so hard to help the girl, right?


"You can be confident. You're not fighting for your country or your people, like your people. That's right, you're just an adventurer. But you're a pure adventurer, and that's why you can fight."

"... Adventurer (Braver), so?

"Oh, yeah. You're a good adventurer - you can fight for your people, right?

"... of my people, for"

"We demons and humans have a limited number of hands. They have to use it equally for the good of the people, but you have the right to protect only the people you really care about. So let's do everything we can to protect just our allies. It's important, we're friends, right?

"... Yes!

What, and no more shade in the look on Harna's face holding her fist.

Seeing her like that, Sten turned his back curly.

Already in front of the inn if you notice. Harna also realizes that she was dropped off.

I was blocked by his words in an attempt to stop him from telling me where he was going.

"... Um"

"I'll just keep walking. I can't talk about people, but I preached a lot. Uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

A demon ghost turned around and raised his mouth horn.

I remember the first words earlier, and Harna laughs too.

"Wow, I think you look great. Thank you!

When we get back to Japone, let's get the word right to the flare reel.

So she decides, and Harna goes inside the inn.

"Just now!!

"Wow, Harna!?

"Er hehe!!

Gyagi and in the door left open. Take a good look at the table on the ground floor that's in the tavern. Sten muttered one, sighing mixed up.

"Awesome. Boomerang, right? Hiiragi, I hope you're okay."