Grimoire x Reverse ~Reincarnated Demon Romance Tale~

Epilogue A Yamanaka: Breaking Up with Me, The Flavor of Journey

There were two shadows walking down the mountain road.

A sunny day without clouds, step by step with the zah, zah,.

One is a youth.

He carries some kind of barbed iron and a bag that wasn't there. Are you saying it's not a very big one, or that its back looks too big and small? With such salt plums, he was walking away. It stands out when it comes to the characteristic triple cassette and the flock blue dressing that stands out, but it would not be like caring especially in this situation where there is no traffic under the heavens or people.

The other was a tall girl about half the back length of a young man walking next door. Long black hair swept in the breeze, indicating that a pair of black wings grown from the back were outsiders. Dressed in a pitiful, moveable black and red dress, skin pale. However, the cheeks were slightly red and the atmosphere was enjoyable with the hands put together behind them.

"It's been a while since I've climbed this road."

"Your flair is happy to be able to guide you to your hometown, Sten."

"Uh, well. Guidance or graveyard... I wonder"


Feeling like Run, young man - walking half a step behind Sten is Flair Varier. She was a blood-sucking princess girl who could not leave in the sunlight until a few days ago.

"Graveside," said Sten, with a hard expression of geometry. So is that, two and a half years... no, you step into a place where you've been away for less than three years. Destroyed, where he was born and raised.

"Nevertheless, Master Sten"

"Am I?"

"It feels good to be with you"

"I don't know about as a bloodsucking princess until I say it feels good... well, that's more than anything. I'd rather have fun with anything than put up with it"


A flared reel that spins around on the spot sounds like a lot of fun.

I don't think it's overshadowed by the heights of the day. She's been pushed into darkness ever since, and she's had to go through even many life-threatening crises.

I don't know when I'm going to walk outside filled with liberation like this.

It should be the first time in my life that I've been in the sun.

If so, it was only then that Sten watched for her pleasure with her mouth corner lightly raised.

And. Then I heard the noise of iron and iron bumping over my back, and I looked up at the blurry, clear sky.

"Marusa... a piece of bead, you still had it..."

Yes, I shrugged small. Equal to a flare reel laughing in front of you or with a more enjoyable voice than that.

- A few days ago.

After the battle with Glasper Eye, the faces on the spot remained motionless from the bottom room for some time with weakness and everything else.

Minerina was in a state of weakness like Sten had done before in Eden because he took all his magic, and Flair Reel still woke up.

Harna doesn't really know what's going on with herself right now either, and there's no way she can leave two people out of shape when it comes to the two guys.

For that reason, it was about a few hours later that the Crains appeared before them, who were blurred.

First they were relieved of the lack of enemies, surprised to hear that Harna had completed the class change (Crain said vegan, "Who are you," but was being slapped by Harna for it), and at the end of the story.

Especially that Tetsu was that Eisenhardt K. Fangini.

Minerina was laughing with pleasure, even without strength. That's already with the pieces.

It looks like Tetsu also said he came with Tetsu, and he was pitifully raising his mouth angle. It was too unexpected of everyone that he was such a hero.

While I was so wiggly, I slowly woke up with a flared reel.

The opening was the worst. "I can't believe I'm dying to see Sangsten," she said, and the boulder sten also felt dizzy. In the meantime, the treatment of her began with Sten's sermon.

I don't try to protect people meaninglessly. If I'm dying, I'm on hold.

But the sermon was seen with very white eyes by Crain and Lyudius.

Well, if you recall one thing in the Holy Capital.

I couldn't say anything to Harna's words, "You shouldn't be injured with your shin tits," Sten, but it was even more chaos because flare reels grabbed there.

Whatever, let's just hang out with Sten. Sten added fist bones to the flare reel, and this is what he preached. He said he was helping now in the shadow of Harna.

In fact, I don't know what would have happened if it hadn't been for Harna's class change.

In the midst of the eventual noise for that reason, it was perhaps a supremely natural flow for the topic to be oriented in the future of flare reels.

The flare reel cannot go outside.

You're right to say that you can't get out of the sun one way or another, but in any case, it's more or less the same thing. It's already too dangerous to leave her like that, but here all the time.

That was when we were talking about it.

"Master Sten."

"Am I?"

"In this state, I don't think it's a good idea to say it."

With moist eyes, put your hands on your chest.

Flair Reel looked up at Sten and said.

"Did your flare get stronger?

"... That makes me pretty strong. I've come this far too. I didn't think so."

"Yes, it is...!

At the same time that Sten tilted his neck just wondering what he was talking about. The flare reel gently put a small stone out of his nose.

"Oh, that."

"When it gets stronger, you should use it. I have not forgotten what you said, Sten. And I thought that being strong must have come true to your temptation, Sten. … Your flare is delightful."

"... uh"

Kiki, wondering how you explained it to Harna, who's squeaking next door, or Tetsu staring at that stone with serious eyes. Still, you can't stop her from pushing a stone into her own chest while saying that to a boulder.

Flare reels became even stronger with tremendous energy.

And I wonder if the silver gloss enveloped the wings for a moment.

"Now I'm sure... me too, go outside..."

"What, it even worked like that!?

"Uh, ah, yes, probably. The power that is in this stone is tremendous. Probably should also be able to tolerate many things. Even though Mr. Sten has a trendsetter, it's wonderful to have the power to bounce back so many of the great magic guides."

"... are you serious? Wasn't it just the power of the dressing?"

Shiraki, and Sten's eyes turning the herd blue dressing are stained with agitation.

There was certainly too much difficulty with the effect. I didn't realize. Sten is also Sten.

"Well, Glasper Eye came here to confirm the increased power of the flare reel... although it happens to be good because the flare reel had it, is it also possible that he broke bones in vain..."


"No, anything."

Shoulder to shoulder, Sten looked back.

For that reason, after a word in advance.

"Well, I have to talk a little bit about everything. Oh well... for now. I'll take the flare reel. Good luck with this fight!!

When you poke your fist up and get screamed, you can't say anything about the surrounding faces that were questioning the verses. Together, we all won, and the battle at Mount Negri was closed.

Then Tetsu, Minnelina, Crane and the others broke up once and for all.

Sten, who later decided to rendezvous in Coutivity, decided to take a flare reel to a certain mountain where he had originally intended to head.

"The flare reel of Kiukukukoko has become nakama! Holy shit."


Reacting to the pompous and murmuring words of Sten, Flair Reel opened his eyes.

This is a mountain peak. There were some rocks protruding in disguise, at the top of the cape.

The demonic ghost clan where Sten lived is buried beneath the soil on the summit of the mountain.

No, I wanted to make it up to you. Even if it is unlikely that their remains, which have been slaughtered, are buried under this. Still, that's what graveyards must be about.

To them, who had started Okan and called Sten the generals of O00, the generals of O00, to everyone.

I wanted to tell you that I came home this way.


Now he pierces the ghost kill, which has become one stick, and takes out the fragments of the blade he had in his bag without his back.

"It's already broken, but it's the axe that was at Gaius' bastard.... I took my vengeance."

Huh, and laughing small, Sten buried the fragment in the dirt, turning his back curly.

Until Sten left the scene, Flair Reel waited quietly. Sten's interruptions are serious and hard to smile at.

"Uh, what do you want to do"

"Right............... no, I'll see"


I'll see. The flared reel that I heard the word leans down small.

I was listening to the circumstances. I asked him on the road what happened.

So I can hold onto my chest.

To the place where the settlement was located, that means we're going.

"Offer, we will"

"Ooh, Sanki-ku"

Just saying that's all I could do, Flare Reel followed me with wings flapping. It's in the middle of going down the hill a little bit, the divide. Take this place down the highway and you'll reach the settlement.

"... go"

Well, that was when I exhaled.

I found a shadow walking from the direction of that settlement, and Sten's leg stopped.

Grave vandalism, a bandit who turned it into a new Negijo, or someone who was kind enough to handle the body?

The person that Sten looked at slowly.

Eating munchkins and liquor buns, light. I said with my hands up.

"Oh, welcome back"

"Heh heh heh heh heh!!

"I don't know why, I'm in the settlement, and you're back. That's all."

"No, ha!? Go home, ha!? Why... why are you alive?"

Clairvoyant sickle on hips, rough hair flushed down his back. Tough, eyes.


"Oh, my God, it's not even longevity yet."

"No, no, no, no!!

It was precisely the extreme of confusion.

I don't know why, Sten just looked up at the sky with his head in his arms.

but at the same time he looked up at the sky, the tree that was at the edge of his sight swayed with stiffness.

Before you think it's something, the jumping shadow.


".................................... Sten.... worried, did"

Dark hair with side ponies.

A girl of that stylish beauty, hugged directly from the front to the sten.

Who the hell is that, before Sten says.

The flared reel that was holding back behind her looked seriously awesome on the girl.

"... what?

"............ hmm?

That gaze...... or the girl who noticed the killing slowly moved away from Sten.

The girl, whom Sten finally freed, caught in sight, smiled modestly, softly wiping tears in her eyes.

".................. it's good to be alive"

"... oh no way"


Emotional, silent. And I'm under Ocan, girl.

The extremes are the same two horns as its sten and beautiful golden eyes.

"Tales, or...?

"... Mm"


You should have been right about the puffy words.

The girl, who looks like Tullies, whispers her eyebrow root and points her lips.

Pointing to Tales himself, he said this to his dissatisfaction.

"... hey"


"... hey"

"... what is this"

I wonder what's going on.

It was time to get to the capacity limit and Sten had to blur and look up into the sky.