Grimoire x Reverse ~Reincarnated Demon Romance Tale~
Magnificent Morning in Shanoar Vie Atmosphere
Underground world called the Demon Realm Underground Empire.
Among them, the Seventh Street of the Demon Realm, which exists close to the Castle of the Demon King, is a first-class place inhabited by the so-called executive class. There was a one-of-a-kind house that stood at the height of Seventh Street as each of the demonic superiors had a large mansion.
premises that would be double compared to other mansions. There are many ornamental plants in the garden, and the sound of the rustling streams is pleasant to the ears. The mansion is a complete bungalow, and the gate of the mansion, which emits a different colour: only the first floor, is lowered with the plaque "Akosu Phew".
It was a house famous enough to contend for one or two in the demonic kingdom, and without this house its clan was so powerful that the demonic kingdom could not be formed.
And above all, the Lord was a "man" who was supposed to be the enemy of the demonic realm, and thanks to his rise 20% of the demonic realm underground imperial army was now in such a situation that humans occupied it.
Most of them are honest people disgusted by the world of the table - the world of cunning humans, and it is no exaggeration to say that they admire the owners of this house.
The Atmosphere family, which is becoming such a major force, is still calm in the house today.
"... ku"
Small, leaky extension.
Time slot that can still be called AM. Side by side the birds of the demonic world were bathing in water in the garden, and the human slowly raised his upper body from the futon. And when you make a bigger stretch, you get up in the first place.
"Yeah, it's a really refreshing morning. Not for me."
Nod one person and change to your favorite dressing.
This dressing, which is light yellow, has no particularly exorcising benefits. But somehow, I'm in the mood. Not enough to be used in battle on boulders, but nothing would be more comfortable if worn everyday.
I remember an old friend wearing it and bought it a dozen years ago in a city, but he snorted that it was easy to hold and move and that's why he liked it.
Reverse your back and blow the drowsiness you had left. Go out into the garden, gently wash your face by the birds, then a cigarette on the edge.
"Phew... you can't stop this. Whenever you want, it's good."
When you exhale purple smoke and gently and magically extinguish the short cigarette left on hand.
"... oh, I'm starting to smell good. It's that time already."
It's drifting on the edge, smells like dashi. The man leaves the edge behind, when breakfast will be ready. A pleasant morning when the black sun of the demonic realm shines brightly.
Man - Shanoar Vie Atmosphere morning is an elegant one.
He is counted among the busy in the demonic world as a mentor, who reigns in the position that among the battle positions in the demonic world, the top executive is also the top executive. Nevertheless, the life expectancy of the Demons is much longer than that of humans. Therefore, if you are human, the work you have to finish in one day is not much of a problem, even if it takes five days. The room was also in Shanoir, a human being.
The reason for this is due to an information crystal called "The Unspoken Scripture," but you won't need to speak so deeply here.
"Hey, good morning!!
Shanor raised his voice along with his dazzling white teeth as he came into the dining room.
No one is on the table yet, and a little doubt about it returns a lovely soprano voice from the kitchen.
"Brother Shano. Ugh."
"Huh, every morning greeting is important to me, for this one!
"Yes, yes, good morning, good morning. Coffee, please?
"Wonderful thing, I'll be reading Munchkin along with the coffee in the morning! Good Morning and..."
"I think I'll fry him shallow."
- Wait, I promise I'll be quiet, so give me a good hard blend.
Absolutely, and a groaning groan. One girl came out of the kitchen wondering if there had been a gentle boiling sound of siphon copopo...... for a while. Cute scented cup in one hand.
"Yes. Keep it clear on the table because it's out of the way. 'Cause my asshole sister looks like she's left a mess."
"No, from now on, the noble mission of reading Mayutsu-Shin is for me - wait, don't try to lower your coffee, I'll clean it up, yes, I will, this me."
"Already... do it by breakfast. It burns miso soup."
"Can you tell me while embodying Cutlass?"
Then do me a favor, and the girl who returns her heels. Fluffy peach hair and three pairs of black wings on the back.
While I wonder if that wild gray up and down is the only thing I can do about it, I'm giving up that there's probably nothing I can do about it unless Shanoir's old best friend is invited home.
- 'Cause with you.
Beauty coming from the kitchen soon. As usual, I mouth the coffee that has been finished to my taste, and I float all the paperwork and experimental equipment on the table to clear the cupboard.
Let's soothe it. Open Gun-shin, put your feet together, and Morning Break.
Shanoir gracefully waited for breakfast to come up, back-music the singing that the majority of the demon world's inhabitants would envy.
"- I want to be with you all the time, arms and arms tangled, closer, eyes closed - Oh, my God, I'm waiting, I'm so scared from myself - Ah, Brother Shano"
A song that ended abruptly. If the BGM suddenly interrupts, I immediately notice with Shanoar. Not to mention what I would say to react even as I read the newspaper if I were called on afterwards. An idol in the demonic realm with a glimpse of his face out of the kitchen - Yurica F. Atmosphere asked, as he remembered.
"What about your asshole sister?
"Well... you might still be asleep"
"... wake me up"
"I don't think you want to get anywhere near the sleeping half of Veloce. Me, too."
"Me too. Why would he put an extinct bond around him when he was sleeping? Aren't you over-conscious because you're a little stylish?
Yurica's words, pointing her lips and complaining, had a slight stiffness, but that was something she had no choice in speaking of. Veroche Vie Atmosphere, the youngest daughter of the Atmosphere family, forges boundaries before falling asleep in habit for some reason. A while ago - specifically a habit since I defeated the culmination of the commander of the demons who attacked me, so I think maybe I'm preparing for a second attack, but it's excessive to have done so.
"I can't help but think it's a habit that I can't get out of."
"Isn't that a habit you've had lately?
"No... yeah, it's nothing"
A slightly shaded look on Yurica's face.
Even if I tilt my neck slightly to see if there was anything, it seems to me that Yurica and Veroche's sisters have been sneezing lately. There must have been some reason, but if they don't say it in person, they're not going to say anything about Shanoir's educational policy. Besides, Yurica lives quite a long life in the bend.
As a fine adult already, I was going to treat you.
And there.
"... who is over-conscious -"
"Ah, good morning, Veroche"
"... hey"
Rubbing her sleeping eyes, her youngest sister appeared.
To the black negligee, I brought a mundane pillow into the dining room, not sure, and sat in a chair opposite Shanoar, pompous.
"Yeah, I know I'm sleepy, but I won't try to sleep until I get here. Did you wash your face?
Having put his face on the table as it was, Veroche just shook his head powerless when he sifted at Shanor's words as well. My carefully made hair is just long now, and because of that long, I've been like smashing a gold paint.
"You can often make hair that long to the point that it's so elaborate."
"... if you get used to it, it's not -"
"I'm used to it. It's awesome."
"Yes, disturbing hair. Let me put it down because we're ready for dinner."
Would the word "come on" suit you? My hair pulls in from the table, according to Veroche, who gradually raised his face. Instead, he's on the pillow he's holding on his back, but if he doesn't have hair in his diet, it would be reasonably compromising.
Scrambled with miso soup and rice, shuntered eggs and buffal bacon with a handful that Yurica is used to, and leaving the salad on the table with a pound.
"What if I cut my hair long enough for that waste?
"Because there's no reason. I mean, shouldn't Yurika be the one to stretch it out a little? A little bit like a girl."
"I'm making rice. I'm surprised you think you're more like a girl than I am!?
"I'm old, too - at least as good as I look"
"I'll just buy you the fucking guts around looking bad towards the idol of the demon world......!!
Holding his fist, Yurica lowered her hips next to Veroche.
Around the time I'm handing in a fork in a verbal fight, Shanoar doesn't know if this sisters should be worried or watched.
But why not?
What I feel is a lot more vegan with each other than we used to be. There are also racial differences, and I feel like the two of them, who were only "sisters as shapes" somewhere, could no longer reluctantly step in as sisters.
I was a little happy as a parent about that, and I had myself a mouthful of horns.
I'll have it, and a breakfast with my voice together. As always, Yurica is very good at cooking. For a long time, I haven't been able to say "be my dad's daughter-in-law" or really show the power of made-face defeat when it comes to chores. Is this also a battle for her, whether it is a knife or a knife, to embody it lightly in wheeled clothing?
"Brother Shano, what's wrong?
"No, as always, think I've left all my chores to Yurica"
"Oh, yeah. Right..."
illuminate, rather than lean down slightly, and a grin like a self-derision, Yurika. Shanoir frowned upon her like that, but Veroche, next door, told Shanoir lightly what caused it.
It's like, all I'm saying is that I'm stunned.
"Oh, my God, I've been working hard for the people I love, and I don't like the way they broke up with me, but I think you're a maiden brain."
"Whoa... even Veroche is in the habit of not even seeing his face properly after calling him weird!
"Aren't you stupid? I've already overcome that area."
"I was stuck in my room and practicing how to call you again and again!? What was that?" To, I'm here... I'm a little embarrassed, "isn't it? Yeah!?
"Ohhhhhhhh!! Why are you eavesdropping on me, you stupid sister!!
"How can you keep your chest up that you've overcome it!? Hey hey!? How do you feel now!?
Veroche, who rises bright red, and Yurica, who even imitates people's voices with malicious circles, will have no choice but to round his eyes and open his mouth gently when he sees us.
The only reason I can hold my coffee for a long time is because Shanoir is used to boulders.
For some time now, if there was a cause of the clash, it was Shanoir's best friend.
On second thought, Shanoir laughs, including when he thinks he may be responsible for them being able to step into each other.
That fight I challenged with the intention of giving back, and that I might have made him a debt again. But that is not something to be pessimistic about. Also, because Shanoir just got a bigger reason to rush as a friend when something happened.
That friend, he's always in trouble. I always have a feeling about that.
"If I overcome it, what is it? I mean, it doesn't translate to a whore angel who can't even drop you off with a chicken heart."
"Who says... uh, already! Oh, my God!
"I'm embarrassed and I can't say anything like that - I don't mind a maiden lol like that -"
"Sounds like you're going to mock me, because you're bright red too!!
"I'm still a little sleepy."
"Liar!! I usually only open half my eyes. That's all. Him off!!
"Always cheerful, Idol. Different things to say."
"The only way I can say it is malice. Will you stop!? I'm not, I'm an idol."
"Yes, yes, because I wanted my dad to find it - it's beautiful talk -"
"Bye, kah, yah, yah!! I traveled with you, I gave you gifts, I came, I kissed you, so you're not like your stupid sister!! I was wondering if you would give up!?
"So I was put on my sleeve, and it's kind of a tragic heroine temper -?
"Well, it's not on my sleeve! Because I have things to do with me!!
"Oh, yeah, yeah."
In the middle of a grand mouthful. As I recall, Veroche looked at Shanoar. Shanoar, who was reading Shannon Gun-Shin, slowly lifts his face.
"Are we done for today? Oh, yeah."
"No, I don't think it's very obvious that they're going to say something like a routine... but I'm going out today."
"Yeah? Where?
"I was experimenting until midnight yesterday, and I figured out where Sten is."
"Hmm, are you going to the ground?"
"Oh, hey, Veroche!?
"I'm sorry to hear that, Yurica. Well, I was just saying to myself, we traveled together. Well, even if I do, you don't have any complaints, do you?
"Ugh......!! Hey, what the...!!
Side by side Yurica inflates her cheeks with anger, Veroche says.
"Anything, it's like I was involved in a Glasper Eye disturbance."
"He's a man who gets caught up in every real mess."
"Instead, I don't even feel like it's every mess itself, though. And on the contrary, it's fun."
Eyes that look a little farther. Yurica's mood further declined as she saw her cheeks loose.
"Hmm. I won't let you go again."
"I know it's over."
Shanoar turns Mayu Tsukushin, flanking them with his tongue furthermore. If it was a Glasper Eye disturbance, it would have been listed in today's Mayu Gun-shin.
And when he saw the article, Shanoar narrowed his eyes.
The thought that it's going to be interesting and the thought that it's going to be a hassle. With the complicated emotions in which the two were intertwined, Shanoar said to them.
"I don't mind Veroche going... but apparently it's not like we're both fighting each other inside."
"What is it?
of the article, just one sentence.
Of that article, that it was the former second seat of the Imperial College Book Mausoleum Commander of Magic and the general passing ghost man who defeated Glasper Eye.
"The blood-sucking princess, the central figure in the incident, disappeared with the demonic ghost Sten"
At that moment I thought I'd been given that sentence.
Oh, excuse me.
Mayugutshin returned it to the ashes.
"... Veroche"
"I'm not going to kill you. I'll take a look."
"We're both terrific killers. You haven't noticed?
After breakfast, Veroche stands up slowly. And I said.
"I can't let you get in the way any more. Come on, Sten, I need to tell you who to act with..."
"Uh... yeah, just tell me to show my face to the demon world once in a while when I see you. He said I was going to scratch him again."
Then I'll get ready -. The appearance of Veroche disappears with clarity. It's about her who doesn't normally use ancient spells or anything else on a daily basis.
Shanoir only drank coffee, hoping that it would not be a hassle.
"... what are you going to do with Yurica?
"Speaking of bloodsucking princesses... I asked a bloodsucking princess I know yesterday"
Staring at the ceiling, Yurika shrugs.
"There are substances that can overcome sunlight."
"I've decided to do it, too, so I'll see you later."
"Yes, sir."
Yurica was also Yurica, disappearing from the dining room at a rate that seemed as if she had even traveled momentarily.
Shanoar, who was left behind, shook his head all the time, for Christ's sake.
"... well, I let my pretty family get this far. Sten, as much as you're responsible, don't help me if you take it. Mainly -"
Staring at the word "demon ghost" in a newspaper article, but the mouth looks fun.
- For the pleasure of my life.
Looking a little lonely, Shanoar said so.