Grimoire x Reverse ~Reincarnated Demon Romance Tale~
Episode Eight: The Alphan Mountains III: What I Well Said About Training Parts
- Metropolitan Grand Cir. Top floor of the Imperial College headquarters, Office of the Commander of Magic.
No dew knows that a battle between the parents and sons of the great demon ghosts is taking place in a mountain close to the Empire, etc. In this place, a certain person was in the line of duty. It takes more time than that to read each and every pile of letters carefully and finish each project carefully. But nevertheless, with the power of multitasking that can carry out each and every one of those permutations, the time it takes to work may not change much in the end.
"... about time"
The person - Astarte Verdanava shrugged - glimpsed that the morning sun was comfortable and the sun was getting higher gradually. Despite Aye, a neutral voice color that cannot be distinguished whether it is a man or a woman echoes into the office where no one is present.
There was also the influence that had left this imperial capital vacant for some time, and then the inauguration ceremony for the second and fifth seats, and a lot of work had accumulated because of the bulk of it.
"What prevents you from moving when you should... No, this is how the outstanding gentlemen at Imperial College worked so hard to make a report. One at a time, we have to deal with it properly. The next report... well, this is the fifteenth one that led the lost girl, right? I can't reward you for that if you don't think about the title. Hmm...... Alice Master? and so on."
"Quit doing that for you."
"Hey, looks like you made it on time."
Astarte didn't blame the young man who came into the room without even knocking. It was true that I frowned a little, but it seemed to cut it off from the triviality.
Astarte stood up once and welcomed the young man.
"Well, I didn't call you anywhere else, Digire McClain, second seat."
"... I'm still not convinced that I'm good for a second seat."
"No, given your current strength, it's perfectly natural."
"I think it's a bead piece in my body." I haven't fully figured it out yet, and I can't say anything. "
"I maximized the power of that piece of bead and actually elevated it to my own power. Now, can we even fight Yatano Hussou Arklite?
"I'm kidding. I never want to deal with that and Temeer."
Hung, and snort and youth - that's what Digire McLain said.
Reflecting on the sun slipping through the window, the monocle sparkles brightly. I narrowed my eyes annoyingly and stared at Astarte with my unintentionally sharper eyes.
"What can I do for you?"
"I carefully read the bead pieces and the report that you are studying so hard. On top of that, you're the only one who sees fit. [M] - I want you to go out to the Republic."
"What? Why again?"
Astarte, who sat back in the chair again, recently issued a decree. but the intention could not be read and Digire questioned it as a natural reaction. Because I don't understand the context.
But Astarte only smiles thinly against such a digillette. I raised the boiling point for a moment wondering if I wasn't going to answer properly, but it would have been easy if I had calmed down and thought again.
"... in the Republic, a piece of that bead?
"Your report says that if you put it in a human body, it will overrun the allowable amount of its soul vessels and run or burst, all of which will lead to death. … the movement of the Republic has been disturbing for some time now, so I let him look into it… apparently I found several bodies with such signs"
"Huh... chest fucking evil no more. What do you mean, there could be human experiments involving pieces of beads... Temeer says so, shit."
"As always, the story is smooth and helpful. Boulders are at the head of the institute."
"... we're still in the process of studying the pieces of beads. I don't feel too comfortable."
"Oh yeah, one more thing"
That doesn't mean I'm reluctant. A man named Digire McClain has an extremely serious personality. That's why I take this job. Astarte stood one finger, knowing it. Thin, luxurious and beautiful fingertips. Digirre, who laid it in sight, raised one eyebrow lightly. You don't seem to have any other troubles, annoyances, or any of those feelings, and I'm telling you to say it quickly. It's obvious to my attitude.
Astarte smiled lightly and bitterly, but slowly conveyed it.
"There's a good chance there's some unidentified demons lurking over there who've been raiding us. What's more, that there's a reason for the Demon King's army to appear on that spot. My compatriots are insane. They'll come and check on the boulders."
"... that's easy to understand bait, huh?
"You'd rather eat that, wouldn't you?
Unpleasantly, but pleasantly.
Digirre turned her back on Astarte with such a complex look on her face.
The number drawn on the court is II. A sign that he is the nearest to the mightiest, making him deputy chief of the Commander of Magic.
"Maybe not so far away from the day you can beat your predecessor."
"Astarte... don't just say that"
"Right. Okay, you can go."
II's back is kept away and the office door is closed.
Looking at that inorganic wooden door where Digire left, Astarte sighed one small.
"The thread of destiny... that it will be solved helplessly frightens me... but it's not a pity for those who live properly like you."
- Right.
Sten realized so when he saw the shadow in front of Bleh for just a moment.
So the moment the thought worked, Sten's body had already begun to move. A fist caught in flames quickly passes where he gently swept and knocked down his torso.
"... heh"
"Oh, my God, I'm starting to see you!
Keep your hands on the ground with backspring guidelines and kick your feet out toward Ibuki with your fists released.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh!!
Ibuki crosses his arms and guards his chest. Play her body with all the force in her body.
When Ibuki uses that power to rise, he steps in two or three feint steps and plunges into the sten at further speeds.
"Shura Huangyan"
Flaming dragons and flaming dragons clashed straight from the front.
Respond to Ibuki's unleashed business in exactly the same way.
I thought it would be more unfavourable to intercept Sten, not really. Successfully shafted his feet into the ground to offset Ibuki's kinetic energy.
If that happens, Ibuki will be at a disadvantage. Let the floating body in the air spin again and land magnificently. She stopped moving there and bequeathed the hegemony that was overflowing.
And he slowly looks up and laughs at Sten.
"Quite a bit, isn't it?... Though it was originally physically possible. Is this what I finally followed in a short time? Horrible."
"Uh... you know, things like this when you're just getting level. It doesn't make sense if I don't change my manipulation myself, even with more physical acumen."
After entering the spiritual area, about half a day.
It was only at first that Ibuki had beaten me so much, but I was already getting along well enough. Of course, even though Ibuki, the godmother of sons, is at ease, the condition of the reduction has not changed as if from the beginning.
Specs that Sten is supposed to have from the beginning. Because I was just fighting with the same force.
That's why Sten had already been pulled up to that area and now it was a fun game.
"Uh... I scratched a good sweat, at all. Take a bath."
"Like old times, you want to come in with me?
"It's a lot of sentimental age, Path"
"Well, the parents are leaving so fast."
With the look on Ibuki's face, who laughed with shards and joy, Sten also smiled unexpectedly.
After two hundred years, Ibuki was terribly strong. That is also a pleasure and, in the sense of a high wall to be overcome, a little harsh.
However, there was no shadow in Sten's heart.
"Am I?"
And, Ibuki looks to Sten as he switches.
There was no brightness like a moment ago in those eyes, and it seemed like there was a little loneliness somewhere.
"... that Atai could be taught... that God could be taught everything"
"Ooh. What are you doing? You suddenly snuggle."
"Well, I know it doesn't seem like it. Still, I don't have a choice. Atai is outside this spiritual realm and can barely fight anymore."
"Not so long ago, I had a bad time. I can't move anymore. That's also why I called Temeer here on purpose. Here, you can move by the power of your soul. Maybe you should get used to your body a little bit when you get out of here too. Even if it works now, my body might be a little late."
"... Hema hey. I've never heard that before."
"It's the first time I've talked to you.... I didn't say anything other than Temeer."
"Yeah, right."
Sten nods one at Ibuki, who talks about it.
I don't know what kind of place this spiritual area is.
If Ibuki only allowed those who let him in, telling this story must be one of the reasons I called him in.
"Atai, Sten."
"Am I?"
"You could be stronger. I'm sure it will go beyond Atai. That's what I believe. Parents, that's what I'm looking forward to."
"No, don't say that now. Don't make it hard. You could die."
"Come on? You don't know when you're gonna die. But that's why. Go beyond Atai before you die."
"... right, well, I will"
I nodded with a powerful voice, though appropriate.
To such a sten, Ibuki smiled. Gently, I snapped my fingers.
Moments, a vortex rolls up next to her. Like a vortex. That was somewhere, reminiscent of Lex Salielgate's "coordinates prison gate". Therefore, it is easy for Sten to understand that it is an exit.
"For now, yes. Sten, you go to the Republic and finish your errands. So, when it's all over, I'll give you Mount Ibuki. I was originally in charge of the next term."
"Dude, you're not going to be in a lot of hiding mode. I miss you, though."
"Well, you haven't been able to leave your parents."
"That's not it, is it?
With words in his mouth, Sten took his steps forward.
That vortex is the way to go.
I grabbed that leg in the vortex as a matter of course and made sure there was no recoil.
"What's Okan gonna do?
"I'll stay a little. After this, we'll have to go back to the mountains."
Okay, I'll go.
Lightly Sten burst into that vortex from body to body.
Ahead is probably the summit of the Alphan Mountains.
And behind his back like that Ibuki has a word.
"Apparently someone's waiting. You're welcome."
"Ooh. Welcome, hey."
"... Yurika, it doesn't look like it. Temeer, you're not scratching a bunch of people."
"I don't know how many people get caught up in me."
shrugging his shoulders and leaning his neck as to who the hell it was, Sten disappeared straight across the vortex.
Ibuki struck out the vortex and one sighed.
The sky in the spiritual realm shines ruggedly.
"... Atai's son, he's fine, Sten. I'll find you someday and I'll help you."
At the top of the mountain, the door opens.
Conscious that he was back, Sten opened his eyes to the shadow standing in the front.
Speaking of over there, just widen your eyes a little as unmotivated as ever.
Then, when I gladly loosened my mouth, I said in an unheeded voice, and with pleasure.
"It's you. This is how I used to find myself every time I ran into him on a journey."
"You're going to be rude...... But I'd love to. You're not with me, you're with me."
"Oh, nice. You want to come with me?
"From the beginning, I intend to -"
Wear a Gothic dress and flutter and shake the twin drills of gold.
Veroche Vie Atmosphere smiled with pleasure.
Veroche's hungry! ▼