Grimoire x Reverse ~Reincarnated Demon Romance Tale~
Episode XIX: Lindbarma II: The State Capital Lindbarma
"Hi-ha-ha! We're here, Lindbalmer!!
"I used to be dressed in strong steep rain - I used to get myself into the blue bushes to outrun the wind storm - I used to be scorched by the bright sunshine that lit me - I used to just freeze myself in the snow - After a few days of such bitterness, I will now cut my goal, demon ghost Sten -"
"Not too thick for a few days!?
The city of Lindbarma.
It is the state capital of the republican state of Laidoa and the new capital of the Ninjas, who escaped the fighting against the Empire.
After chasing the presence of pieces of beads for a while, Sten's inspiration finally reached a destination. No, although I haven't had as much difficulty as my neighbor Veroche lived.
"But the inquisition is loose."
"If you wear a cassette, you don't even look like a human."
"I think the visuals of the girl next door float so much more than that."
"That's right."
Veroche, who confirms his side and foot as he twists his neck, seems blind to that docile twin-drilled blonde and gothic dress. Speaking of usual, he grins lightly and bitterly at his usual condition, and Sten creeps through the big outer gate in a whim.
"Lindbarma. Oh, hey, it's also the place used for the climax in the Justa edition. It was just a city habit and even a third tier was a pain in the ass to death... but this time I don't know how to get there."
"Am I right, Veroche?"
Put your hands on your chin and look around you. This street, perhaps wider than the Imperial Grand Cir, was ruined by carriage traffic and crowds. The mix of people's murmurs, conversation voices, and the hustle and bustle of the store is so popular (one person) that it is not embarrassing to be a state capital even if it is not even with Empire City.
In the meantime, it was Sten who worried about where he was going first. Second, I looked at Veroche as I recall. There's nothing particularly hooky about it that stops the conversation because it's always so puffy, but she seemed to think a little bit about it with her.
"... odd, sooner"
"The people who named us Special Advisors were originally soldiers of the state of Leidore... If so, it means that it was the chief of this state who targeted us... that it wasn't strange to go as far as information, but that he let us through easily -... what are you going to do?"
"... well, if there's anything I can think of, it means I don't care about this section."
To Sten's conclusion, Veroche raised his face.
When I floated and lined up next to Sten, I stared at him with an obvious expression, "I don't know what that means”. I guess I'll be watching this all the time until I explain, and Sten also feels like some sort of mind will be unraveled by her clarity.
There was no choice, but as we thought, Sten had three fingers.
"The city of Lindbarma is divided into three sections. That's just like the wall you see on the front."
The penetration of Main Street, where the two walk, was an unmistakable wall.
The same wall that you saw when you came into the city, rejecting your enemies. Does the fact that Sten freshly put three fingers mean that there is another wall, even further behind the wall now at the end of his gaze?
"As you circle around, there are triple donuts and walls in this city. This outermost compartment is where the so-called ordinary people and low-level Shinobi live. After all, there's a lot of people in this city who can fight for information. Then it must be horrible to have all the facilities inside a single wall."
"Well, then, your search probably isn't in this section either..."
"That's what happened"
Hmm. Understanding the words of Sten all the way through, Veroche nodded small and once again looked at the walls that existed far away.
"I mean, whatever we do here, it won't hurt and it doesn't matter to the chief. It's what keeps people at bay."
"Well, now, yeah. If it's been like that for a long time, I can't believe the people of this city have lived here forever. It's a city of ninja. I hate to hear more or less about the sheik. Even if you hear bad reviews, this buzz isn't a boulder."
"Now, I can't turn my attention to the people. I mean, that's what I mean."
"... is that what you mean? It's called a special conductor. It's starting to smell too bad."
In the meantime, he muttered a word, and Sten touched his temples with a tongue.
Reminds me of a long time ago.
Grimoire Lancer II. At a time when it was starting to become almost meaningless where I remembered the original content, I didn't do much to follow my memory by deliberately trying to pull it out of the drawer.
Nevertheless, the structure of Lindbarma and its breakthrough information that we are now in should be meaningful.
That's why I needed to wake up again now.
"... information to break through, that's it. Did you need to go out to Shinobu Ajito in Ordra?"
"No, I remember where I was going. Can you hang out with me for a second?
Laughing at Veroche tilting his neck strangely.
After a few moments to ask if you'd come with me. She is.
"That's what I ask people who need to be a little more shy."
"... is that right"
"Yes -"
"Then that's it"
Right, put one finger up.
"Stay with me, Veroche"
"I don't have a choice."
The two of us walked out toward a place that was faster than ever, avoiding clutter.
Even that day, the sinuo pavilion in the shade of trees was secretly open. I didn't decide on the opening hours, but today, the "main business" is just the right time. Sometimes I want to go from morning to night.
Nevertheless, customers are rare because it is such a sloppy business hour. As always, you don't show your face except on a regular basis, and if the bell rings that informs visitors once an hour, many of them.
One young man, the master, was brushing his glass shabby and sinking into a sea of blurred thoughts.
"... what's going on?"
The unintentionally murmured word was the expression of emotion that was at the bottom of my heart. How the hell do I get it right? What can I do to clear my mind? I finally got here with no idea what that was.
It is a serious concern. I also know what caused it. But I couldn't find a solution, and I couldn't help worrying or worrying.
"I don't think so. They don't just do what needs to be done."
"Dear Mr. Garrafus..."
And a voice.
If I looked up at that squeamish voice I heard from nowhere, the counter would be seated with an unremembered guest I had invited before I realized it.
Garrafus Welseia.
The territory of the Republic is also a ninja of the fingerfold in the province of Ordra, and a former head of the province of Ordra. It may be one of the concerns of the youth that he is not the former chief, but unfortunately there was resentment. There was no way the little old man in front of him could have eaten it when he turned his gaze.
"… I like this work of Shinobi, who is my own hand and leg. But as much as the main body, I want to make my own choices."
"... pride of ninja is completing that request, no matter who it belongs to. That's what he taught the Ordolas."
"We were following because you were the one who taught it. … nothing more or less."
An old man who frowns like trouble.
Even if he was not the culprit, he was not one of the troubled seeds of youth.
As long as this one moves, we can move at will. And you can also die with pride of ninja in your chest.
Yes, because I thought so.
"Sheikh Shrark is going! That's not like you can protect it with pride of ninja!
"... Hey, Paul"
"Capture and fanaticize the Demons!? Use that to attack the Empire!? I'm not kidding! What the hell is that! You shouldn't use the unrelated to swallow that raw thing to replace your shoulders as a person! No, that's not it!
"... Dear Galaphs. Please...... I, I even think I'm ashamed to be part of this. I don't know why you swear allegiance..."
"For one meal at a time and for pride. I thought you said you could help me to do my job."
"We who lost our territory and had no roots, had no choice but to obey.... but isn't he just trying to use us...!
The grabbed glass bounced and broke.
As only the sound sounds vain, Garrafus glances into the young man's right hand.
"... Lord, there's blood"
"There's nothing compared to blood seeping from the wounds that my heart bleeds with pride, such as this much blood"
That's all I said, the young man mumbled.
Garrafus, lean down small. Right, when I just whine one word.
I slowly raised that face. The eyes are inhabited by sharp powers, and unexpectedly the youth are breathtaking.
"... to the rebel molecules in your people, control them with a blade. I thought Noon taught you that."
"I have stepped forward to be faithful to you and reward you for it. If that doesn't bother you, I won't resist."
"... right"
One, exhale loudly. Garrafus stays put, when he stands up slowly.
So, the teasing and dull bell sounds.
"Ki - I heard you -"
And the voice of an awesome bar-reading girl.
"... Lord, what if"
"I'm a customer. Fill it up -"
It was a girl who was at the end of the open entrance.
A flashy gothic dress in this city of ninja and out of place. Long twin drills as if this were still the case. Dead eyes that seem unwilling to turn from that flashy flashy. An unintelligible reminder that is released from its unbalanced appearance.
Garrafus thought. What personality violence.
"Excuse me, I'm taking it in right now"
"Wow, are you picking customers? Is the open letter in the table a scam or something? I'm hungry."
"Uh, ya, that"
Unlike the frightened gulafs, young people deal with them calmly. But she goes to the counter as a matter of course without an island to attach. Garrafus stepped forward before the youth moved out to see why.
Lord, you are not the daughter of Shanoar Vie Atmosphere, the leader of the Demon King's Army.
"Ma, Demon King Army!?
I guess he was going to faint after about a blow to his little girl. The body of the young man shudders.
There is no doubt that the girl who suddenly appears is of the Demon King's Army, which poses a threat to this city, and has extraordinary strength if it is to be an executive class. Even though he said he wasn't even under pressure, the young man put himself under physical and mental tension that he didn't know how many times it would be today.
"... heh. Do you know me? Well, that's all right - today is just a journey, Enjoy."
"... what?
"Journey, Enjoy?
What are you talking about? This was the moment when the two of us hardened up.
"Let it snap!!
"Who are you!!
A man came down from the ceiling.
A robust look, wearing a japanese costume three times.
When he stood in front of the girl, who was called the daughter of the mentor, he slowed his mouth and took off his casket.
A black twin corner appears from its head.
"Representative Journey Enjoy, demon ghost Sten is here!
"... Ouch"
"Mm, you're out, Monkey."
"So, who's Monkey Grandpa? At all, young people these days have trouble knowing too many pieces of courtesy."
The phase remains the same, only young people are surprised.
In that situation, Sten hoisted his mouth wide.
"Whenever Monkey Grandpa is with us, it's just fine. Let me ask you a lot about Shrek's fanaticism experiment, and how he did it with the lead soldiers."