Grimoire x Reverse ~Reincarnated Demon Romance Tale~
Episode Four: The Village of Lamb III: The Demonic Courier
I didn't even say I was intoxicated, but I was quite drunk.
It was when the village chief realized it was heartbroken by the strange hustle and bustle outside.
Face up from the table where you were stuck. The liquor that was in the ladybug brought to me by the traveling demon was so aromatic and delicious that I accidentally stumbled into quite a bit of it.
Fix the blind vision for a moment by suppressing the lateral head with one hand.
It's dark indoors. Only the candlelight that swings unreliably on the candlestick helps me to grasp the situation.
Noise that I don't usually make at this time on purpose.
A dull iron bumping sound. It's like a collection of people's never small words.
The village chief grasped in an instant that this was not the kind of thing to fall asleep again with a question mark floating around saying, "What is it?" A precursor to the tragedy I've been through many times already, rather than just as a matter of fact.
"Crazy guys!! They're out!
The village chief knew the Lord of his voice. Definitely one of the important villagers. Always working with old people to double farming, a kind young man.
I woke up much drunk.
"... I'll borrow it, Julius"
On his rise, he stepped on it for a moment. But it won't be if you care about that.
A broken knife with a pattern, erected next to the cupboard.
I didn't take care of it to look shiny every day. I grabbed it and tried to jump outside to see the situation, that was when.
Bang, the doorway door opened with a shitty noise.
It was Warwolf who inevitably came in.
Already the eyes are not those of the ordinary, but drip out of the ever-tight biting teeth, and stare into the room with a raised phase of blood running eyes and blood vessels.
Reflectively, he set up a sword that he gripped with both hands.
and another man appeared from behind that warwolf. A middle-bodied, mature man with a fox-like face. The fact that he was dressed in red armor also led the village chief to guess that he was manipulating the warwolf in front of him.
"Wow, I came to see you because I smelled gold eyes. This is the village chief's mansion. Sounds right.... Hey! Take a hit here!!
The man, who saw the village chief or no or distorted his mouth, shouts out in a good mood towards the outside.
"I don't know before this. The Fox Demons did it to me, but this time it's not going to work out so well. You were right to run away with a lifelike species... then die."
"... this"
Shh, that fingertip that reached out to the village chief.
In an instant, Warwolf rips off the table and approaches the village chief.
"Ugh, ooh......!
I accidentally get a Warwolf stick in the pattern. A tremendous amount of power passed over his arms, and the village chief jumped backwards.
But it's not Warwolf who honestly lets that go. He was blown away by the momentum and rolled over to the field, breaking through the masterpiece door behind him.
Speaking of which, where did the ghost youth who were there earlier go?
Turn around, look around, but you can't confirm its existence.
The soil in the field that fell off my back, was soft.
I don't have the time to feel the rest of it plowed with my energy.
Roll right.
Sounds to the ground, Warwolf's swing down.
As the dirt mass splashed, the village chief dropped further backwards.
"Truth is, if you give me a whole fortune, that's fine, but I can't fit my belly bug."
"... of what?"
- Talk. And before continuing, the village chief was stunned.
From behind the man, the demons and conductors who appeared all over the place, about ten in total.
In addition to Warwolf, the village chief bites his teeth into a situation where he is even in Centaur and Witch.
but he didn't look like he cared about that either. The look on the face of the fox-faced man was viciously distorted.
"With the will of the Redemption pierced into the empire, there were comrades scattered. If we lose, we should be heroes, and the bees won't hit us with a little bit of grace. Yet you summoned the devil..."
"I honestly asked you to grace me with food. This is the village where it was originally made."
"Ha! Please? No, no, come here. What do you think, peasants?"
"I guess this happened because I was in an attitude... I was willing to bandit and offend women all I wanted from the start, Temee and others..."
Ha, and sigh, but apparently this was already a dead place.
Apparently, the only thing in the minds of the men whose words are distorted every time the village chief spins them is voter consciousness.
There was something a little lonely about me as a citizen of the same republic, although I didn't feel that was what special conductors seemed like.
"So let the village chief... oh well, let's even imitate the dog with the bones of the villagers here. Throw it at me."
"Eh... no way"
"We don't seem to have a place in this country anymore. I didn't know the village was gonna disappear from the map."
Like a return of interest, let's see the village chief's toughening face.
Already, if there is an influx of remnants of the lead soldiers into the village, it certainly doesn't mean that they will all come here.
If so, the rest of them will be headed...
"Oh, it's really me, Temee and this girl wanted to bump into each other too..."
A fox-faced man laughing at me and scratching my jaw.
To the words, the small mayor smiled.
"My daughter went to the Empire two years ago with her own justice that the existence of the" Mad Demons "was unforgivable. I'm a republican like you, but I haven't fallen far short of imitating the Mad Demons of the Hate Kingdom."
"Empire...? Temee, that's the republican people!!
"If I'm going to decay in this place, it doesn't make sense to shut up. I rubbed it quite a bit by making it into an empire, but I didn't tell anyone. I can't believe the people of the Republic are in Imperial College. It doesn't matter. Ha ha, what's that funny face?"
"This, fucking jerk......!!
"But knowing our daughter means you..."
Maybe you know him, and tilt his neck for a moment. Seriously, I stared at the man and hit him in the hand with a pong.
"Ah!! It's Bonkla from the next village!! Haha, like the peasants, I don't know what to say, the bastards who were below peasant grain crushers are awesome with a bit of lent power!! This is a masterpiece!!
Ragged, laughing.
I laughed as hard as I could already.
In fact, the village chief no longer has a chance to win.
If it were, there was only so much way to provoke it and escape from the back.
But a gripping sword won't let me do that.
"Because I need it in this village," because I survived, and I couldn't have deserted the village with congratulations.
"Sorry, Julius. You saved my life because of me."
If there is no longer a hitter, and these monsters are being released throughout the village, there is nothing we can do. Then you can't be humiliated like this man says.
It's gorgeous, with this sword.
"This - kill it!!
The fox-faced man commanded.
At the same time, the remaining few Special Advocates also give orders to each Demon Nation.
I'll kill at least one of you, you're a soldier.
So he aroused himself, and the village chief set up a sword.
"... hmm?
"- Wuuuu......!!
Nothing, didn't happen.
"Hey! What are you doing!! Kill him!!"
The fox-faced man points to the village chief like he's mad, but he's unresponsive.
No, even if I reacted, I didn't try to cross the village chief.
The Five Mad Demons are all looking up in diagonal directions.
The mayor blinked his eyes as the picture surface looked so dumb.
"Hey, this, Warwolf!! Hey, look what..."
At the end of the sentence, even the fox-faced man sees the same direction and solidifies.
It's time, on the roof.
What the hell? While on guard, the village chief turned his eyes to the moonlit night sky in the same way.
"Hey, what?
It was Koyama who was there.
Is the silhouette visible on the roof a "mushroom" if it can be compared?
It's like one's got a ton of something, like that.
The fanatics realized as soon as possible, and the fox man screams.
"Who is it!!
That was, apparently, the critical point.
Something huge is coming down. The fanatics avoided it with reflexes, beaten in the middle of it.
- Massive, fanatical demon carcasses.
"Become -"
- Who did you say you were? Oh no, it's stuffed... "
My voice sounded.
Looking up, there's one man there.
Probably had a ton of demons earlier, young man.
I found myself laughing, doing it to. Slightly insane, I notice.
A tremendous hegemony was unleashed from him.
"- Demon Courier. How about that?
"Ha, uh..."
Leap. Landing is between the village chief and the Mad Demons.
"... oh, you are"
In the words leaked from the village chief's mouth, the young man who looked back enjoyed himself.
"Unexpectedly, you're going to be able to repay the rice."
I've seen it, not anywhere. We should have surrounded the table together until earlier, but the haunting aura is not the ratio of that young man.
Rising is the conversation we had yesterday.
"What are you talking about?"
"Nah, a" god "appeared in Lindbarma. Rumor has it."
It could be me, right? It could be me, right?
The young man standing before him now, exactly.
Before I say that, the fox-faced man leaks his voice.
"Goddess of God, Sten......!!
"I just need a little more skill to name it. -So."
The young man facing the front sees the lead soldiers.
An upset ran at them, including the fox-faced man.
"Hey, that"
"He said he was rammed in Lindbarma, you know..."
"Calm down!"
The fox-faced man screamed.
Sure, now is the time to be cool. Suddenly descended and boiled, a far superior being. That, too, is the man who goes around even following rumors that he destroyed the third layer of Lindbarma alone. Several of the members are even witnessing his appearance as he emerges from Lindbarma.
You have to calm down. To tell myself so, only the rational listened to the command.
"- Graaaaaaaa!!
"- Aaaaaa!!
"Oh, wait!! If you turn to him like that..."
The Mad Demons entrusted to the special conductors are basically one person at a time.
That in itself is their weapon, their protective equipment. The Mad Demon Clan, a convenient item for the special conductors to use for a variety of purposes, was in fact an ineffective dish to replace.
So, the person in front of you, it's bad.
Bread, and a demon ghost who poked his hands at each other and distorted his mouth.
"You're dealing with a bald village chief who ate like this, and Temeye and five other demons? - I want to."
Warwolf, who jumped off the front lines, is puzzled by the disappearance of the demon ghost who should have been on the spot before now.
But that's a flash, too.
In the middle of the demons. If we draw the five demons at their apex, the special conductors open their eyes to the demons who just appeared fluttered in their center.
Little, no sound. Five demons falling apart.
- You don't have to do a lot of things, Commander.
Turn around, sharp eyes with a mixture of Zhu and gold.
"What did...?"
Unexpectedly spilled words are fox-faced men.
In contrast, the demon ghost played his finger lightly with a look that made people feel cocky while he was content to do it.
"... what?
"I'm going to pay you guys a visit now."
"So, there's a reason the Decopin can do the Mad Demon Clan..."
"- It's a specially made decopin with Shura's flame on it."
At some point.
A demon ghost appeared in front of a fox-faced man.
I didn't even have time to fire something.
I was no longer conscious the moment I thought I had received something heavy.
From the demon ghost's point of view, the top had vanished from the man's neck.
"... Bye."
Let's look at the four remaining lead soldiers, and the demon ghosts.
"... let's go with the curtain, of the theater."