Grimoire x Reverse ~Reincarnated Demon Romance Tale~
Episode XVII: Mount Ibuki: Foothills II: Performance Experiments
Flair Valier looked up into the sky.
I once dreamed, I stand now in the falling sun.
I have no doubt that my wish came true thanks to the "Lord", and it is also because of the presence of my mother-in-law and sister-in-law in this mountain that I am waving freely the sickle in my hand.
Therefore, I couldn't forgive you.
The kind of man who tramples and vandalizes this place with his face and publicly announces the murder of his mother-in-law, etc.
"Hmmm! Not good. Not good. Not good! Knock him out thoroughly!
Bubble, windswept and fly is Renoir Vie Atmosphere.
Its wind pressure blows the wreckage of the knocked down trees and demons like paper.
"You're very obsessed with it. Shall I make you a beehive?"
While dodging leaves and corpse weapons that fly like arrows, Flair Reel manipulates and raids the blood of the dead all in return. With a high laugh, the red spear arrived at Renoir at a rate like electric light.
"... go"
After sheltering the flare reel, Tullies gently wields a chain whip to flush Renoir's wind pressure. He glanced ahead while securing his sight and ran with his eyes open so as not to miss the confronting enemy.
"Hehe, haha!! It's hilarious and wonderful when the darkness is extreme!
The blood spear of the dead strikes Renoir from all directions.
The moment of the attack, the moment he waved his hands up high.
I wonder if black sunlight has fallen on Renoir, like the Sun Wheel of the Underground Empire of the Demonic Realm.
A wet-feathered ice wall unfolded to protect Renoir, all of which was lightly "sucked in".
"Hmm, I see! You mean you can freely manipulate the blood of inferior species echoed by magic vegetables! There is no top or bottom on the dead. So now I can manipulate whether I'm a demon or not.... then I saw it as pointless for the Yatano and the eagle!
The absorbed blood spear was struck out somewhere for every magic vegetable that the flare reel interfered with.
Before he understands what it means, Renoir spots all of her unleashed attacks.
"I wonder if that's what that strange chant was about earlier.... Still, about you!
"Hmmm! I know who you are. The eagle is now descending the" Unspoken Scripture "itself."
"Don't talk, scripture?
Just wondering if you found out. The flare reel releases a magic guide.
Four magic spheres were rotated around and ripple shelling was launched from its center towards Renoir.
but it is also inhibited by the four blackened shields deployed around Renoir.
"I see. I see! Did you spin a four-element demon ball only to improve its power? I see how sweet the mind of a magic guide is. Such an immature demon guide. Then I can't scratch one on the eagle!
"... you can see the walls, the information of the magic guide."
Abominably, the flare reel glared at Renoir.
Yukabu Renoir in the universe only sits shoulder to shoulder, even under the tight gaze of a flared reel.
The troubles of the four magic walls deployed around it are noticeable, but the bad news now was that Renoir himself had not shown any hand.
I tried a few of the normal magic guides, as well as the one of the blood-sucking empress.
But all of it is sucked away by its black.
That too.
"The magic vegetables you took from me have not been restored anywhere?
"Come on, where is it?"
Renoir laughs at the loose ends.
He's a man with the same attitude he made fools of himself everywhere. Flair Reel tongues that he is very different from his own wonderful Lord, while at the same time turning his thoughts around in a few moments.
The absorption of magic vegetables is inherently considered in two situations.
One is that the exercising magic guide is returned to just a "magic vegetable" at that moment and is dissolved in the air.
The other thing is that it will be restored somewhere as it is and reused.
In any case, there is a "place to go" for the magic magic, and neither of them is going to turn into trouble.
In Renoir's case, it's literally "absorbed."
Without the appearance of an increase in Renoir's magic vegetables, there are no signs of melting in the air.
In such a situation, the flare reel just had to continue the struggle to be scraped out of the magic.
Cutting off this resource hasn't paid any price for the damage done.
Understand the inner agony, or Renoir's mouth is distorted.
"Mm-hmm. Nice, nice. Very good. The frustrating look on that hostile opponent is extraordinary. Ah.... but that's it. It feels a little too good. Are you really one of those obnoxious gods' men? Ah...?
"Become... you!!
Renoir that goes too well and is no longer even suspicious.
Flare-reel hegemony overflows with a gaze that looked down like a little fool stroking his jaw.
"I won't forgive you.... die!
"Hmm, I could see you touching the upscale -. Well, it doesn't matter."
Flair reels themselves, I knew I was immature.
Otherwise, they would have accompanied me on a trip to Sten, and it would be unlikely that I would be able to get a single blow into my mother-in-law, who is vulnerable to demonic guidance because of her close-range combat specialization, etc.
That's why I followed the instructions very carefully, and I've been training in this mountain without saying anything about myself.
Therefore, no, that is why I could not allow it to be sweetened.
If you don't reveal the nose of that man you can afford, you will wear mud to that Lord, not just yourself.
A flared reel that closes its eyes once finds an optimal solution in an instant.
"Refining, Bloodwind Warhorse. Fixed, wave. Fire, Multi-stage Blood Suction"
"Hmmm......, hmm? Oh, that's awkward."
Renoir, who was grinning his nose, quickly returned to his true face.
A presence with the concept of "blood" gathered in response to the magic vegetables scattered with flare reels creates the shape of a horse wrapped around armor.
Eight of them. The smell of blood in the wind adds to the decadence of its existence.
"I see. I see. He said he made you similarly capable of sucking blood so as to counteract the" scripture not to speak "of inhaling magic.... Hmm, it's not a bad neighborhood to notice there in an instant, and certainly not this wall. Then I can't prevent it, and when I do, it's a bit of a hassle, and I don't know what to do."
"Then die."
Just because he has no choice, Renoir puts forward a "scripture that does not speak" barrier.
I don't know how much of an attack is blocked by four shields, though.
Flare reels had measures before one of them.
"Now, Tales."
That moment when the four walls turned completely flare reels. In anticipation of a moment's gap, the chain rushes to the ground and raids Renoir so as to set up an unintentional strike. At the same time that the reacting Renoir pointed a single fence at the offense from behind.
"Flare reel."
"I know."
I broke one of the walls.
Flare reels point eight war horses at Renoir at that time.
The blood-sucking formula applied to them, which strikes like fury, is the same as "sucking away the magic guide" in its composition.
That is, something that could be offset by Renoir's deployed four shields.
"Hmm, depressing!
As for Renoir, this battle only contemplated the degree of experimentation for his own use of the unspeakable scriptures that brought him down. Nevertheless, he unexpectedly broke through the structure of the defensive wall and found a tactical procedure, which in turn also allowed avant-garde proximity.
He was looking sweeter at a girl named Flair Reel than he thought.
"Not good, not good!!
One tongue strike, Renoir rises heavenly high.
If you turn one of the black shields against the war horse and see how it goes.
"I don't know if it's a scripture I don't talk about..."
It frontally collided with a red disease incorporating a vampire formula and bounced off to offset it.
"- My beloved thoughts are stronger."
"Do you even call it faith? What are you doing with that unpleasant demon ghost...?
Renoir sees a flared reel with a frightened face despite saying he is in battle.
She even seems proud of herself at the time and doesn't break her proud look somewhere.
Some of them are probably complacent enough to have broken the defense of the scriptures they don't talk about. Seven remaining red warhorses attack Renoir.
But Renoir on the face made a metal noise from behind when he tried to put up the two remaining walls.
"... ima"
The chain of Tales, which should have been thorough, turns like a snake and storms Renoir.
"What, a fallen ice shield?
"... if you direct me, I will be torn. It was difficult."
"It's not supposed to be a nasty, somewhat difficult...!
Fallen Ice Shield, the black shield Renoir called. That kept going after Tullies now. But with her speed and false induction using the chain whip (misdirections), she hasn't been able to produce the original speed.
It was the grubby fish alone that I regarded as avenging.
I thought he was a demon ghost who took no hegemony, quality of weapons, physical strength, or any of them, but I see. Bite me that only technology seems to be polished.
"... my brother's coming back home, protect"
"Be prepared, Dodo!
A chain whip walks toward Renoir. A war horse is furious, smashing a fallen ice shield.
At its centre Renoir sighed, as if he had given up, he said.
"Ah. The performance experiment on the fallen ice shield is over. Thank you very much."
"- Really? Then I'll turn it off."
All the war horses vanished instantly.
Thunder struck directly at the chain whip, and Tullies couldn't stop letting go of his hand and hit the ground more.
Awkward. That word dancing and dancing into the brain of a flare reel.
Clearly different from the fallen ice shield exercised earlier by Renoir, the type of dissipation that forces exorcisms and naturally returns them. One scale of demonic guidance, I couldn't even feel the remnants. That's enough to make me smile that it would normally be some sort of "coincidence".
But I know.
This "coincidence" is not just a coincidence, but an obviously artificial guide of magic, so much so that it is annoying in the divine domain as well.
"- Tianzhao" Amaru ""
I was just there.
She stood blurry in the still air on the trail of the forest that had become more sophisticated.
Only then will the two men, who had fought well against Renoir until earlier, be rendered unnecessarily corrupt to the ground.
"Ah, guh."
"Coincidence" scattering magic vegetables makes flying impossible. I tried to balance it but it didn't work, and of course I was struck by the earth.
- Well, goodbye.
I can't even chant a spell.
When we get to Tales, we can't move because of the lightning strike.
Under such circumstances, this girl who now stands in front of me doesn't even have any emotions.
Without putting joy on the table like Renoir or exposing the intent to kill like a flare reel. Lightly, my whole body hair popped to the sensation of being treated mechanically.
"Let it be, it's awesome to be...!!
I can't fly. I don't feel it coming from the shoulder I hit when I fell.
Still, I can rise above being a person.
A hotline hits the spot where the flare reel was until an inch ago. That's enough to burn down again even in this land where there are no more woods, no flammables or other shards. A semi-circular passage is formed on the ground, like something thrust through it, causing blood loss.
If I hit that one, it would have gone away.
They made me understand that in response, and they showed me the difference in strength.
But still.
"... because I have decided that I will continue to protect this mountain until Master Sten returns."
With an invincible grin, the flared reel rose.
There is only one girl left to stare at.
If you realize it, Renoir has disappeared, but now you know how reckless it is to turn your back on her.
"Tales, if you can get up, go back to your mother."
"... flare reel?
"Fine. Don't you know what happens if you let that pervert go now?
Yori, and Tullies move out sheltering his burnt right hand by lightning strike.
Flair reels blocked between the girl and Tullies so as to shelter her back.
- I won't let you go.
"That's our dialogue."
An umbrella was loosely directed in the direction of Tullies.
As soon as he understands it, the flare reel throws a sickle to stop the attack.
The thrown sickle returns like a boomerang, grabbing it lightly and sticking it into Yatano.
- Then, from you.
"From"? Unfortunately, I'm done. "
Strained with a grin, the flared reel shakes up the sickle while dampening the tremor inside.
At that time.
A leaning yatano spilled a small word.
"… it is I who want to end it"
Her, stripped, unconscious eyes with a smile on her face.
The flare reel stiffens for a moment to its creepiness.
The moment takes its life.
"This time, goodbye"
"Oh, oh, oh, my God!!
The tip of the umbrella, poked at the chest.
If you look at earlier battles, such as what it means, it's obvious.
An awesome explosion rang around the perimeter.