Lin Xin knocked down the last line of words on the keyboard, and after confirming it, he felt quite comfortable.It took her three days to complete the stubborn text without any logic. At the end, the male match died for the heroine, and the heroine also took a natural attitude, which made people angry.

God knows that she is chasing for the role of a male.Speaking of this male match, he is the only bright spot of this president's article. "Lin Xinyu" is a stick-name of the country's male hero. She likes everything else.

The hostess Sufi Cinderella's settings, in order to make money for her mother's medical treatment, had to work in the evening when he was in college.A one-night stand took place in the blood of the male lead Xiao Tian who met this article.Xiao Tian had a cinnabar mole in his heart, which was his ex-girlfriend, and he regarded Sophie as a substitute.It's okay to ooxx, the female host fell in love with the male host in a state of being half imprisoned, and was framed and miscarried in the middle.

The male match Lin Xinyu appeared after the one-night stand between the hostess and the hostess. She was sad, he was with her, he was with her during miscarriage, she loved him and he was with her.If it is a general gentle male match, then forget it, this male match is written by the author, it is called Qingguo Qingcheng (Is it good to write a man's appearance? Author?) has a gangster background (I am embarrassed to say that he is the president without a gangster background this year) Wen), a senior student from a famous foreign school (how can a gangster go to college?), with a calm mind and a good dexterity, when the hostess is in danger, he can get one to ten (is this superman?).

These are not important, the most important thing is that as long as the hostess needs him, he will appear beside her.Even if the hostess refused him many times, he still turned his back and took care of her in love with the hostess, giving her money, giving her, giving her everything she wanted, but never did anything extraordinary xx pale?) Called the most loyal big teddy in history.

Lin Xin loves this kind of loyal dog type most. In the protagonist Nage, he didn’t see the name of the male partner, but he still looked at it with a scalp. How could such a heavy-play movie be a male partner?In the end, will you support the male match?

As a result, as a result, in the process that the heroine kept dying and the male match kept saving her, the male match was written dead by the author!

The female host did not show much sadness, and flew directly with the male host.

The author said this: No love is no love, even if it is given to the world, she still does not love.


Author You are a mallet. If a dog you raise is dead, you will be sad, not to mention such a big person.Is he even as good as a dog?!Did you write something like this?I wish you an early god, the god of cold words!!

Soon the author replied: Thank you for your good words, you are so powerful, you are not in the sky~

Before Lin Xin replied, she lost consciousness in front of her.