"Princess Demon Stone" - Maya, the magician of the Dragon People's Continent, arrived at the School of Mages of the Demonic Continent in about a month and a few days.

Stay in a city on the side of the school of magic.

Of course, it's the biggest room in the tallest inn.

Going for a magic school by carriage from that city.

The school of witchcraft, by its very nature, was built on a wide plain.

It has become a rule that private houses and such should not be built around it.

In order not to cause damage to the surrounding area with sorcery training.

There is a magic school building like a fortress city made of stone, where the students' quarters and so on are built on its side.

The perimeter was furthermore surrounded by double walls.

It also makes sense to prevent external enemies, but it has a greater meaning to prevent sorcery attacks from within.

Mayer's carriage was stopped by a guard post set up on the first wall.

The man who manipulates the carriage he borrows is rubbing it with his guard.

Apparently, I can't get in there because I didn't even have a reference - and the guard says no.

Give me a finger and ask the local hire to speak directly to the employer in the carriage.

The guard looked troubled and knocked on the carriage door.

One maid who came along to take care of Maya tried to respond, but she stopped the move.

Apparently Maya herself is going to talk.

The maid finally opens the door.

The guard scratched his head and asked.

"Uh, I'm sorry, but I've decided I can't let you in without a promise, a body on campus, or a permit. Why don't you come back later and attach your promise?

The guards will deal with it administratively.

Maya is irritated by that attitude.

Even though you don't realize it, it's not the way you talk to this Mayer who's blowing her talent under the sky.

She ordered the guard with an absolute zero gaze.

"... tell the school director that Maya Dragoon is here. I'll tell you what."

"Meh Maya Dragoon -!? Are you that demon stone princess!?

Apparently, there was only a magic school guard and he knew her name.

Flipping from the previous administrative attitude, the voice trembles in an upright immobilized position.

"Ha, I'm very sorry for your loss. Please wait while I get in touch with the school director immediately!

"As soon as possible, please."

"Ha! Immediately!

Once the guard returned to the office, he told the other fellows waiting and rushed out to school.

In about half an hour the guard returned to the carriage.

"Shh, sorry to keep you waiting! The school director is not here right now, and the school director will respond to the change, so please continue to the front entrance."

"Good luck."

Say a word, Maya makes the carriage run again.

You cross the first barrier and the second barrier to the front entrance of the school building.

There was already one teaching waiting there.

He was a nervous looking man with thin lines and thinning scalp.

He welcomes Maya's carriage in an upright immobility.

As he got off the carriage, he came to meet with a sweaty smile on his face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Master Maya Dragoon. I'm in charge of magic tools classes here. My name is Kara from the race."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kara. Sorry for the sudden visit."

"No. It's an honor to meet your famous Maya for her magic tool development. Come on, let's go inside."

When Maya and Maid enter the school building, they are sent to the reception room.

The room has a leather sofa, a table made of worm armor and flowers grown in vases. The walls are painted and the view from the windows is not spectacular because of the ground floor. It's a normal reception room.

A racial clerk-like woman brings herself some incense tea (kaoricha).

As she left the room, Kara asked about the matter as she wiped the sweat off her forehead with a handkerchief.

"So what can I do for you today?

"I'm a student here, and I'm here to see a woman named Snow of the Beast Race and the White Wolf Race. Wouldn't you like to call her here?"

"Su, is that Snow!? Did she do something to you again?!?


Maya overhears Kara's upset.

He explained in various ways as he wiped the sweat that erupted further.

"She is an excellent student...... on the contrary she seems to be too good and prone to problems. Trying to outnumber a hundred freshman private soldiers, paying back an alleged upscale aristocratic boy, and somehow destroying the adventurers hired by the merchant by himself... oh, just remembering my stomach......"

"Well, that's something with disrespectful merchants."

Maya feels much sympathy.

Whatever you think, the last merchants are the people who were moving at her request.

"I understand the story. But I really need to talk to Mr. Snow. So why don't you call me right now?

"Wow, I get it. I think she's taking classes now, too, so I think we can call her right away."

When Kara took her seat, she left the reception room in a hurry.

Mayer and maid are waited for about ten minutes.

Knock sound.

After Kara, one female student shows up.

Bright white skin, large eyes, eyelashes long enough to shadow.

Long silver hair is wrapped around a ponytail and wolf ears of the same color move slightly from time to time.

She was a beautiful girl as beautiful as the Spirit of Snow and at the same time cute.

The metal bracelet (bracelet) on your left arm shines in the sun as it inserts through the window.

But the most eye-catching thing is a big breast that can't even be hidden from a cloak showing magic school students.

The imbalance of big tits, even though she is a beautiful and adorable girl, would make her manly.

It is also possible for a male student of the upper aristocracy, who would not be indisposed by a woman, to snort at her.

Snow lifts his skirt slightly with his right hand on his chest and his left hand with his head down.

It's the right courtesy greeting.

"Nice to meet you, Master Maya Dragoon. My name is Snow from the Beast Race, the White Wolf Race."

"I'm sorry you called me in while you were busy. Have a seat, Mr. Snow."

"Excuse me."

Snow sits in the front of Maya.

Teaching Kara sat down next to Snow.

"I hate futile stories, so I'll just go straight in. Would you give Mr. Snow the magic tools he has for you? Of course, I'll give you as much gold as you want as a reward."

"Magic Tools......?

Snow takes a blatant sigh when he thinks of the item.

"Is Lady Dragoon too? I've been having trouble lately with lots of people wanting me to sell the magic tools Lute made. That's so important to me, I can't sell it no matter how much money they pile up."

"I'll do something about it. Because I'll give you as much money as I can!

"You can't sell what you can't sell. If that's what you're talking about, excuse me."


Maya also rushes after Snow as he takes his seat.

But she doesn't hear herself stopped, the 'Demon Stone Princess', and tries to leave the room.

I accidentally let my mouth slip when I touched my pride.

"Master Lute is already dead from demons!

Snow's leg stops.

Maya's mouth never stops.

"So that magic tool is not something that someone like you can have who doesn't even know what it's worth! Someone like me should have it in order to preserve his achievements for future generations - huh!?

At the same time Snow looked back, a 'S&WM 102 "revolver muzzle was pressed against Mayer's forehead.

Maya couldn't perceive Snow's revolver unplugging motion at all.

When she looks back, at some point the muzzle is pressed against her forehead - only the result remains.

"Lute's dead? Stop lying. That Lute is not going to get killed by demons. How can you lie like that...?

Snow raises the iron shot (hammer) by releasing a definite kill.

Ironically, it shows that it's not the same fake thing that's ever been carried.

But Maya, who understands what iron shooting (hammer) means to go up, says, 'Hih!' He screamed small.

Time that seems forever...... actually about ten seconds, but Snow falls under his cape when he repositions the shooting iron (hammer).

"Excuse me."

She left the reception room courteously.

Maya, who gained her whole life in nine deaths, sits on the spot nagging.

"Dear Maya!?


He rushes over to Mayer, where the leftover Kara and the maid enter.

There were tears of fear in her eyes.

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"Obnoxious! Obnoxious! I'll never forgive that woman!

Maya takes about a month on the airship to return to her home.

But it never stops my anger at Snow.

She's making a name for herself in the world, Maya Dragoon.

The pride of the dragon race is high, but she is even more wheeled and expensive.

Grab a pillow and roll with remorse.

I woke up and devised with a bad face.

"I wonder if I can take that revolver somehow...... Turn your hands around from behind and put pressure on the sorcerers' association and the school of sorcery? Or hire a first-rate burglar to steal it out, later..."

When I'm thinking of some ideas, the knocking sounds.

Speaking up, the maid came in.

"Excuse me. The merchant who said he brought the lute who made that magic tool is coming, how can I do that?

"... ha, again"

Since Mayer herself is looking for information and goods, there have been more visits by merchants and others - about twice in the past, a fraudulent merchant of this hand has pushed her to come.

Bring in the proper child slaves to name Lute, the maker of the magic tools, and try to honor them with an exorbitant reward.

But no child brought here can make "S&M," "AK47," etc. with magical liquid metal, and the lies are quickly dispersed.

Both merchants who tried to get a reward were childhood friends as a fraud - begging the First Prince of the Dragon Kingdom to knock him into the barn.

As a threat to the rest of the merchants that such stupid hands would not make sense.

Yet for the third time.

Apparently, there's another fool here without punishment.

"... corner, so let's deal with him in a wonderful way. Put him through the reception room."

"I'm in awe"

The maid praises and heads to the merchants.

Mayer found just the right prey to exhale stress, distorting the edge of her mouth into the shape of a laugh, and rose out of bed.

Let the merchants wait in the reception room while Mayer changes her clothes with the maid's hands and gets familiar.

Only the merchant sat on the couch and the blonde girl and the brunette boy stood behind him for some reason.

Maya takes two servants with long spears behind her and shows up in the reception room.

In a dignified manner, like a queen, she sat down on the couch in the front.

"Nice to meet you, Maya. I am a slave trader at the Lano Slavery. Do you think Mayer is obsessed with certain sorcery tools? As a matter of fact, the slave we were dealing with had a producer, so it depended on bringing him in."

A merchant stands behind me, introducing a brunette boy.

Of course his name is Lute.

The blonde girl standing next door is the Demonic Race, Chris Gate Blood of the Vampire Nation.

Turning to the girl, she looks frightened and hides behind Lute.

Maya is attracted to the girl - Chris.

The girl has dirty clothes, hair, etc. because of her journey, but overall she is cute as a doll. As much as I want to keep it as my own pet. I accidentally lick my own lips with my tongue.

And a brunette child named Lute told me how she became a slave.

He was deceived by a fake adventurer to take "S&W" and "AK47" and sold them as slaves. The evidence is engraved in the arms with the sorcery formations that are proof of slavery.

I was bought out by Chris' father, who is now here, and I was able to survive by becoming a blood bag and butler with her as my main - he explained.

Maya is impressed.

The setting is fine and the speaker has a fever. It's a real act.

If I had heard it the first time, I might have believed it to some extent.

Maya reassembles her legs and relaxes her mouth to provoke.

"I see, I get it. If he's really a" lute, "he can answer any of the questions in" S&W, "" AK47, "right? Assuming it's fake..."

Two men standing behind Maya slap the floor with a spear to intimidate them.

Chris trembled like a small animal.

The brunette boy agrees while sheltering her behind.

"I don't mind. I'll answer any questions."

"It's settled. Then first... Do you know what the raw materials for" S&W "and" AK47 "are used?

"It's a magical liquid metal that can be picked from a metal slime."


"Answer the name of the ammunition (cartridge) used in" S&W "and" AK47 ".

"Thirty-eight special (9mm) and 7.62mm x Russian short."


Up to this point, all you can answer is if you follow a note describing how to handle magic tools by examining 'lute'.

Maya reassembles her legs.

"Then why don't you actually check on" S&W "and" AK47 "next time? Of course, if you're the person who made it, you can do it, right?

"Yes, I'm fine"

The brunette boy replies no time.

I wonder how confident you are to delude yourself - Maya squeaks in her chest.

Maya had 'S&W' and 'AK47' carried from the workshop to the maid.

'S&W' and 'AK47' are placed on the table.

But from now on, just to fool Maya, a bright red fake brought in by other merchants.

The owner should know soon enough.

He's fake, and he's going to say, "No problem."

Maya reveals then that what he is holding is a fake.

I had one mean grin imagining the surprise, bewildered look at that time.

"Come on, don't hesitate to take it from me."

"Well, excuse me."

The boy takes Chris off his back, stands at the bottom of the table and takes' S&W 'and' AK47 'in turn.

"... this is a fake. The cylinder is disappointing, and it doesn't have a barrel life ring. AK is different, too. It's too light, and the trigger doesn't work. Magazine doesn't stick around and leave either... and that maybe you don't actually have a real 'S&W' or 'AK47'?

"………………………………………………… heh?

Maya complains.

Behind my body, I realized I was trembling from my soul.

"Or thighs, maybe, ho ho ho, because he's a real lute god?

At the end of the day, Lute agrees, slightly frightened by the dialogue she chewed.

"Yes, it is... is there a problem as well?

"I missed you! God!"

Maya crawls under Lute's feet with the momentum to blow off the couch.

I took my hand, kissed him over and over again, let alone mouthed him to the leg.

"Hey!? No, stop it! It tickles!"

Everyone is unable to react and solidify except for the lute who resists so much change.

Maya turns back to the slave trader with a joyous smile that has been tided with excitement and emotion.

"How much is this god!? I'll buy it for the price!

"Yes, no. As I explained earlier, Lute is her - Miss Chris' slave."

"You did!

Maya will negotiate with Chris instead of packing.

"Please, Mr. Chris! Sell me God! Ten times the original amount! No, I'll pay you a hundred times!

But the lady trembled and shook her neck forcefully beside her.

I wrote a letter on the mini blackboard and poked it at Maya.

"Lute, you can't sell your brother... your family. Because I don't want to lose anyone anymore... '

"Lady...... ugh"

Lute stuffs his chest with emotion at Chris' words.

He coughed up and changed his mind and started negotiating with Maya.

"Actually, I asked Master Maya Dragoon for a favor. I'd like to tell you why, but it'll be a little longer, okay?

"Then be sure to stay at home today! Plus, it's almost dinner time, so I'll get the food ready! Oh, you're tired of traveling before that, aren't you? Your clothes seem dirty too, and if you don't mind, take a bath first to relieve your fatigue. I'll get you dressed, too!

Mayer snorts roughly at Lute and folds with unspeakable force.

He said only one thing, 'Yes, yes. Nice to meet you,' he said all he had to say.

Maya took the lutes to the mansion with joy when she gave the reward of the word to the merchant of the Lano Slavery who brought them.