The story goes back just a little bit.

Orihara (01) headquarters.

After finishing his meeting with Shiiten, Altrius gave instructions to his men and entrusted them with handling PEACEMAKER (Peace Maker).

And when he heard that Elle was ill, he went out to visit him in the middle of the meeting.

Along the way, we meet our friend, the next king of the great Meltia, race, mage A plus class, Lance Meltia.

Lance said - 'If you want me to say it as a friend, you should stop going deep into Mr. Elle. I suck.'

Never will she belong to Altrius, the worst kind of intrusion, even risking her life - I was advised.

But Altrius overheard Lance's words being ridiculous.

(Lose your life just because you indulged in Miss Elle? Why would I lose my life if I thought of a woman? Lance occasionally says things that don't make sense. If you want me to tell you, that's Lance's bad habit)

If he doesn't mind any more, put Lance on the spot and he goes to Elle's visit.

'Because I gave you some advice,' he hears from behind, but he never stopped.

But in the end, Altrius never looked at each other that day with Elle.

Because she was turned down over by the door saying, 'I'm not feeling well, so I want to be alone today...'

Around the corner, we came to visit, but we didn't even look at each other, and Altrius never gets angry about being driven back through the door.

The other person is a woman.

Older women don't like to be seen by the opposite sex looking ill or sleeping clothes.

That's how much Altrius knows.

So he pulled back a lot.

"I'll be back when I wasn't feeling well," he said.

It was then three days later that Elle was back in shape.

That day, when Altrius was working in the clerical office, his secretary would tell him that Elle had returned to the third cooking place.

Altrius is relieved by the report.

I haven't been feeling well, and I've been worried sick.

He immediately told his secretary to prepare alcoholic wine for drinking with a bouquet of flowers to be given to Elle.

I put a bouquet of flowers in my gift because I heard in Silvane's words, "If it's a gift from someone I like, I'd be happy with wildflowers," during a conversation with the Fairy Race Black Elves and Sorcerer Class A Silvane Shzon before the meeting of Shiteng.

Elle atrophies into an expensive gift, but a flower would surely please you.

Elle, who received such a bouquet of flowers she couldn't hold with both hands, with a full grin - 'Wow, it's so beautiful! Thank you, Mr Altrius!' I can see you delighted.

It's been a long time since I've been able to talk to Elle face to face.

Altrius realised that his face, usually harsh, also relaxed naturally when he thought about this evening.

But his predictions are betrayed.

Finish your work, have dinner, and head to the VIP room where Elle is.

On the left hand side is a bunch of brightly colored flowers prepared by the secretary.

On the right hand side is an alcoholic wine from the ages purchased from the merchants of the great country Mertier.

Drink this alcoholic wine, mouth Elle's handmade knobs, and reverse together.

This was the time for him to be a happy moment that was difficult to replace with anything.

In order to enter the VIP room, ask the maid who is in the waiting room in front of you to take over.

After the maid knocks, she enters the VIP room and tells Elle if there are any visitors.

And after we get permission, we can finally get inside.

Last time I asked my maid to take over, I was only allowed to talk through the door because of Elle's ill health.

After obtaining permission just like I used to, I go indoors and have a happy time.

As Altrius reflects on the happy times of the past, the maid returns from the indoors.

I usually open the door here and try to get inside...

The maid closed the door again.

Altrius carves a wrinkle between his brows.

"Master Elle is tired of his daytime labor, and he says he's already off tonight. I'm sorry, but he wants us to see him again later..."

The maid told him that she seemed really sorry.

From her point of view, there is no way she could have been able to, for example, chase back Altrius at the top of the origin (01).

But even though he was a good hostage, he couldn't have gotten inside, ignoring Elle's request to treat his guests.

I also notice Altrius, who is just as good at this rejection.

(Miss Elle is avoiding herself...)

To that fact, he is more shocked than he eats a dragon's body.

At what time, I look at my own nonsense as to when I made a mane that she could avoid.

But there's nothing like that.

Until recently, I had a fun and happy time with El.

(Then when did she change her mind like this?

His brain, with good memory, immediately derives the answer.

Meeting with Shishiten.

When I met Lance Mertier in the hallway leading up to the VIP room - she was avoided seeing her for the first time because she was ill.

(Did Lance tell you he didn't want anything!?

Maybe Lance worried about Altrius as a friend and stabbed Elle with a nail.


A maid leaks a small scream.

Altrius was trembling in anger so much that he was overflowing with magic from his whole body.

Lance is an irreplaceable friend to him.

But if as a friend you say you said something extra to Elle - it's not something you can forgive.

In some cases, it is necessary to reward the body with a painful hand.

Altrius quietly calms his raging, mad anger on the inside, sighing heavily.

There's no point in being angry here, being violent.

There's no point without asking Lance what caused it.

"Tell Miss Elle." I'll be back, "he said. And give her this."

Altrius deposits messages and bouquets with frightened maids.

He left the room with his heel back as he was about to squeeze the alcoholic wine on his right hand.

The leg goes to the office, not to his own room.

We need to call the secretary from now on and adjust tomorrow's schedule.

To see Lance and find out.

After scheduling, Altrius returns to his room and opens a bottle of alcoholic wine that he was supposed to drink with El immediately.

But I was never drunk because my anger kept gushing out of the bottom of my belly, and I didn't know much about the taste.

▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼

The next day, Altrius, who canceled his morning schedule, heads to Mertier, the largest nation in the demonic continent.

I went down to the garden on my own with a dragon, but there is no one, such as a soldier or nobleman, who tells him of his animosity and attention.

Instead, he feared and even feared Altrius, who would treat dragons that could be destroyed if he did poorly, if a small country were to do so.

Ignoring that gaze, Altrius sends the dragon back.

He has come to Mertier many times, so he tells Lance to take after the soldiers nearby, as he is accustomed to.

Himself took the path he was accustomed to walking like home to his usual courtyard.

A corner of the courtyard that is isolated from the surroundings and the sun plunges in.

We are supposed to have tea here on a beautiful day.

It was as if Altrius knew he was going to visit. He already had tables, chairs, maids to serve, tea treats, cups, and everything else he needed for the tea party.

When he gets to his seat, the maid makes incense tea.

Altrius does not put his hands on the cup, arms together and waits silently for Lance.

In about twenty minutes, Lance shows up in a floating manner.

"I don't know, Alto. I can't believe you suddenly pushed me. I'm still a busy first prince."

Hachihara (01) Top, few people give such a light mouth to Altrius, an S-class magician.

For Altrius if you want to limit yourself to friendship, Lance is the only one like that.

I usually enjoy the light mouth, but it only intensified irritation because it is now irritated but boiled back.

Unaware of his frustration, Lance sits face to face with a smile on his face.

When the maid brews incense tea, she immediately puts her mouth on and moisturizes her throat.

The maid takes her seat off after a gratuity.

Lance opened her mouth, making sure she was no longer visible.

"So what's the matter, suddenly come and visit me? Did you save it for an emergency?


Altrius glances at Lance while telling Elle that he is being avoided.

Lance had a conversation with Elle on the day of the meeting with Shishiten.

Her attitude went crazy since then.

That's why Lance told Elle, 'Didn't you even say something about it?' Tell him you suspect.

In fact, Lance has stabbed himself with a nail after talking to Elle.

It's no surprise you're saying something extra to Elle.

After listening to the whole story, Lance asked with a serious look.

"... did you come all the way to the castle to ask me that?

"That's right. So, did you say something to Miss Elle?

Lance leaks a long sigh to exhale tiredness.

"You have no reason to say it. Why do I have to do something that you resent?"

"But Omae has advised Miss Elle to give up in the hallway."

"That's what I said because you're my friend. Why would I have to blow something extra into Elle when I first met her? I don't have a reason to say it, or a brother-in-law."

Lance takes it on his back as if he were frightened.

(It's more or less Alto who's in love. Elle doesn't have any special feelings for Alto, so there's nothing I can do about it...)

Lance whines in his chest, but doesn't speak up and point it out.

Altrius was murderous until earlier. The atmosphere hisses and gazes at his friend sitting in the front with his usual harsh face.

"... is that true?

"What are you going to do with lying? Swear to God - that God was already dead in this world. Then I swear on my friendship with you, I'm not lying."


"Why do you have such frigid eyes? Can't you believe my vows?

"That's how I've been fooled before. I don't like sweet things. You trick me into eating them."

"You're the type to hold it in your roots, too. If I apologized, you'd forgive me."

"Just kidding."

The air in the field becomes obviously loose.

Apparently, he misunderstood.

But soon again, Outlis makes a difficult face.

"Then why did Miss Elle start avoiding me? Has Lance heard anything?

"No, I didn't hear that."

I'm not lying.

Lance had predicted from the wound he had on her.

But I haven't heard anything from Elle.

Altrius is convinced of Lance's answer.

"Well... I'm sorry I doubted you"

"Fine, I don't care."

Lance waves a flickering hand and mouths incense tea.

Once again, Altrius took the consultation with him.

"Then how did Miss Elle get to avoid me... what do you think of Lance?

"If you're so concerned, why don't you meet him in person and ask him?"

"So you won't see me. I can't even get in my room these days..."

Still a tough face, but I could tell that anyone close to getting to know him was as depressed as the end of the world.

Lance leaks his sigh again.

"Captain Kurihara (01) under heaven, what is the highest S-level sorcerer of mankind talking about? Then why don't you just force yourself to open the door? There's no one there who can defy you."

"But breaking into a woman's room... if you take a forceful attitude to it, Miss Elle might offend you"

Arrange bullying and excuses for the habit of big giants.

Lance hangs out with such friends with guts.

"But you don't like it as it is, do you? Then I'll have to ask him forcefully. Plus, I hear women are more than happy to be somewhat aggressive."


"As for one of the commonly called romantic views,"


Lance puts up a uniform line of prevention.

To this answer Altrius silences himself like a commander who conducts operations on the battlefield.

I held my mouth in one hand and thought quietly for a while.

"... I see it was helpful"

"I'm glad it helped. So what do we do after this? It's a good time, and why don't you join us for lunch?

Even as Altrius, I made it a painful treat to refuse before I pressed him.

"Then let's have a treat. I'd like to talk to you about other popularly known romantic ideas."

"No, that's why I'm in the opposite position for you to obsess with Mr. El... do you understand that around here?

Altrius rushes through Lance's dialogue.

And Altrius finally mouths the aromatic tea he's brewed.

The incense tea was completely lukewarm, but it seemed very tasty to him when one project settled down.

At this time, Altrius asked Elle, 'Why are you avoiding yourself?' and vowed to ask him out, even somewhat forcefully.

▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼

After lunch with Lance, Altrius returns to the headquarters of Kihara (01).

Elle should be finishing the job in time and returning to the VIP room.

As soon as Altrius arrived, he headed to her living room.

The maid who was waiting in the room in front of the VIP room gave Altrius a moment of notice.

"Is Miss Elle in the room?

"Yes, there you are. Please wait while we check your order."

"No, you don't have to"

The maid strengthens her body.

Elle's acknowledgment, Altrius shows all over his body when he meets her regardless of refusal.

Mainly being so forceful, there is no such thing as being able to do a maid employed by the origin (01).

She even leaves the room in front of the VIP room and moves into the hallway so that she is not too disturbed by the Lord.

Altrius confirms that the maid is leaving.

I made sure I was alone and knocked on the VIP room door.

"Miss Elle, it's Altrius. I need to talk to you."

But I haven't heard back.

Knock again and speak up, but there was still no response.

(Maybe he's being attacked by a thief, or he's falling from a sudden illness. This is a necessary measure)

I don't know who the excuse is for, but I turn a grunting door knob in my chest.

I haven't been in the VIP room in a long time.

Slight sweet smell tickled my nasal cavity.

That doesn't smell like flowers or sweets.

It is a natural fragrance emitted by women.

(... Is the room full of Miss Elle's smell? You used to come in frequently and didn't get it)

It's been a long time since Elle stayed in the room and I could notice the smell because he couldn't get in for a few days.

Altrius doesn't think, he breathes a glass of air in his chest.

While sucking, his gaze wanders the room looking for Elle.

I immediately discovered her presence.


Elle was lying on the couch in her personal clothes.

After work, I went back to my room and took a breath, I guess the sleeper attacked me.

Altrius' determination on the unexpected ochi, although he came by accident, shrivels as the air falls out of the balloon.

Even he understands that it would be a mistake to beat her up and ask questions now on the boulder.

"At all, if you're going to sleep, isn't it Miss Elle who told you to go to her room?"

Dinner in the VIP room a few days ago.

I scolded Altrius for drinking too much and getting sleepy, with Elle smiling bitterly.

I can still remember it vividly.

Now Altrius grins bitterly and heads to the bedroom to pick up the blanket.

Fear of knowing the emotions that could not be asked and the answers that are avoided.

With half my feelings.

Apply the blanket to Elle sleeping on the couch.

He also puts his knees on the floor and lines up in the same line of sight as her.

She, who was always an adult, gets as young as a child when she sleeps.

That look is so cute.

"If I told Miss Elle I saw her sleeping face, she'd turn her face bright red and look angry"

Altrius can easily imagine the sight, and his grin spills unexpectedly.


Elle's exhale.

I almost woke her up and hurried to my mouth.

After a while, I hear regular sleep.

Altrius looks down on sleeping El thanks to his love, and caresses his hair with his palm.

The hand stretches out to the fine cheek and crawls his fingers to stroke the broken object.

At this time, Altrius was experiencing unwanted happiness.

"I love Elle from the bottom of my heart," he realizes for the first time at this time without having to feel extra for himself.

But that happiness crumbles in an instant.


Elle zeroes.

"Lute, eh... Gigi......"

Tears and sleeping words.

A grain of pearl-like tears zeros out of his eyeballs and wets Altrius' fingertips.

Altrius' first love is shattered by her tears and bedtime words.

He was unconsciously squeezing his wet right hand in Elle's tears painfully.


Altrius softly rises to keep Elle awake and leaves the VIP room.

Front room, out in the hallway.

The maid waited like an example.

"Miss Elle was asleep in her room. After she wakes up, prepare a drink to warm her body. And if she complains of physical distress, arrange for a healer or pharmacist immediately."

"I'm in awe"

Altrius leaves the VIP room behind when he gives instructions to the maid.

Regularly walk down the corridor where you are used to walking.

Walk, walk, walk - far from the VIP room.

Moving far enough away not to wake up sleeping Elle, for the first time he exhaled his emotions all over his body.


He shouts like a dragon hissing and slaps his fist into the wall.

Right hand, left hand, kick, head poke - don't even try to stop the magic running overflowing from your body.

Continue to spit out the emotions that blow from inside your body according to your instincts.

The destruction continues even if the men who noticed their voices gather around them, passing nearby.

Normally, as a top, I take a fortitude in front of my men.

Because if you don't, it won't be shown below.

But now, no matter how much I'm exposed to my men's eyes, I can't contain my emotions.

I can't control my emotions at all, which I always have complete control over.

All I can do is ram on like an angry beast with emotions.

- How long has it been?

Altrius breathes on his shoulders, whining regardless of the walls destroyed and exhausted, his men frightened by far-flung windings, and the blood flowing with sweat from his forehead and hands.

- I'll do it.

There lived a primitive flame called 'Jealousy' that was so boring.

This is what he thought. She said she rejected herself because she wanted to go back to where she was.

And I realized - that as long as they were around, the day Elle would never come to be his own.

That once I tasted that happiness, I couldn't hold it in my hands again.

(Then what!?... it's easy. You just have to lose her place to go home. All you have to do is return everything to ashes and stay at her side where you can twilight on the way. If you're trying to escape, you can lock yourself in a cage. And you just have to stare at me. Oh, my God, isn't that easy, yeah - you just have to turn it all off)

"Yes, I will kill you. Lute, Gigi, and PEACEMAKER will kill them all! Who's the strongest! Who is the best! Whose side is it right to be on! Let's show her how good I am and how strong a male I am!

Altrius walks out ignoring his men, frightened by the destruction of walls, scattered fragments, and top crimes.

A representative negotiated with PEACEMAKER will arrive tomorrow to report the contents.

In order to prepare a document stating the conditions to be handed over to PEACEMAKER (Peacemaker) at the next negotiation.

One - Start locating (01) and wage war with PEACEMAKER (Peacemaker).

Two - the loser unconditionally accepts the terms of the winner.

Three - the winning conditions are the wins of those who defeat each other's tops.

Four - in addition, if conditions exist, to be compiled and submitted by the next negotiation. Thereafter, it will be discussed further.

Why put on such troublesome conditions... if Altrius is serious, it's easy to kill them all. But then there's the possibility that Elle will resent you.

So, we're going to format it like a match, fight PEACEMAKER (Peace Maker), and kill everyone under the guise of an accident.

"I'll kill you... Lute, Gigi-"

Growling, I head to my own office early enough.

Captain Hachihara (01), Race, Sorcerer S Class, and Altrius Arger now move toward the annihilation of PEACEMAKER (Peacemaker) with a genuine intention to kill.