"Ha ha ha ha! You don't have to be afraid! Until I did what I deserved!

Around a hundred or more giants, unraveled from Lance's reign, were nostalgic to the demonic races, vampires and Count Dan Gate Blood who opened up to me.

When he rides in the palm of one piece, a handshake & greeting follow in line.

It's like a traditional sports event.

As the Titans bowed their heads to one figure, the inhabitants of the North Continent passed through amazement and were as stunned as their souls had fallen out.

From an early age, a horde of disaster-handled giants who are enemies in picture books and stories, or who can never resist, greet Count Dan Gate Blood personally with courtesy.

It is more impossible not to be shocked.

At the end of the greeting, Dan goes down to the ground.

He told the giants before.

"Even if we are far away, our seniors are connected by strong, fat, hard muscles (friendship). There's nothing to be sad about. Let's go back to where we were. Don't ever get caught again."

The Giants were confused and upset only at first.

But after a while, he makes a neat line and returns to the depths of Snow Mountain.

Occasionally, I look back lonely, but I don't stop and move on to Snow Mountain.

With the fortune of High Elf Sorcerer S Class, 'Ice Witch' White Glass Bell, 'a crisis will loom over Count Dan's friends. Perhaps they alone are impossible to solve. I'm sure everyone will want to take your hand'.

If this is all, it can be read as' Because there is an imminent crisis for Genrico and the others'.

But Dan said, 'Race, gender, birth, religion, position, status honor, age - no matter how different the surface, only the muscles are the same! So there's no discrimination in the muscles!'.

Yes! He's not just Jenricho and the others.

I'm here to save the giants that were tied to Lance!

And Count Dan Gate Blood walks out to save the last one.

As the Giants pass to the depths of Snow Mountain, Am Norte Boden Smith, who regained consciousness, approaches to one real brother, All.

"Dear brother..."


The Titans, all homogenized, collapsed from underfoot.

As a result, the oar forms slightly higher than Am's gaze.

If you look closely nearby, Ohl looked like he was implanted with both hands on the stone wall, halfway past his bipedal thighs.

It is just a different sight.

Am pulls out a thin sword (Rapier) that is lowering from her waist with a harsh look in front of her unusual real brother.

Am trying to stab an oar to stop it.

He put the city in crisis with a ban in the past.

We put the city in jeopardy again and destroyed the walls.

Fortunately, the partial destruction of the second wall, no casualties for the soldiers, was all that was needed, but many residents had been sacrificed if one step was wrong.

You can't miss sin as the Lord.

Above all, the human body is buried in the giant tribe.

I'm not putting a hole in it.

Stone and meat are fused and adhesive.

Even if the magic returns, I can see at a glance that it's impossible to undo it.

My brother sold off his human dignity and became a monster for revenge.

Am trying to execute my brother with his own hands, at least as a pity.

None of the soldiers could stop them.

Even if we stop here, there is no help in a body fused with stone.

All himself, he had a look like a possession had fallen.

All closes his eyes.

It's a sign of execution.

Am indulges in eyes that are about to spill tears once, and makes them sharp.

I put the blade of the fine sword (Rapier) to sleep.

As a last mercy as a flesh parent, I set my aim for the heart so as not to inflict extra pain.

As for the arrow before Am's arm was released, he was squeezed.

"Lord Am, wait."

A large, thick hand grabs Am's arm just before the thin sword (Rapier) is wielded.

Count Dan Gate Blood, who returned about a hundred giants to Snow Mountain, went into a halt.

"Don't stop me, Count Mr. Dunn. Because this is bullshit as a lord. I can't tell you what Ole did to keep Norte Boden."

Am pushes and kills emotions and tells them in a mechanical tone.

Dan asks him that.

"Is that what you really mean, Lord Am?

"... ugh."

The look on your face as a lord crumbles lightly in Dan's words.

Naturally. Even if you have committed a great sin, for Am, Ohl has been adorable from a very young age, my brother.

You can't want to kill me with joy and courage in your own hands.

The look of biting and silencing his back teeth spoke more truthfully than 10,000 words.

"... Your brother is right. My sins should not be forgiven."

Before the anguish of my real brother Am, Orr opens his mouth.

He looks out at the cloudy skies where the snow is still going to fall and says it's bumpy.

"And Lance said. Honestly, I didn't really understand his story, but my flesh seems to mix and assimilate with the giants at the cellular level. So you can never go back to being a normal person again, he said. I'll never get back to normal again so I can't pull out the sugar that dissolved in incense tea again."

Orr turns from sky to brother.

"Then I want you to kill me at the end with your brother's hands.... If your brother is going to kill you, he wants to kill you."


To his brother's words, Am almost let go of his fine sword (Rapier).

Speaking of my heart as a brother, I don't mind even if I monster it as it is now. I want you alive.

But I also know that Orr doesn't want it himself.

Then at the very least, I can focus on Rapier again, trying to do what my brother wants.

Count Dan Gate Blood asks Am like that.

"Lord Am, do you want to save Lord Orr?


Am can't answer Dan's question.

Ask further.

"Lord Am, I want you to answer honestly. You don't want to save my brother?

"… I want…… to be"

"I can't hear you! Louder!

"I wanted to, I decided..."

"More, you're not out of your belly! Spit your thoughts out of your soul!

Gilly toothpick sounds.

To Dan's incitement, Am punches his emotions.

Answer me not as a lord who keeps Norte, but as a brother.

"It's decided I want to help! Orr is my brother!

"Then let's save it!

Louder than Am's answer, Dan Gate Blood screams.

With a hot, bitter gentleman smile, he assures you.

"I told you, my senior came to help a friend! It is decided to include Lord Orr in it! Because muscles are friends! Then why don't we take one skin off for our friends!

I've already taken off "Mr. Piece Wearing Guru," and I don't care if it's a piece of boomerang pants.

"Humph, humph, humph!"

Dan plays a side chest in front of the oar.

Thick Count Dan Gate Blood's muscles are thicker than ever to the illusion.

At the same time, an anomaly occurs in the body of the oar.

"Or is your body hot? No, my muscles are getting hot!?

"Lord All! Believe me! Believe in your own muscles more! Come on, shake your muscles!

Orr follows instructions and trembles in faith in himself as his instincts, his soul, his muscles think.

But there was a problem here.

Dan bites his back teeth to bitterness.

We don't have enough muscle to activate the cells of the oar and revive the whole body.

(Kuck, I don't have enough muscle on my own. As it is......)

"Brother, you won't have to forget us!

Looking back to his voice, Genrico and the others, the mine members were all there.

Naturally, they're all muscle bursting men with one pair of pants!

"My brother's wish is mine. Even if your brother doesn't like it, he'll let you do it!

"So are we! If it's for Dan's brother - no, I won't spare your help if it's to save my muscles!

"Me too!

"Me too!

And, for muscle men to save the oar, the crowd.

Take the initiative against Orr, who tried to kill us earlier, to give us the muscle of mercy.

Dan smiles with heartfelt joy at them like that.

"Ha ha ha ha! I didn't know what I did to my life would inadvertently muscle!

What is' accidental muscle '! It is a word that even a muscle accidentally!

"Genrico! Everybody! Get everyone muscled together!


Make a new posing at the same time as the ringing.

But they are not enough.

Genrico also speaks to Am and the soldiers.

"I still don't have enough muscle! The Omaes need some muscle, too!

Am & the soldiers learn from them to take off their clothes, surround the oars and pose as they expose themselves to nudity, though confused by a dialogue that doesn't make sense like 'lend me some muscle' or something.

North Country, falling snowfields.

In front of the collapsed second castle, the circle of muscles widens.

"More, more! Shake your muscles!


Together with the hanging voice, the muscles produce power that is not a trembling abnormality.

How long before the snow melted around the circle of muscles and the cloudy weather blocking the sky was just blowing away!

More hot air swells up. Standing up steam, men's flowing sweat, floating blood vessels!

There was now the hottest, too hot battle in the extremely cold snow country!

At the same time, both hands merging with the All Titans, run around the thick crotch.

The horn gradually spreads with the men's enthusiasm.

It does not stop spreading, at the end of the day the peripheral area is scattered and a piece of pants, almost naked oar, comes out so that it is thrown out.


"Oh, all!?

Worried about the oars falling to the ground as if they were spitting out, Am running over with a pair of pants as well.

"Dear brother..."

"All, hands and feet are... safe. It's back to normal!

As Am's voice of joy said, Orr's hands and feet had proper normal human skin, had fingers, and were moving.

All weep.

"Dear brother, I... I..."

"Not now. You don't have to say anything. I'm glad you're all right back there."


My brother embraces his tearful brother.

When his brother embraced his brother back, he cried in his arms.

Before beautiful brotherly love, Dan Gate Blood and the others applaud with equal emotion and tears.

With the applause of the macho men, he only temporarily forgot the sins his brother had committed, and his brother was pleased with his safety.