Gundam: In those years, the fields I planted in the universe

Chapter 25 The countryside is a vast world with a lot to do

The staff of the Plant Immigration Administration has been very busy recently.In fact, they don't have anything to do in normal days. They drink tea and play cards in the office every day, talking about which one should get married today and which one should have a baby tomorrow.

After all, zaft and the Earth Alliance are fighting fiercely now, any natural person who can't imagine will immigrate to the universe?

Don't tell me, it's true.

On May 1, it was said that it was Labor Day in the East Asian Republics on Earth, and they were forced to work.A large number of immigration applications were submitted from the African Unity Agency. At first glance, they were almost all residents of the Kingdom of Morocco, and some were from neighboring countries and cities.

Looking at it again, 70% are farmers. Many of the farmers who used to run large-scale farms have gone to agricultural universities; 25% of the technical jobs and 4% are entrepreneurs. One percent are government managers.

I go, what happened to the Kingdom of Morocco?

Nothing actually happened in the Kingdom of Morocco.The zaft landing in Casablanca did not move, and the Eurasian Army also huddled near the capital Rabat.The whole country is filled with dust and sea breeze.

If there is any change, it is that Lei took the engineers and automated machinery to cultivate tens of thousands of acres of land in Casablanca and distributed it to the native refugees for free.As soon as I heard that there was free land and zaft hired workers with high salaries, countless displaced people immediately dragged their families and ran over.

Facts have proved that the natural persons living on the land have no idea about the so-called plant and adjuster. They only know that this group of soldiers driving the strange machinery expelled the Eurasian army from their city, and they are still rebuilding the city. Suddenly doubled.

After Lei informed the Supreme Council, he waved his hand, saying that you are too suffering now, the country cannot protect you, and was invaded by the Eurasian Army. Just join our plant citizenship. Our plant army will protect every citizen, regardless of status. , Occupation, race.

So, including the Casablanca local council members who were in exile preparing to flee to Asia, they all voluntarily came back to find Lei, saying that Zaft Sang Zan should not engage in those falsehoods. Anyway, our country’s capital is occupied, both practically and nominally. They are all perished, do you want to incorporate Casablanca into your plant?

Lei repeatedly refused, but the congressmen were so kind, and he agreed.

However, since the Supreme Council is already in joint discussions with Oceania to incorporate it into the plant as the thirteenth "city" and renamed the Oceania United Autonomous City, it is not convenient for Casablanca to be an administrative division. Therefore, the Supreme Council will set up Casablanca. It is the "Ground Mobile Army Integrated Special Zone", temporarily handed over to the ground forces for management.


The area of ​​Casablanca.

Ray and Balterfield walked on the field path and waved to the farmer on the large planter.

"So this is your goal? Attract farmers to cultivate land. With agriculture, we can be considered as a foothold on this continent."

"Ah, it's like this to a certain extent. There is a saying in my home country: The countryside is a vast world, where you can do a lot.

"If we stick to the city, then every time we shoot a city, we must allocate troops to guard it, and it will become as weak as the Eurasian Federation. If we only choose one point, and then build base areas with this point, we will mobilize the surrounding rural areas and Farmers, then more and more people will join our ranks, weakening the enemy. A single spark can start a prairie fire."

Ray led Baltfield to a lush woodland.Two months ago, it was a wasteland, farmland was barren, town buildings collapsed, and building debris, artillery shells, and fragments of aircraft were everywhere.And now, towering giant trees more than fifty meters high are standing, covering the scorching ground with green shade.

Of course, these plants are also GN plants, with a dragon head protruding from a huge leaf, and colorful fruits hanging around its neck.At the bottom of the trunk is a sturdy body, with a long tail wagging, four feet deep into the ground to absorb nutrients.

"A new species of GN plant specially developed according to the tropical environment. This is a'tropical dragon'. The fruit grown is edible and the nutrient elements are more than three times that of ordinary fruits. The hardness of its leaves is comparable to that of MS armor. It is equipped with a spray device. It can fly later and be used as a mobile turret or an aircraft carrying a heavy mobile suit."

There are many raised hills in the jungle, shaped like rocks, covered with big trees.But if you look closer, you will find that it is actually a turtle shell, but the limbs and head are all retracted into the shell.

"The turtle is about 200 meters long when it matures. The carapace can carry MS, artillery, and missiles, and the grove on its back is a natural camouflage. When it matures, it will install tracks on its legs to act as Land battleships to use."

It is not the first time Bartfield has seen GN plants, but when Lei introduced the use of these two plants, he suddenly felt a sense of realization.

"Well, and with the actual combat data of Baku, the Baku equipped for the Marine Corps has also entered the mass production stage. The first batch of airdropped mobile suits were 50 Baku and 20 Deans. The pseudo-solar furnace has also been mass-produced, and you can equip your Baku.

"But commander-in-chief, I don't understand one thing. For the solar furnace, it can be used when the brain quantum wave level reaches 50 or higher. Why not equip our army with more elites?"

Lei smiled and said: "Because that way, we will win with an overwhelming advantage in the various battlefields of the earth. This is not what Chairman Patrick and Speaker Siegel want to see."

"Huh? How to say?"

Lei took a leaf from a tree, pinched it with two fingers, and stroked the mountain in his arm at a very fast speed.After two seconds, a blood stain appeared on his arm.

However, the blood did not flow out, but quickly scabbed.For a super soldier like him, super-fast healing of the body is a basic ability.

"Did you see it? This is just an ordinary blade, but if your strength is clever enough, it is a killer weapon. But if you really carry a knife, it is likely to fall or break in hand-to-hand combat. Not as convenient as such a blade."

Lei explained: "If you are too rigid, you will be broken. Everything is the same. If we show super high combat power at once, the Earth Union will regard us as the greatest threat and prepare for war.

"You have to know that the earth is always our mother star. This will not change until humans can find other asteroids that are suitable for living and can reproduce normally. Therefore, we cannot aim to extinction the earth. The same is true for most natural people on earth.

"Earth United has been busy integrating its own forces in the past few decades. Most of the armies have suppressed the rebellion in the United States of America and the Organization of African Unity. They are just spending money on the Space Army, so the Space Fleet has a lot of combat effectiveness. , Which gave Plant’s satellites the opportunity to develop. Humans, after all, are animals of interest. When they find that it costs more to do plant than to do business with plant, they will naturally cease the war. It’s not that time yet. ."