Gundam: In those years, the fields I planted in the universe

Chapter 50 The Eighth Fleet, so weak combat power

Although Lei played quite strangely here, the other two battlefields were dangerous.The magical attack of the divine angel is above the linear barrel. If Mu and Louise were both pilots with spatial recognition capabilities, Cruze would only support the forehead with one hand and control the body with the other. Beius Zero will definitely die instantly.

As for the assault Gundam... Kira has also experienced a lot of battles since he boarded the Gundam, but he was equipped with air combat equipment but he could only use his mobility to dodge desperately.

Well, if you continue to exercise like this, you will definitely become the second person of the helmsman, Lei thought in his heart.

On the side of Hallelujah, under the all-round shooting of six Shenyi Zaku, the artillery of the Archangel was destroyed a lot, and he had to stop temporarily. Neumann drove the golden sword lion beast to attack.

It was also quite strange. After the Golden Sword Lion Beast came out, Zaku Shenyi stopped attacking and flew to the side of the Archangel, as if to watch a play together.

"Yo God helmsman, your skills are really good." Steel Garuru fired at the golden sword lion beast, and the frozen missiles in the armour of the limbs shot out densely.Neumann was still in a casual posture, manipulating the golden sword lion beast to retreat a bit, and the six-door sword-shaped wing armor on the back opened, from which a series of physical golden swords collided and exploded.

Hallelujah's eyelids twitched.Not a dragoon, because Neumann only shot those golden swords as a one-time consumable.

That is the inherent armament of the Golden Sword Lion Beast, the "Infinite Sword System", just like his steel Garuru possesses the "Cross Freezer" missile and other shooting weapons.

The golden sword lion beast pulled out the fang knife from his waist and dashed over.Steel Garuru immediately liberated the sniper rifle "sniper gun" on his right shoulder. The barrel metal that bounced off slightly blocked the opponent, and then it held the retractable long knife and slashed with the golden sword lion beast. together.

The sharp gun blade has a built-in laser light cannon system, which looks like the blade is elongated, but in fact it is just the strong laser released by the blade condensed into a blade shape.

That kind of hard to guard against, suddenly giving you a laser slash that is fifty meters or even a hundred meters long, Neumann is also very difficult to deal with.However, he did not retreat and advanced instead, manipulating the Golden Sword Lion Beast to shoot out the Golden Sword with the infinite sword system on its back, so that Hallelujah did not have enough space to perform the 100-meter slash and had to retract the laser system.

At this moment, a large number of small red dots appeared on the radar detection, Hallelujah quickly stepped back and took a closer look.

It's the fleet!The Eighth Fleet of the United Earth has a total of fifty Drake-class 130-meter frigates, five Nelson-class 250-meter heavy ships, one Agamemnon-class aircraft carrier, and 300 MA Mobius.

"Good...weak combat power." Hallelujah couldn't help holding his forehead, looked at the golden sword lion beast, and said in the communication channel: "Ah, it seems that we can't tell the winner in a short time, God-level. The battle between them will last for several days. I'll go find the fleet to play! Shenyi Zaku team come with me!"

Neumann was anxious secretly, the seemingly huge formation of the Eighth Fleet was not enough for these new mobile suits.Ten times more, if the quality of individual combat is not improved, the battle will still not change.

But his most important task is to drive the Archangel back to Earth, so he can't get entangled with the Zaft army here.

The golden sword lion beast flew back to the Archangel. After a while, the warship quickly started and sailed into the defensive line of the Eighth Fleet.

"Captain Mariu Ramias, can you still support it?" A middle-aged man appeared on the big screen of the bridge.Unlike George Alstad, his face was like a steep mountain, with a hard outline, with the coldness of a battlefield.However, the slightly raised eyebrows and moustache seemed to be happy for a prank.

"Brigadier General Halbarton, no problem!" Maru's tone became firm, and it was the first time that Bucky Lulu saw her deal with a certain problem so resolutely.

"Very good, then speed up and drive to orbit around the earth and correct the coordinates for landing."

"But Brigadier General, Zaft's offensive is very fierce, and there are military-grade weapons and that Alleluja..."

Halbaton interrupted Maru's words: "The Archangel only needs to execute orders! This ship is the last hope for the earth, and it must give me a safe landing on the earth! Zaft will be delayed by the Eighth Fleet!"

Maru gritted her teeth, saluting to show her obedience.

Yes, Halbaton actually did not expect his subordinates to achieve what kind of results, the only hope is to be able to delay enough time for the Archangel.

You know, since the New World Tree offensive and defensive war, the space forces united by the Earth have completely lost the advantage of large-scale combat power.If the heavy ship that Gene can't break through, then replace it with Zakulai; if the single-plane combat is too weak, then replace it with a dragoon system that can attack from multiple directions.Zaft can replace the new aircraft faster than the Earth’s joint construction of a battleship, and a battleship may be sunk by an MS in less than ten minutes.

Therefore, last year, an attack on the plant homeland launched by the Earth United was blocked by the fortress of Yakin Duwe, and it was fully defensive.Often zaft sends out a small team, and the Earth Army has to mobilize a huge fleet to deal with it, and it is still unable to attack actively.

This is the situation right now.The first to contact the Eighth Fleet was the Visalius and the Steel Garuru, but the Visalius did not lean in at all, but provided a burst of fire from a distance.Steel Garuru's guns were fully opened, and the attack of the MA troops could not break through its digital alloy armor. Instead, most of the hulls of the two Drake-class frigates were frozen and shattered.

Halbaton wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and ordered three Nelson-class heavy ships to move forward to fill the vacant space.The Nelson class uses laminated armor, and its anti-beam ability is stronger than that of the Drake class.

It's just a few.Because after Hallelujah found that the effect of the shelling was not so obvious, he immediately manipulated the steel Garuru to draw out the gun, the laser light cannon was activated, and the hundred-meter-long laser burst deeply through a Nelson-class bridge. Then chop it down, splitting it in two.

"This ship is now entering the landing preparation process, please return MS."

Upon receiving the order, Kira and the others immediately returned to the Archangel, and the two Mobius Zeros and Assault Gundam had been battered by dragoons.Kluzer didn't get entangled when he saw it, but instead drove Shenyi Gundam into the MA defense line, harvesting MA like a walking lawn mower.

Lei naturally received the news. Although he wanted to drive the Angel of Justice to fight with the Eighth Fleet, the real purpose of the "Heaven" project was to use the Archangel as a bait to induce the Eighth Fleet to come out and complete the annihilation!