Knowing the inside, Ray landed fairly aggressively on the island and followed the path of the last raid on Aokuang Shrine.

Soon, two battleships were ejected successively from the mass accelerator, at a speed that even triggered a strong electromagnetic storm.

“Come on, that's it!Make sure you get it for me, "Azrael said excitedly.

“Don't worry.” In the Thunder Return, Scarlet forbade the beam gun and magnetic rail gun in the back to shoot together, dispersed more than twenty heretics of the escort quality accelerator, and then fired the smoke gun, quickly approaching under the cover of thick smoke.

“A suicide bomber is installed… and defeating the war is still so disgusting.”

Crimson forbids holding the Paleo Blade and inserting the two knives into the base of the quality accelerator.A flashing light symbolizing fire attributes was seen on the body of the knife, and the flame fighter soul was activated.

Meanwhile, Uzimi in the Prime Minister's office turned on the video, saluted his people for the last time, and then pressed a red button.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

After a minute, the evacuees who could not make it in the shelter and shelter looked at Uzmi with suspicion. His face rose from red to pale and from pale to red.

The self-destruct button is not responding.

What's going on?

Uzimi is rarely ready to go to the Yellow Spring, but the mass accelerator outside the window is unresponsive, but more Atlantic federations are beginning to attack.

At this time, the live network signal was interrupted, and the screen split in two. Ray's big face appeared on the screen: "Hello Aub, everyone!I regret to inform you that your prime minister, Uzimi.Yura Asha planted a large quantity of high explosives on a mass accelerator without any explanation to the people, and when it exploded, more than 50,000 people would be buried in the fire.

“I am the supreme officer of the Angel Consortium, Leo.Roanoke discovered Uzimi's plot and stopped the suicide bombing in time.Nationals, if you still love the country of Obo and the islands and lands under your feet, then listen to my next statement.

“My original name, Rednell.Kisaka, Colonel of Obo's airborne unit.Under the manipulation of Uzimi and his Asha family, I was involved in an arms trade project with the Atlantic Federation and was betrayed by the state after things were revealed, without recognizing my Aub nationality.I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to have a conversation here without Ramses' shelter and help... "

Uzmi heard it called a gaze, that was a wonderful expression.

Done, everything is done.The country he was struggling to run had been completely completed.

On that day, after a speech with thunder and tears, angry Aub soldiers and nationals surrounded military bases and the Prime Minister's office.Uzimi did not achieve the honourable and dignified death that he had imagined and was buried with other officials in the rifles of rebel soldiers.

Quality accelerator, successfully taken over by the Atlantic Federation.

Azra Iruna, who took Aubu, was a refreshing man. After briefing the 101-man council, he began to mobilize all the forces of the Atlantic Federation to gather here and reinforce to the moon base of Ptolemy.

For the Atlantic Federation, which had been suppressed on the ground for so long, it was a day of eyebrows and nausea that even the loss of Alaska and Panama was left behind.

And Ray? In keeping with his habit of taking a break after each battle, Azraelu was surprised that he disappeared the day after Obo's capture.

However, Ray certainly did not rest, but sneaked off to Panama with Garnacha, where he changed his identity to Areloua and forbidden to go to space on a fire wheel.

The Heaven and Earth Forbidden Program is now in its fourth phase.



Once the Archangel and Grasshopper were in space, they headed for an abandoned satellite called Mendel.This is now the home of some of the terminal forces of the universe, where Jungyun impeachment hides.

Battleship supplies are adequate, but the Grasshopper, who has just begun his service, needs to assemble all the parts before it can go into combat.And after this battle, the Aubu Army, which had confidence in its own combat power, has been tranced, even the latest village rain series developed by Aurora Society does not seem to have such an advantage.So you need to buy more gn armor to strengthen the airframe.

Kid was free to fly his wings, and after talking to scrap merchants and mercenaries, he commanded everyone to start moving the equipment and instructed the recruit pilots to train in the simulator, which was orderly.

The forces on their side are two Archangel class battleships, a total of twenty mural rains of the Aubrey Army, one at dawn handed over to Diaka for piloting, Kira's freedom of flying wings, the blue heresy of Impeachment, justice of the Reaper of Aslan, and the Tyrannosaurus God of Thunder Dragons.Neumann and the Golden Sword Lion Beast can also be counted.

On the ace, it seemed like they could compete with the Atlantic Federation, but Rax himself knew that with hundreds of thousands of troops invested in a war, all they could do was capture the strategic balance and hit it hard.

In the hangar.

Aslan is squatting on Reaper Justice's shoulders, checking the interior circuit connections.There is no one in the hangar. Everyone is back to rest.

The automatic door opened suddenly, and Laxey slowly walked by, looking at him with a long gaze.

“What's wrong?" Aslan stopped the job and asked.

“Aslan, about Kira..." she hesitated.Singing well doesn't mean you have an outstanding talent in your life and emotions.

“Ah, that's nothing.”Aslan smiled voluntarily and said," Thunder Dragon has already told me.We all have the same ultimate goal, so no matter what the process, I will respect your choice.”

Lax gently thanked him and walked away.At the moment when the automatic door was closed, she looked back and saw that the smile on Aslan's face had long disappeared. She sat silently on the body. For the first time, she picked up a cigarette in her mouth.

Sorry, Aslan… if it wasn't in the age of war, if it weren't in the universe, maybe we… could have a future.

We all carry too much stuff.It's not like shouting “Don't give up” in a movie to open the small universe and get there right away.

Many things are constantly being missed in the development of thousands of times.

In the smoke, Aslan's hair slowly changed from dark blue to red, as if bathed in blood.

After that day, Rax wasn't with Kid.Because after her contact with the Thunderdragon, she discovered that perhaps her personal responsibility was more than just training a super adjuster.She still has a lot to do.