On the other side, three bodies - the Ancient Tyrannosaurus, the Ancient Sphinx and the Ancient Rainbow Beast - sailed in the direction of Fort Poazz faster than Ray had anticipated.The Eternal is already at its peak with minimal armor and weapons to reach the ship's theoretical speed, but at this moment it is at full horsepower and farther and farther from them on the radar display.

As you can imagine, the same thing must have happened at Fort Poaz.However, the gamma particle ray gun over there is not the twilight of the gods, but “Dinghai Needle", using gamma particles as energy to push the special alloy rod “Dinghai Needle” to strike, can shoot several rounds at a time.

Dinghai Needles are personally supervised by the Blue Shang Technologies Department in the Republic of East Asia, and are used in the same way as MS. in East Asia, they grow their own GN biomaterials.

Only hope can be placed in East Asia.

And when they arrived at Fort Poaz, they discovered a completely different scenario. While it was true that Zaft's ms troops had lost so much in their inexplicable suicide bombings, East Asia's ms were even more fierce, flooded rapidly by a strange convoy of aircrafts in a wave of assaults.

Those are all identical bodies, painted in green and purple, with a one-eyed sphere on the head, and the body is like a miniaturized satellite, with no limbs and only two wings spliced together by metal blocks.

And they are very organized in a team of three machines, continuously emitting rapid light from one eye, whether it's a shield or a beam of light, all shot through.

That's not the problem with the output of the fuselage... they're not emitting beams, they're pure elements!And the lightning that goes beyond the five elements has a very strong penetrating force!

On the bridge of the Eternal, Mary set the battleship as a self-driving mode and walked to the hangar.

The thunder fused with the flame dragon's free body, driving the regenerative up to Garner has been waiting there at this moment.But besides that, there is Bartfield with a brown hair, leaning against the Hidden Body of the Earth.

“Yo, I didn't expect you to be alive.”Marie shook Bartfield's hand with a smile and said," I haven't heard from you in so long, I thought you were dead.”

“This is not enough to hide your whereabouts.”Bartfield said.He was also a member of the Eternity recruited by Ray, disengaging from zaft and becoming a member of the Land Realm.The Hidden One of the earth was originally designed for him.

“Very well, are you ready?" asked Thunderbolt, responding with star-like glints.

“This is an unknown enemy, an unknown variable, so we do our best.Let the whole universe know we're ice skeletons! "

Fire Dragon freely whistled and ejected, with two sheathed thrusters crossing the waist and the Yapelio Holy Sword embedded therein, the six army pods on the back slightly changed some positions, leaving a fixed hook claw to attach the breaker up to it.

Next was Cyclone Savior, Hidden Earth and Regeneration, five airframes, four men rushing toward the uninocular army.

“Garner shielded the disturbance, Marie broke through, the tigers moved freely outside, holding their attention.”Ray promptly gave instructions.

From both sides of the Eternity, two giant silver turrets separated.The turret is equipped with platforms and grips, and the main assault weapon is an ultra-long tube satellite gun, two explosive machine guns, ten missile boxes and two pairs of military beam knives, known as the “meteorite system", a nuclear energy engine equipped with anti-neutron jammers.

Such abundant gunfire was naturally prepared for Garner and Marie.Regeneration connects up to the Cyclone Savior and the meteorological system, crashing into enemy arrays with the sound of a broken sound barrier.

The Fire Dragon's freedom rushed towards Fort Poaz.Looking far away, the port area is already a sea of fire, a golden red four-legged beast ms rampant in the fiery fire.

Ancient Tyrannosaurus Beast.

Likewise, after Garner and his men joined the battle, they simply swept away more than twenty one-eyed machines. The dark lion-shaped ms “Ancient Lion Man Beast” and the blue silver image of the female angel ms “Ancient Rainbow Beast” found them.

Regen up against the Cyclone Saviors against the Ancient Rainbow Beast, while the Hidden Earth tries to circumvent the Ancient Sphinx with maneuverability.

Settle down, Thunder turns Flame Dragon's free head.Ancient Tyrannosaurus beast this ms is right in front of you.

For the first time, he felt his brain quantum waves vibrate with the engine of the body, making a high-pitched roar.

“Don't you want to report your history?" Fire Dragon freely took the lead in the attack, and the heavy sword in his hand waved, turning into an automatic rifle that emitted five lines of fire, as if it were burning deep.This body was originally developed to blend Marchio's Maga-Jetton Light Dragon Gene, and is also a fire attribute that makes lightning work like an arm to a finger.

But the ancient Tyrannosaurus beast vigorously flipped his body and glided close to the edge of the light cannon.It is twice the size of Brady, with a huge pair of dragon wings and an unspecified dark red light; the dragon head is fierce and has two machine guns on its shoulders in addition to sharp dragon claws.

The automatic rifle turned back into a heavy sword and beheaded, the ancient Tyrannosaurus beast inevitably took the dragon horn to the top.

At the moment of gold and iron intersection, the breaker behind Yanlong's freedom suddenly blew out his fists. The mechanical claw stretched extremely fast, but was picked up by the enemy with the dragon claw in the same rapid reaction.When the shoulder shield was raised and the ion cannon was fired, the enemy aircraft almost simultaneously fired the machine gun. The high-density light bomb collided with the burning light cannon, and the mutual rolling of different particles erupted into a terrible hurricane.

After the two machines were separated, they stopped at the same time.

Fire Dragon's hands freely holding the heavy sword trembled slightly, and the blade seemed to shrink a lot.The Ancient Tyrannosaurus turned his head to the right and saw a dense and numb hole in his right wing. Electric sparks continued to explode.

In a few moments, countless miniature blades returned to the Epee from all directions and re-assembled the blade.

Machine tracking sword, that's the name of the weapon in hand.The sword body separates a large number of miniature remote sensing flying swords, the size of which makes the enemy completely impossible to target, while the power of its sprint is to destroy any hard armor.

“Didn't think there were god pilots like you around the world.”Ancient Tyrannosaurus beasts emitted sounds - not using communication channels, but simply opening their mouths, one by one emitting a certain frequency of sound waves into the Fire Dragon's freedom and into the consciousness of thunder.

Wait, this fuselage, is it... the fusion between the pilot and the fuselage?