The earth was originally made in the terrestrial domain, so the parts were universal, easy to repair; while the fate of the other world was also damaged, but during the return process, many cross beasts collapsed, obtaining arms from them.

Fusion, more accurately, is a combination, this is the system built into this new machine, a combination of fruit systems.Just touch, any organic or inorganic matter can be absorbed by the fate of the other world and attached to yourself.

After about half an hour, Barrett, who was resting his spirits, attacked again, using two planes in combination, and rushed directly to the front line.

Aslan and Izzaki are there to cut melons and clean up the soldiers like vegetables.The main body of Demon Sovereign Justice leaped from one Steel Dragon Beast Battleship to another. The left-handed Flame Dragon Battle Axe extended into an extra-long steel giant snake. The head of the snake bit the neck of the battleship and jetted it with a flaming light cannon to shoot it through.

The demonic beast flying on the righteous back of the Demon Sovereign hovers in the air. It is controlled by the consciousness of Aslan's venomous blood-sucking demon beast. It travels between enemy planes and occasionally tears apart an MS with its mechanical claws.

Izsák's freedom as a long-range attack plane was not meant to be someone who would stay in the shooting position.Special tools such as the mechanical Double Crown Dragon, the mechanical Alternative Dragon, and the mechanical Sword Dragon are released, forming a mechanical array, changing the array shape, shrinking or enlarging the range, and locking the adjacent MS or Battleship.

Once the enemy aircraft or the enemy ship entered the range of the mechanical array, it was the corrosion, armor breaking, paralysis, and self-destruction of mechanical tools. Then, the flame dragon roared freely, and the crocodile armor on the chest directly opened its mouth and bit it.

In comparison, Dragon Peak's battle seemed much more secretive.He took advantage of Hydra's cruise to dive at high speed under the sea, bombarding the thrusters directly from the stern and paralyzing the warship.

Battleships that cannot move are the biggest obstacle on the enemy battlefield and our convenience.The equatorial fleet did not waste any ammunition on them, but the fleet of the Jupiter Empire could not move because of the large number of warships, and the whole formation was instantly destroyed.

Aslan and Yitzhak are currently ranked as Level 98 True Gods, while Dragon Peak, as a member of the Mountain and Sea Economic Gateway, is ranked above Level 100 and leads the Equatorial Fleet Captain to drive directly into it.

At the beginning of the battle, Leo's planned dumpling situation did not appear, because the Chinese troops now in the Jupiter Imperial Fleet were directly punctured, the front-running troops even hit the end of the enemy battle, and continued to attack the enemy forces on the left and right wings.

"But... this casualty situation..." Barrett opened the radar panel and scanned the statistics. 20,000 shell beast battleships, 100,000 MS. At this moment, half of the damage occurred. Only less than 7,000 battleships and about 30,000 MS were left.

There is a price to be paid for a frantic attack to suppress the enemy.It's like if a lion swarm were to dash in front of a buffalo swarm, it would hunt a lot of buffalo, but more buffalo would leave fatal wounds on their bodies, slowly fermenting to death.So the lions only attack lone buffaloes.

Left alone...

Barrett's gaze turned to the Giant Whale Mothership, while Demon Lord Hydra charged in that direction.

The war has reached this point. Even if the mother ship is damaged and not repaired, it is impossible for Leo to stay behind.

The mother ship of the giant whale beast roared from the rear of the Chinese army. The mouth of the whale opened and hundreds of beam guns covered it at various angles, turning a piece of the sky into a bright blood color.

Two specially fitted planes emerged from ejector orbits - the Fire Spirit Clown Sovereign - and the exuberant MS re-emerged during the two-year war.The other MS is as chaotic as it gets, but the pilot sitting inside is Carmela.

Fire Spirit Clown Emperor's equipment was different from the previous one, with two jet-cutter knives mounted on both sides of his back; two cannon cavalry and two sniper rifles fixed at the rear of his shoulders, with the mechanical claws at his waist contracting; the shoulder and leg armor were streamlined shark armor with 16 light beam guns inside.

These are partly armed from the great highs of the earth, chaos and abyss.

For Leo, these are the symbols of his men.Stella, Stinger, Oulu, were the only treasures he saw.

When he came into this world in panic, it was these three people who made him feel the mission of being alive as a person.He was going to take the three of them all the way down to an ideal village that was forever safe.

But he failed, and this is the only way to remember.

Leo clearly remembers how everyone died: Stinger was killed on Lava Island by a mechanical tool trap laid by Alejandro, and Oru was killed on the seabed by the Great Sage over the East Asian Sea.

Fortunately, Stella was still alive and could almost be described as the last straw he had to sustain his inner hope.However, she was also attacked on the battlefield by the enemy pilot who robbed the fate of the alien aircraft. Although the medical student said that she was only anesthetized, she only had to wait for herself to wake up, but the enemy pilot still had the lives of thousands of the mother ship's crew.

He is a duplicate, so his life is most precious to him!

The Fire Spirit Clown Emperor held two beams of beheading knives. The wings of the back spread out and flashed a flaming red light, transporting particles to the beheading knife - the Ghost Knife. Flaming teeth!

"The target is me?" Barrett faced the galloping slash, manipulated the fate of the other world to pull out the beheading knife and retaliate with flaming teeth.

When the flame collides, it is immediately penetrated by the laser beam.

The Fire Spirit Clown Emperor opened the shark's armor and fired sixteen light beams to create a splendid spark.The fate of the otherworld passes through the light network, sometimes returning fire with Caesar's Immortal Birds of Light.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, bo

The earth grew as high as an experiment, swinging the bicrescent beam army knife to cut down, but the fire spirit clown emperor improved and turned around to avoid it. The two planes simultaneously collided with the wrecking knife, and at the same time separated the dragon cavalry.

Barrett's eyes rolled and his tight muscles didn't have a moment to relax.Facing the Fire Spirit Clown Emperor, he felt like he was training his Alleluia in front of him. His precise position calculation, interference with shooting, induction, and slashing, his combat rhythm was completely contained.

This isn't working!

The fate of the other world suddenly smashed the light beam with a punch. The dragon claw laser gun on the fist glowed and charged toward the Fire Spirit Clown Emperor.However, the opponent suddenly flew at extremely high speed. After flying to the summit, the leg structure shrank, the mechanical claws on the waist side extended, the upper body bent, and the two dragon cavalry soldiers were exposed behind the shoulder. The dragon cavalry had a gliding wing like a falcon on the side.