"What do you mean?" The man in the cow mask squinted his eyes and stared at Aslan violently.

"Even if we could crush the plant in space, how could we be sure that he would not set up a suicide bomb for the home moon constellation in the style of Livonz?" Aslan took a step forward without retreating.

“How can we be sure that our allies will be able to retreat if the Home Satellite constellation blows itself up?Even if we can retreat, what is the effect of our battle?Even if the Jupiter Empire fleet on the ground were to be annihilated, there would still be a direct connection to steel and space-time on Jupiter. ”

The man in the cow mask stopped speaking for a moment. He could only snort coldly.

“We received Wang Rumi's resources in the City of Speed, and one of the experiments was to use the energy produced by the annihilation of the five elements to open the space-time tunnel and connect to steel and space-time.However, if a fleet is to pass through the tunnel, the energy and minerals that need to be consumed can only be supplied by ten planets.”At this moment, Qi Tian Great Saint Sun Wutian opened his mouth to break the deadlock.

“My suggestion is to reverse engineer this technology."Lax said.

Everyone revealed an interesting look.Aslan was also a little surprised that he used to think that Lachs would advocate sending messengers to meet with steel in space-time.

“The energy produced by the annihilation of the element is very large. By tying it to a particle field, it can break through the space-time barrier, and by using the power of the demon god, it can be localized to the coordinates of the distant universe.But the energy of annihilation is explosive in an instant. It is impossible to swallow our army slowly... Only the strongest can cross the tunnel, such as the world tree, the demon temple, everyone here.

"So my idea is not to expand the time to open the tunnel, but to increase the power of the energy burst.Let the energy of annihilation be reversed into steel space-time, crushing the entire galaxy space-time and leaving their planet turbulently swept away.If the calculations were correct, a black hole would have been created.This is elemental annihilation, reverse ostracism, ostracism of the world's trees. ”

Aslan couldn't help but inhale a breath of cold air.This plan is more than bold —— it's about crushing the entire civilization of steel and space and time.

"Interesting... if I'm not mistaken, Lax.Klein, you are also of the Steel Clan and the Venus Beast Clan of the Twelve Olympic Divine Clans.Though your plan is not to annihilate the iron race, it will completely collapse the social system of iron time and space. ”

Lax still smiled and said: "If the battle goes on, the earth's resources are limited.Our family has been away from steel for a long time, but human life is more interesting. ”

If the war does not end with victory, then there is no point in it.That's what Aslan thought.

“I have another idea.“The Earth must be in our own hands,” he said, “before the solar system.I agree with the proposal of Senior Great Sage Qi Tian that we need a guided operation, but the main direction of attack should be Australia mainland. "

"Oh?" The woman in the chicken mask held her chin with her slender hand and leaned forward. "I said."

“Although there are a lot of airborne troops in the Jupiter Empire, it is useless to land as much as there are no ground bases to resupply.We attacked from the north-west of Australia, first capturing Rollishard - the three ringed coral reefs - and then landing at the port of Bloom, crossing the desert and wasteland mountains along the Fitzroy River and destroying the enemy base of Capantalia from the mainland. ”

Long Peak frowned: "This plan will take a long time. What if the enemy ambushes us while we cross the desert?"

“So we don't need a big force, we need an elite force, even a few men.The battle of induction was also recommended to target the Carpentaria base, but only from the sea.”Aslan replied calmly.

Side by side, another dog masked man laughed, "You are a bit interesting.When is the landing plan scheduled?I'm with you. "

Therefore, through the unanimous discussion of the Shanghai Economic Department, it was decided to carry out the battle on the ground according to the plan proposed by Aslan, and at the same time to reverse modify the space-time tunnel of Lax, and to give the steel space-time a "great thanks".

After the meeting, Lei Jiu returned to command the battlefield, and Aslan was called to a palace by the chicken masked woman - also the head of this city, the supreme leader of Shanhai Jingguan, titled Great Sage of Heaven, real name Bai Jing.

White crystal sits high on a platinum throne, while Aslan sits on a fuchsia wooden chair on the lower left.A servant in black and a veil gave the two a cup of tea.

"You are already a Level 103 Zodiac Pilot. You are a student of Alleluia."

Aslan smiled: "It is necessary for the war."

“As a carrier of the Demon God Pillar, you are really not easy.The Demon God of the Doomsday Flame Dragon King and the Demon God of the Phantom Immortal Bird are in your body. This has never happened in the Steel Clan, right?However, do you know why Alleluia did not choose to absorb your demon god power? "

"Hmm?" Aslan was a little stunned.

“From the Heavenly Court 7,000 years ago to the Mountain and Sea Economic Institute today, our proudest weapon is the ‘Numen'. This is a conceptual weapon. In other words, the higher the intensity of the brain quantum wave, the more powerful the body will become.This is inherently different from the iron family, which must rely on the body of metal.

“So the more power Alejandro absorbs from the demon god, the stronger the brain quantum wave he can boost.If he had absorbed the Doomsday Flame Dragon King Demon God and the Underworld Immortal Bird Demon God in your body when he awoke, he might even have been able to break through to the 120th level of the Lord God Realm. "

Aslan had a little nervousness, and neither Ray nor Mary had mentioned it.

Bai Jing continued: "The life of the immortal is boundless, the same life as the universe, the same age as the stars.That is why, two years before the war, the immortal dominated the world outside East Asia - because they lived long enough and had enough time to make it happen.Alleluia, he doesn't want this to happen.

“When he consulted with us, he said he was tired and sometimes even wanted to give up the absurd idea of human beings.Moreover, it would be absurd to have an immortal person who would always be the leader of the people?People are restricted in their path to ascension.Therefore, he will retreat halfway to the back of the curtain and participate more in the actions of the Shanhai Economic Zone, and reduce his role in the open leadership war. "