"What? Only three planes broke through Bloom Harbor?"

Within the command of the Jupiter Empire Fleet on Sulawesi Island, Alejandro, a blonde, was shocked and furious to hear his report.

If it is the enemy's ace pilot, then forget it, but the three MSs in this report have never appeared on the battlefield before, and there are also vintage fuselages like Cyclone Saviors!

“Where are those people in the realm of the earth now?” he asked the intelligence officer.

"Alejandro and the special forces of the gods of thunder sit in the town of Suez Canal, Qarna garrison in the Ganges, Aslan.Sarah and Izsák.Pelle is in Mindanao. ”

The last two, Alejandro, are naturally aware that they are now in command of their armies and are attacking their fleets with East Asia.

In other words, no ace pilot has been assigned to Earth territory?

Could it be East Asia's mountain and sea economy, the Twelve Saints?

Alejandro remembered his predecessor, Leo.Roanoke left the record.The first time it appeared in the Battle of Sulawesi, the Great Sage over the Sea killed him and Carmela, the old immortal of the 101-member parliament, with only the temple of the demon in steel and space-time and they had the power of a battle.

However, it was the Demon God Asura Demon Dragon Monarch who was dispatched to Earth. During the last suicide bombing in the battle of Sri Lanka, the demon sword was taken away as a trophy by the other party.And Levonz hesitates to tell the world tree the bad news.

Today, on the battlefield of Sulawesi, the Jupiter Empire fleet is struggling against the coalition forces in terrestrial territory and East Asia, not to mention the Twelve Saints of the Shanxi Economic Gate.

Thinking of it, Alejandro gnashed his teeth: "Order the entire Northwest Army on the Australian mainland to set up defenses at each stronghold, and be sure to take out the three invaders."

The point of this order is, don't expect me to send reinforcements to the mainland. If your army can't solve the problem, wait for the head to fall.

He did not know that the order ultimately led to the total collapse of the Jupiter Empire on Earth.


Fitzroy Crocin.

This is an oasis in the middle and lower reaches of the Fitzroy River, unknown for most of the world's history.In ancient times, indigenous tribes in the desert wastelands existed, and countless world wars failed to affect the desert.

Because it is so desolate, there are not many industries to develop, narrow oases and poor agriculture can not support a large population.The unit currently stationed in Fitzroy Crocin is the Third Army Division of the Jupiter Empire, which relies on a distant base in Capantalia to transport supplies for the day-to-day needs of its maintenance units.

After receiving Alejandro's command, the division leader Li Jianliang felt a headache.He has received more detailed information than Alejandro, and the intelligence department has analyzed his pilot - Aslan Sarah of Earth Territory - through the battle patterns of Cyclone Saviors in three of the planes.

But how could a commander of Earth territory be here alone?Shouldn't he be commanding the offensive army in Sulawesi?

The three intruders, all of whom were ranked above level 100, were able to slay their ace cards in Rolisha and Port Blum without difficulty.This shows that the opponent is at least a veteran, not a pilot who has just been promoted to level 100.

Li Jianliang was a little confused about each other's intentions.Is this an assault?In order to hold back the main forces in the north and attract them to split up?Or is it true that the other side intends to carry out the decapitation and attack their hometown at the Capantalia base?

Over the years in the desert, he has developed the habit of making plans and moving backwards.Complex and harsh desert weather and a barren stockpile of supplies made it necessary to choose a strategy of minimal sacrifice and maximum return on every move.

If you sprinkle all your troops out, you may be able to intercept the intruder, but the strength after the division is almost to give the other side a head.

If we don't strike, we can stay in the oasis and wait for each other.The intruder is likely to bypass Fitzroy Krosin and take Carpantalia directly.Simply intercept the supply flotilla travelling from Carpantalia under the Fitzroy River to make your army immobile.

In the office, the man with the brown skin tone, firm face and dark blue short hair characteristic of the loess land stood up and looked at the endless wilderness outside the closed window.Desert waves, winds blowing sand and dusty ripples, only a few clusters of green plants with bright red flowers, those are the desert beans that can be stubbornly grown in arid environments.

Half an hour later, he woke up from his normal state of mind and dialed the phone: “Send a communications team out, don't carry weapons, look for intruders.When I find them, tell them I'm waiting for them in Fitzroy Crocin. ”

In the evening, the Aslan three, resting in a rocky cave, met a particularly strange team.

Five three-headed Hellhounds, black fuselage, three beast heads, are classic models of Jupiter's Imperial Land War.But the three-headed Hellhound was unarmed and had only a radar coil with a spinning back.

The three of them immediately awoke from a state of light sleep, activated their engines and flew in the direction of the enemy plane.

Just as Aslan was preparing to start the dive bombing, the five three-headed Hellhounds all suddenly made a stiffening motion - their forelimbs bent and their fuselages clung to the ground.


"Three intruders, please do not use force.As you can see, our planes are not carrying any offensive weapons, they're just here for a conversation."The other pilot's voice came through the public channel.

"Say." Bai Jing replied. Demon King Peng circled vigilantly over the sky.

“Lieutenant General Li Jianliang of the Third Army Division of the Jupiter Empire invited the three of them to Fitzroy Crocin City. He waited for the three of them to arrive in the city and had important discussions.As a gesture of our goodwill, we are transmitting to you a map of the city of Crocin, Fitzroy, and a roadmap for the way forward. ”

Then, on the computer of the three of them, two presentations of the documents being transmitted appeared.

Once the transmission was complete, the five three-headed Hellhounds were evacuated in a straight northward direction.

"Is this... a surrender?" doubted Aslan.

“There is no way to do it, right?The other party knew that whether it was the strategy of dividing up the soldiers or defending the city, there was no way to solve our problem. That's why they wanted to come to the Hongmen Banquet for probing."Boss, do you want to go?"

"Go, why don't you go?" Bai Jing smiled. "I've been eating compressed biscuits and cans all these days. I'm about to close my eyes. I'm just going to the city to eat something good."