Brother Glass, who began to look through the Knights' medical records, was so focused that he could no longer hear the surrounding noise, just like when he was studying in the college.

What you are doing is washing out improvements in your treatment for each injured person. Even patients I haven't seen in person seem to find out that Brother Glass has better medicines, or that if this can be used, he can recover faster.

Even when I caught a cold, he noticed before me and gave me medicine. After drinking that early, I started to heal where I thought my throat was a little sore and I didn't have to take a break from college.

My teacher insisted that I, who had signed with the Spirit of 'Air', never coached me like the others, that I didn't really have to go to college every day because there were so many classes I couldn't get out of, and that I come back from my parents' house.

But I couldn't go back. Being a magician to some position, if I couldn't get a role - it was up to me how I would be treated in that house.

"You can rest whenever you want, Mr. Rendle."

"Yes, I'm worried about you."

I'm used to using polite language like this. Usually, I don't think I should, but I used words I didn't hesitate to say to my older brother Glass.

When I just got into college, there was an event called Forest School where I squads with my superior students to participate, and I got to know Brother Glass there.

Ever since I was a kid, I've been a child I couldn't care less about from around me. Sometimes it was like a joke that only one person was left behind when we went out with the family, or that I was the only one in the class squad who couldn't get in and the teacher didn't even notice that.

Even when I was in Forest School, I was left in the woods by the same squad of kids, and I got lost. In the woods getting darker and darker, I kept walking with no idea where I was headed, letting myself leave the woods alone.

Brother Glass was the one who helped me then. It was the other squad, but when they heard I was lost in the woods, they came looking for me alone - and then Brother Glass got so angry, I could only watch without saying it was my fault.

I wanted to repay you. I've always wanted to hear why you came to help me.

"Huh... you're just a little tired of your eyes. Why would a doctor want to write in a letter that only he can understand?"

"Master Glass looks even as if it's been read"

"The lecturer I taught, he wrote some pretty nasty letters. Well, sometimes I can only use a few minutes for diagnosis, so I guess the letters will be simplified so I can write fast"

In this country, where there are few doctors, hospitals in the capital are always crowded. Brother Glass will be very busy from now on.

You worried Brother Glass would do too much, the Dean of the College asked me to "ask for my brother's watchdog". That's because you knew I was friends with Brother Glass.

But if I go west as I - Leslie Lee Wrencles, I'll be grasped by the house. To avoid that, what the College Director suggested was to falsify his identity.

I can force Brother Glass to recognize me as someone else, even if he's about to realize who I am - by interfering with the 'air' with the power of the Spirit.

Brother Glass said that 'air' would likely do something similar to the Spirit of 'wind', but if it could, it wouldn't be called detachment.

Air is what is always there, whether invisible or unrecognized of existence. Very vague, but I have a deal with spirits living in those things.

If you change your summary 'air', others' impressions will change. But if I kept doing it all the time, I wouldn't have magic, so I needed Brother Glass to think that 'Leslie' and 'Rendle' were different people, even if it was just disguise.

Every time he noticed, he interfered with the 'air' and changed his perception. But when you have to show your face, you also have to increase the degree of interference.

I believed it would work, but at first the nervousness almost made my voice sound better. Even that kind of mood of mine was covered up by the 'air' spirits.

"We're running out of medicines. If you can't get it in a nearby town, request it from the center… or consider being self-sufficient in the near field"

"Are you going to make your own medicine? So, Mr. Glass is overburdened..."

"The method itself is not difficult if it has materials. Medicine can be a specialty, and I think as long as we can secure the origin of the herbs, we can hire people from the town to ask for them."

"I see... if you ask that rancher to speak up, the conversation is going to go smoothly"

Brother Glass, who seemed cramped in the college, is now very lively.

Brother Glass, who is trying so hard to do what he can without sinking his heart to see how miserable the battlefield is, I still think it's amazing.

I was supposed to be able to go west with Brother Glass and my feet were fluffy at first. But that doesn't make me eligible to be here.

Even with the magic drain, I will continue to magically change the 'air' from now on. The name of my great-grandfather, named after me, becomes the very person named 'Rendle'.

But the truth is, as' Leslie ', I'd like to see a letter deposited from Brother Glass. Even though I know I should never do that.

"... hmm? This..."

There is a different color on the cover of the medical record and a small piece of paper is pasted. There, this was written.

'Captain Raquel had been consulting his predecessor for a long time. I find it difficult for her to apply from herself to see her successor, Dr. Glass. But just the medical records, I hope you've seen them, Katie.'

Katie cared about Mr. Raquel and asked Brother Glass to look at the medical records - even though he said the executive medical records could not be seen without his consent.

That's all, maybe Mr. Raquel's not feeling well. Looking at what Brother Glass would do, he seemed lost, but never opened the record.

"I also know how Katie feels, but seeing this makes it harder to build trust. So I can't see it now. First, we need to get a chance to hear it from the front."

"I'll be face-to-face with Captain Raquel tomorrow morning, so we'll have a chance to talk"

"Right. Well...... do you want to turn the rest around at night and take a rest? Mr. Rendle needs to rest, too."

"I'm up till dinner time. I have a little something to write about."

"Okay, okay."

Brother Glass walks into his bedroom. After seeing that door closed, I approached a small mirror, hung on the living room wall.

Brother Glass sees me as a man - but if you look in the mirror, you see what I am.

From now on, we have to keep playing. A completely different, 'Secretarial Rendle' from Leslie, whom he just sees as his sister's share.