When you open the front of your highness's dressed, white thin clothes, your skin appears as smooth as pottery.

I didn't know when I was wearing armor, but the sharp protuberance from the clavicle to the chest was such that I couldn't imagine how many battlefields I'd cut through.

The red marks on his white skin made him feel tight on his chest when he went out to battle. That's the same with the other soldiers, but when I find out that even His Highness is doing so, I wonder if this fortress is really the right shape that is letting women go to war alone.

"... I know what you're thinking. But it's normal for men and women to have different body shapes. Your Highness, we, we are fighting without men or women. I don't think that's painful, and that's all I've been trying to do."

Mr. Raquel is also a rare masterpiece - no man would be as strong as she is. Even men cannot wear armored thick armor as heavy knights, wave spears on horses, etc., unless they are well endowed with their physique.

I switch consciousness and turn the blanket to the abdomen to open a thinner cloth. His Highness's breathing intervals are long, very quiet, and if not nearby, he can't hear breathing at all. But that doesn't mean you're breathing weakly.

When you check your wrist, your pulse is slower than the normal person, but in a problem-free range. However, the temperature is slightly higher - this symptom is familiar.

"Glass... what the hell is that tool...?

"This is for listening to the sounds of the heart, etc. I know this is the first time I've seen it, but I hear it better than I hear it in person... so it's never weird"

The tool I made by cutting out the elder branch - it's called a stethoscope to listen to the patient's heart sounds, breathing sounds, etc., using vibrations to conduct and transmit to the wooden barrel.

Placing those with a large spread ahead on the patient's body and those with a small spread on their ears - this tool was devised to reduce the mental burden on the patient and to increase the amount of information available in diagnosis rather than just seeing or touching it with the eyes.

Place a stethoscope on the position of the heart, around the lungs, etc. After all, there is no problem - His Highness's body, as it stands, is health itself, apart from the cause of his coma.

"Mr. Raquel, is your Highness ill or something?

I didn't dare say 'chief knight'. Too obsessed with the format makes me unable to elicit a straightforward opinion - nor did Mr. Raquel seem to blame me.

"No... nothing. However, there have been occasional breakdowns after major battles. But that's for everyone if you go to war..."

"Really... So, from His Highness's body, there is now a magic emission, can you see it?

"Huh... magic? His Royal Highness does possess magic... but light, etc., is utterly..."

"Just like Mr. Raquel, Mr. Presha, I believe His Highness Astina is also a 'Demon Warrior'. Are you saying you weren't aware of that?"

Mr. Raquel gets stuck in words. She probably naturally became a Demon Warrior by not knowing she had the talent to be a magician and not getting the chance to sign with the Spirit.

"... I... had been pointed out by court magicians that I was using magic to fight. But at that time, I didn't ask for details." Demon Warrior "... well, so Presha and I were as special as any other soldier. I felt the same nature from Diete as we did."

"Mr. Diete also has magic, but not as much magic as Mr. Raquel and Mr. Presha. But His Royal Highness Astina is incomparable with the two of you, and that's how much capacity even a magician has."

Mr. Raquel's eyes shake. I didn't know anything very important about the master I had served all my life - she bited her lips, stirring regrets about it.

"I... swear allegiance, while I say it will be a spear for His Highness... you knew nothing about His Highness"

"I can't help it. The School of Magic keeps the magic thing secret from the outside world. The court magician said Mr. Raquel had magic, because if he wasn't part of the same unit, it could violate the rules."

But if His Highness's symptoms are overlooked as they are, I don't know what would have happened to His Highness - it's dangerous even in a coma, so I have to figure out the cause and treat him as soon as possible.

I will take Mr. Raquel's hand and let him take off his clothes further.

that the magic flooded from her body has decreased rapidly, and that she is currently feverish. Trying to find the cause, I stared at her half.

- Though it's fading and I'm about to lose sight of it. Sure, it looks familiar - painted in her half, like a graphic.

(This... definitely. spiritual markings...... why is this written on His Highness's body...... it's also half missing)

His Royal Highness Astina had received in the past, "The Rite of the Spirit of Choice" or something similar.

As an indication of that, the mark in the shape of a half-moon and the remainder of the spiritual guidance mark painted following it continued towards the part still covered in clothing and blankets.