Sending magic to others requires processes such as via magic crystals.

In order to activate the effect of the ointment applied to the chakra area, I can use my magic - which in turn means that my magic will enter His Highness's body.

As a court magician's code, it is not contraindicated because there is nothing that should not be made up for when the magic of the person you serve is exhausted.

But why am I still being treated when I've drained quite a bit of magic while I'm treating the wounded? That's what I think, and I remember Shizuku, whom Euselisis gave me.

That Shizuku, who moistened my throat by even a small amount, seems to have healed me more than the magic I have from my own source. I've never heard that super healing applies to magic as well, but now I feel my magic capacity is up more than I know for myself.

(If you raise the upper limit of your magic capacity, you can also help fight as a magician... no, you don't want Shizuku the Divine Tree for that. Euselisis has divided the few precious powers that remain...)

"Glass, is the treatment over?

"Yes, somehow...... sorry, let me just do something other than the part you shouldn't touch. Still, you can restore enough magic."

"Magic... why is Your Highness consumed with magic? You mean because His Royal Highness is also being used, just like me and Presha are using magic in battle"

"There is also that, but the direct factor lies in the fact that the ritual of covenant with the Spirit to which His Highness was subjected was interrupted. In this state, Your Highness will always be able to leak magic to his surroundings, even if they are just being spent normally."

Even in that state, His Highness has fought out with his own sword on the battlefield.

That's what I was able to do because she has an unusual magic capacity. He continues to create new magic in his body that only compensates for intense depletion - his talent as a magician, if properly contracted, could have been comparable to the first place in the court magician's sequence.

"... if you perform that interrupted ritual to the end, the obstacle will disappear from His Highness. From me, too, I speak to Your Highness."

"It's not what we're supposed to be told that we're just samurai serving the royal family. But if your Highness is going to be well... please help the doctor."

Three people bow their heads to me. Not saying anything from earlier, one of the two samurai apparently has a very small mouth count - almost, the other grown-up girl talking.

"Ah... too, I'm sorry. Because of this, Karin can barely speak to the first person she meets… I, Soara, will speak instead…"

"Oh no, it's okay, you don't have to be so scared. I don't care."

I cut all my hair at the length on my shoulder, a quiet girl - called another girl named Soara, who looks younger than me.

Two people who don't look like fortresses. The other cafeteria clerks and others dress differently from the soldiers, but these two dress like servants working in noble mansions, not first seen in the town, especially as His Highness demonstrates his noble capacity as the Third Princess.

"Until His Highness wakes up, I'll be waiting in the next room. When Your Highness is awakened, it will be safer for you to be beside him. Can you let me know if anything happens?"

"Yes, I did. We are at your side in turns."

"... I, too, wait with the glass"

"No, Mr. Raquel rests. I think you need treatment, too. That too, as soon as possible."

Soara looks surprised to see what's so bad about Mr. Raquel - Karin also sees Mr. Raquel without saying anything.

Mr. Raquel doesn't deny it, he just puts his hand on his left shoulder - I guess that's unconscious, but it was a way of covering his grievous arms above the limit.

"… while Zirconia's attacks continue, not if they are being treated, etc. Even before, I've done it my way. The next time you say you die without being able to do the same, that's mine, as a samurai..."

"Just for a little while, that's all dramatically changing. Think about it."

I can tell she's starting to admit me if she talks. But that, and relying on a military doctor who just got here, can't be put in the same frame.

But if she thinks she's gonna have to fight for it, I can't back off easily either.

Because the power of medicine is not as weak as she thinks.

"... even if we can treat it, we cannot raise the priority. But, Glass... both you and I, if there are times when your free time is right... then I'd like to ask you"

Ever since I felt uncomfortable with her movements, I've always felt uncomfortable - but now I can finally move on to treatment.

But the way she put it, it's like being physically escorted 'if you get a chance'. That doesn't allow my position as a military doctor.

So I moved on, ready that I might get Mr. Raquel in a bad mood.

"If you have free time, now is exactly the time. First, let me examine you."

"Huh... well, that's..."

"This... you've taken one, Chief Raquel"

Soara says, Karin nods again too - oligarchy, but they seem to be very close to what they say.

The cornered Mr. Raquel will surely stare at me. But as I gave up, I returned acne and tried to leave the room like I was waving a brunette sauce.

"... I'm in the next room. The first priority should be to await Your Highness's awakening. Oh, don't forget that..."

I know you managed to hold me back with strong words, but my voice is trembling. I headed to the next room hoping I'd start by relaxing her.