Even when the magician's name came out, His Highness Astina didn't ask for our expression. The upset should be telling - but if you look at this one right away, you can take it as if you're suspicious. The fact that His Highness is a person who does not make it good was conveyed from her previous behavior.

No, at first, I was thinking about not trusting us easily. But when you find out I'm not the second queen's breather, you're not being questioned.

"Well, what kind of magic does a magician named Noine use?

"... that's it... I just heard it in a story that's been streaming... suddenly a young woman arrives, near General Alejandro... but my immediate captain tells me not to say anything if I don't want to lose my position..."

Listening to the prisoner, the suspicion intensifies again.

The fact that the magician's name came up - that it belonged to a student who was arguing for the chairman in our generation. I can't be sure yet, but if you're someone I and Leslie know, you're going to be naming yourself 'Noin' and helping General Alejandro.

The court magician is a combat magician, basically a military. If the person were to be helping the enemy forces, it would be an obvious treason - I had heard that the renegades would be punished with extreme punishment.

Sven was worried that this country was in a state of war, and at first he regretted not being able to make a contract with the Elemental Spirit. But the Spirit of "Stone" thought there was something he could do, and he collected rumors about military trends in town and told me too.

(Sven should have been in the same class as Noyne. You'd be shocked to find out she fell back on the enemy......)

"Young woman magician... because of him... eh"

"Presha...... keep it down now. Your feelings are understood by everyone in the Knights"

His Highness Astina was also holding his fist. If Noyne's magic bewitched him to allow the invasion of enemy forces, it's only natural to remember his anger.

But I was hooked on one thing. A student named Noine, who once spoke at a college rally, did not seem very much to be part of the betrayal. He wanted to contribute to the preservation of the kingdom by pursuing the court magician with a noble resolve.

(... Why do I need to name my real name? You should use a pseudonym if you don't go back to your enemies or if you're being explored for your identity. That's also known to the average soldier, albeit the covert task force... I don't think that Noin Flores would do that much of a detour)

Girl lurked as' water gem 'because of her neat appearance and her extreme excellence as a magician. I've only once lined up with her on a full score in a sitting exam - when she laughed at me for wasting my effort not taking a practical skills class.

Of course, just because the magic theory exam was the same point doesn't mean there's a gap to be put in. Two years after becoming a court magician, she should have more experience in action than I or Leslie have.

Since when, is she in the Zirconia Army? The intention to gather information, but hearing Noyne's name, raised more questions at once.

"... this is my last question. General Alejandro is not going to pull this fortress until he drops it, is he?

"... the General... with the King's life, told him to attack Lazennaia... for a period of no more than six months... by then, with all the Lazennaia Western territories in his hands..."

"Summoner, it's time for this man to stop."

"Okay. I'll stop hypnosis, so let the prisoner rest."

Leave it to the lady soldier, we'll get out of the dungeon and go up to the ground.

General Alejandro attacks this fortress with obsession until it falls. And you have to move based on the fact that the enemy has a magician.

"... you seem to know the name Noine"

His Royal Highness has asked, before riding the horse, to make his way to the Divine Tree. After all, she didn't dare touch it immediately, knowingly.

She said she would fight to protect the country. for the Western territories to remain in the territory of the Kingdom.

- But this country. Already, if His Majesty's will is in a situation where it will be distorted without reaching this land.

A native of the Sylvana School of Magic, which fosters an important force for the country, is being sent to an enemy country, by personal plot. If that is confirmed as a fact, even if we succeed in repelling Zirconia and dropping the enemy stronghold, there will be a danger of being attacked from behind.

"If you don't want to tell me, it's fine. I'd rather not know..."

"... If it's someone I know, Noyne is a student at the School of Magic. Using the Spirit of Water… Perhaps with the help of water spirits all over the canal, he was creating a massive phantom"

His Royal Highness listens to my words and has eyes that look somewhere far away. On that worried side, I thought maybe I shouldn't have said it now.

But deception doesn't make anything better. Someone in the royal family - perhaps the Second Queen's conspiracy against His Highness Astina - has come to a point where it can no longer be unplugged.

"... even if he was a magician in our country, he must be defeated. To that end, do what you can…"

It was when His Highness was about to say it. Across the unloaded bounce bridge, one scourge returns - and he shook his voice out of awe and said.

"Command...... In the South, there are many unidentified demons! Residents are evacuating, but the gray land, which was temporarily stopped, is starting to spread again...... Huh!

Even after it had withered, the Divine Tree, which had stomped me with a slight force, was finally unable to stop my family from rampant.

As soon as possible, we must turn to the Divine Tree. If the plant demons were to attack, it would be difficult to get there - still, there was no time to get lost.