The canal flows from west to east, gradually heading north. Go through the upper edge of the northern part of the kingdom to the sea that stretches out at the end of the northeast.

The last time the enemy landed was on the west and east sides of the fortress. Using a large amount of water called a canal to create a phantom in some way, Zirconia has covered up military ships and crossed the river.

In the case of Arlaune, the sphere of influence can be extended by flying pollen on the wind or otherwise. Water spirits are also more natural to extend the range along the stream, which requires extra magic to defy the flow.

In order to cover up military vessels crossing the canal from the west and east, it is necessary to create a widespread phantom. According to Ms Diete's story, the phenomenon of fogging on the canal has been confirmed several times, and until now it has been thought to be due to climate change.

"That's what magicians do when they're more likely to be upstream of the canal."

Geared up and gathered in the courtyard on the first floor, we exchange views on which way to cross the canal from west or east.

His Highness closes his eyes, hands on his chest and prays - then the whole tree growing in the courtyard shines, and the grain of light is sucked into His Highness's body.

(I am responding to His Highness's call via that tree, to which the Divine Tree is a family member. Was the royal witch so 'commissioned' a long time ago...)

Eventually His Highness opened his eyes and looked at us. The commissioner seems to have helped determine where to cross the river from.

"Plants along the canal were sensing magical effects. From west to east, along the stream of the river, the fog seemed to be blocking the view from here."

"So... the enemy stronghold is in the west, and the army that attacked us from the east was coming down the river from the west? When we retreated, we retreated from the east side..."

"To cover up both the west and east military ships, as His Highness said, a magician needs to be upstream. I mean, you can assume we're back at the western base."

Water flow - if you can use it, the water magician will exert great power, but conversely, you mean even tied to the flow?

"Is it quite likely that the magician will be in a western stronghold? I hope you can drop the base where the military ships are anchored, even if it's off."

Disabling even one military ship would be a major blow to Zirconia. If we can take the end of the line, we'll be able to use this ship.

Final inspection of the equipment shall be carried out where the policy has been established. All His Highness wears black leather weapons that are prone to dive into the night, not metal armor that sounds. I always wear silver weapons that give me the impression of innocence, so at first I was amazed at the discrepancy.

Leslie looked good in a covert outfit, either because she usually hides her identity as a 'rendle'. He was also used to wearing gear for some reason, and he taught me how to gear it - wondering why he had that knowledge, but now he doesn't have time to ask for details.

"From the time we cross the river, I use magic to cover up the signs for everyone. But if you use a boat to cross, it can take too long to get noticed."

"When you need to cross as fast as you can, that's what you mean"

"You know, take your gear off and swim... yeah, that's dangerous. A boat, there's a stream of rivers, and it's going to take at least a half an hour to cross..."

"About that, they say Arlaune lends good wisdom. Let's move closer to where we start crossing the river."

If Arlaune is right, there is no need to prepare a boat. We went out through the general gate to the west of the fortress - all the weapons that were left as tomb marks for the soldiers defeated by the archers before have now been recovered because they decay as they are and the metal affects the land.

Through the reed plains, we reach the banks of the canal. At this point of the night, it is so far away that it is not foreseeable to reach the opposite shore - the flow of water is also slower around here on the flat ground, but if we try to cross it by small boat, it will be flown quite downstream.

"The power of the water spirits, interfering in this vast whole canal… I see, it's uninterrupted. But there's no way they're gonna do it, but they're gonna stay."

Mr. Raquel looks far beyond the shore, on the Zirconia side. Mr. Diete had set up a short bow a turn smaller than the composite bow he always used and had his eyes around him.

"Mr. Diete, what's on that back...? It smells a little like nitrous stone."

"We were able to receive enemy artillery, so we got gunpowder. The zirconia side is lagging behind in its metalworking techniques, but there seems to be a day longer for gunpowder weapons than we do. I was also ordering my men to develop this' Fire Spear 'thing, and they let me use enemy gunpowder for it. I still don't feel comfortable tapping bases with just swords, spears, and bows."

"Is it like a fire arrow development system? Sure, there may be occasions when you need it."

Mr. Raquel, Mr. Presha specializes in martial arts, but Mr. Diete also seems to be through weapons development.

And if you have gunpowder weapons, I still want to avoid water wetness. The weather is clear well, but if Noyne moves and uses the magic of fog, that could make it useless.

- That's when the bulb roots I was carrying in my pocket start to shine. When placed on the ground and chanted, Arlaune was summoned as a child.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, they're going to cooperate." She needs a lot of magic to embody, so I want her to help me. "

"When 'that child' helps me to cross the river... then use as much power as you can. Glass, is that good?

"Yes, please, with Your Highness's help. Lune, that chant for calling the Spirit... well, that's fine."

Lune solves the materialization, becomes a spiritual body and dwells in me - at that moment, I was able to know what Lune had seen in the spiritual world and a new chant.

The plant has an ecology that the plants of this world can't do without - seeing the sight that came through my brain, I always do when I find out about a new plant, but I just don't want to admire it.

"Well, here we go... Leslie, when the summons is over, ask for magic that stops the signs"

Leslie snorts. I put my hands on the great river and started chanting as it all caught my eye.

"'A sleeping lotus that floats and rises in a spirit spring that does not gush above the abyss. Show yourself in this world once." "

Magic pours into me from His Highness. Instead of being compensated for the magic you use to summon, it's going to overflow from a vessel called me - every time I use her power, I wonder if she left me with this uninterrupted power.

Above the dark water surface, a large circular pale light arises. It is not one, but countless, stretches out to the other bank of the canal.

"Is this... huge, lotus...?

"Ko, do you really have a plant like this...? In the air, it's floating...!

"Floating Ghost Lotus (Fuyuonibus)" - an aquatic plant present in "Elmir Fountain" in the spiritual world, but with a circular leaf large enough for adults to ride on top, and the ecology of rising in the air and moving themselves to a sunny place.

Scaffolding by summoning countless of its floating ghost lotuses. This is not affected by the canal flow and can be crossed at the shortest possible distance.

Just because I don't have time to get lost, it was Mr. Presha who cut ahead first. Ride the leaping, floating lotus leaves and fly further to the next scaffold - take each adult easily, see him bounce back with elasticity, His Highness continues.

Mr. Raquel, Mr. Diete, Leslie - and finally me. There's a river flowing beneath my eyes, and when I look at the black surface as it's about to be inhaled, it makes me zoster, but I concentrate on crossing my consciousness forward - and.

The boat will take half an hour to complete the crossing. The summoned lotus is sent back to the Spirit Realm so that it dissolves in the darkness of night.

That doesn't stop us, we bend over and move around the reed. The direction is west - paying attention to whether the enemy scouts are patrolling or not, and we keep moving towards the invisible, nearby woods.

In time, for a moment - listening to the wolf howl we hear in the distance, me and Leslie follow His Highness at an awesome speed, a little late. Mr. Diete hit our escort and accompanied us without leaving us.

"I follow you a lot, both of you. But you won't be able to rest for a while."

I have to marvel at Mr. Diete, who I can talk to while running. She's also a soldier again, a manifestation of how she's been training herself from day to day - I think I should have built my strength too, but I can't cry.

Eventually, Mr. Presha, who was ahead of him, slows down. At the tip of her pointing was some light rising in the darkness of the night.

"Your Highness, look, you can see the lights"

"… and the Zirconia soldier on watch can be confirmed. That's the enemy stronghold... and it looks like it was building a military ship."

A tributary of the canal flows towards an enemy fort surrounded by a high fence. There were indications that nearby forests had been felled and large quantities of wood collected.

How many enemy soldiers are there in that place? How will you occupy it - and will you encounter Noine? Whatever happens, I only serve as a magician, along with Leslie.