Inside the fort were facilities for capturing and accommodating those who violated discipline and deserters. Punishment Room - Unlike a mobile curtain house, it is a hut made of wood and stone.

Mr. Diete took me inside the punishment chamber with Noine. Inside is the figure of His Highness Astina, the Knight of Raquel.

Alejandro was chained to a pillar deeply penetrated into the ground. I got an arrow around my clavicle, and there seemed to be quite a bit of bleeding, but I have been bandaged with hemostasis.

My skin is blue and a little bloody from my lips, but I wouldn't have lost my life if the wound hadn't been purulent. Whether to keep Alejandro alive as a prisoner or take him as an enemy general is up to His Highness's will - but His Highness does not seem to make the choice of executing the enemy general who interrogated him.

Noin was a little upset to see Alejandro, but he grabs the hem of my clothes softly. You stand in front of the person who was subjecting you, so you have room to observe that emotion - if you want to calm down a little, you don't mind stretching about my clothes.

"Glass...... to keep up, though I will ask you for an important role. From your eyes, Alejandro is in a situation that can withstand interrogation?

"It's difficult for a long time, but I don't think it would be a problem if I just asked you the questions you need"

"Okay. We can help if there's anything we can do…"

Mr. Diete offers, but with the help of Roune, the interrogation will go smoothly. That loone should have been held by Noyne, but she's gone at some point.

"Mmm...... Le, Roune. I wondered where he went..."

Roune, at times, was hugging His Royal Highness. I have quite a difference in height, so I'm holding onto my hips.

"... smells like a princess, smells nostalgic. Looks like my mother..."

"... I'm sorry, I'm not your mother. I guess Euselisis has something to do with you."

Divine trees - beings that unite all plants. If its roots (roots) are in the Spirit kingdom, it cannot be said that Arlaune is also like a child of the Divine Tree.

"But my sister over here smells good, too. And your sister."

"Oh well... I just finished the fight, so I don't think it smells good..."

"Maybe... are some parts of you attracted to magic?

"The same goes for magic, but I like people who are getting along with the Summoner. With Sister Raquel and Sister Diete, as much about your Summoner... Hmm."

He was going to say something that didn't even clap, so he accidentally catches Roune and blocks his mouth. You won't have to be able to breathe because you're a spirit, but you just gently put your hands on it so it doesn't suffer.

"Lune, if you say that all of a sudden, everyone will be surprised. I need to make sure they don't scold me."

"... hmmm"

"Yes, no, I don't mean to scold you... what were you trying to say"

"Oh, my God, Lune is... so glad your teacher came in to stop you."

Roune seems dissatisfied, but she's grown up, so I'll let her go. Roune looks up at me and says, "Yikes," but we were both laughing at Mr. Raquel and Mr. Diete for looking adorable.

"... watching Roune will heal you. Let's not forget that this is an enemy land."

"Glass, you're not much of a bully, say your spirits"

"Hey, I'm not bullying you... Ah, here..."

Lune decides that Mr. Raquel is on his side, or he hides behind her - but when His Highness peeks softly in and holds Lune up, he brings him to me.

"Ha ha, I got caught. Summoner, I have no choice but to listen to you."

"Ha... I'm just saying thank you"

Looking at Lune, who doesn't move at all even in front of Alejandro, who doesn't make it slight, I still think that being a spirit, she's not the child she looks like.

And Roune is able to communicate with His Highness only by touching him - that His Highness, the witch of the Divine Tree, has gained the power to synchronize with the Spirit of the Plant.

His Royal Highness takes him, and when Roune comes to the front of Alejandro, he clutches his hand to the ground. Then a magic formation was born on the ground, and demonic flowers, arguably the main body of the loone, sprouted, and flowers were opened while they were seen.

"When this little girl sees such power... magic is mysterious."

Mr. Diete, while admiring him, turns his attention to Alejandro's movements without alarm. Same goes for Mr. Raquel - although he can't move now, he's the one who cornered Mr. Presha, so he can't be alarmed.

Eventually, the demonic flower pollen floats around Alejandro and is taken in by the body as it breathes - its eyes open slightly.

"… I will check again. You're General Alejandro, aren't you?

"... yes..."

"Now I'm going to ask you some questions to answer. Answer without staring."

"... oh..."

After Alejandro responds, His Highness will step forward. I'll hold off on the side and watch the interrogation with careful observation of Alejandro's condition.

"... were you trying to take the Isle Rose Fortress, through the person of Lazennaia?

Hypnotize me, it's not a long time to be able to ask questions at once. Until my ego is transformed, it's like a few minutes away - there's no time to be far away, all the questions have to touch the core.

"... the woman there... the magician of water, Noin Flores... the side of the Kingdom of Lazennaia guided her to use her power..."

"Well, who is the person who gave the guide...?

"He who can give orders to the court magician of Lazennaia... there are only a few people in your kingdom who can do that..."

Alejandro only guesses, and I don't know the answer - it was just directed to 'Someone in Lazennaia' to use the power of the noise.

That was undoubtedly the work of Her Royal Highness Cassandra, Second Queen of Lazennaia, and Jorg Frost, the court magician who goes through with her. If Alejandro doesn't know that, the connection between Zirconia and Queen Cassandra is considered less intimate than he had imagined.

If other generals, or Queen Cassandra, had passed around to Emperor Zirconia, it would be difficult to cease the ceasefire solely by discussing it with Zirconia. I know there were other snitches in Alejandro, but I don't think they were involved in the Zirconia hub -.

"From our territory there were those who were secretly circulating weapons to Zirconia. Did you know about that?

"... it was a fort in the west that was guiding it... an establishment built as a base for a military ship... under its command, a man named Bayle... I asked Bayle to replenish supplies and ordered him to use the military ship to work with our army... but that man..."

Why did you try to use your hands to cage Bail using noise? That's nothing more than because Bail was using his position and running with Alejandro.

If Bail doesn't move, we can't take the maneuver of landing from two remote points and attacking the Isle Rose Fortress. Apart from the fact that Noyne was sent to Zirconia, there was a move to sidestream weapons from Lazennaia into Zirconia, which had created a division of the Zirconian army in the first place.

"... you can't seem to use such an operation without gaining confidence."

"After all, you were right to target the shipyard in the west... because Alejandro lost his batter because he took Bail as a prisoner and rescued Noyne"

I really do - I heard from the story that even one court magician could change the battlefield, but I think Noyne is embodying that again. Alejandro was probably an excellent commander, even without a magician, but I can imagine knowing and relying on the power of Noyne.

"... thanks to Lady Glass. If I hadn't met Lady Glass at that time, I might have returned to this man again"

"The man who tries to use a woman on the battlefield has seen it many times... after all, it's unforgivable"

Mr. Raquel turns his anger on Alejandro, but His Highness controls it.

I saw, Mr. Presha's past - among other things, some military men were shown different ways to think outrageous things.

Not all of them. Sometimes we shrink our minds as we put ourselves on the battlefield and get caught up in paranoia to power, and some of us must not be.

Even after this fight, I have to do what I have to do so that everyone can laugh and go back to their lives. I think it's even my destiny now to be here as a military doctor.

"... My Summoner, this man is quite resistant to hypnosis... Eh, if I ask him just one more question, he seems like he should unhypnotize me"

"Oh, okay. Your Highness..."

"No. Noin...... do you have anything to say to Alejandro"

"… so, Your Highness… such as giving such an important opportunity to someone like me…"

"I think you have a right to do so. Even if you're going to work for our Knights, you're going to get hard if you don't untie us a little bit."

Just freed from the Spirit of the Underworld, it's not over. Even with the fallen Alejandro in sight, it should be noted that he was not yet truly free.

"... I... am not tied to you anymore. Your orders will not be delivered."

"... no... noin... you, my..."

Lune is right, Alejandro resists hypnosis - that his obsession with Noyne is so strong.

I don't know if trying to help here is the right thing to do. Maybe she's the one who needs to get over it by herself.

Still, I put my hand on that shoulder so that Noin could move forward a little bit.

"... Dear Glass..."

Noyne lays her hands on mine. The magic power of 'water' and 'plant' affects each other - if it is so compatible, it calms the disturbance of the spirit of Noin without the use of magic.

"... I haven't heard your answer. If you can hear me in that state, just engrave my words... you lost. Led by His Royal Highness Astina, to the Knights of Ayrrose"


Alejandro opens his eyes - when he hits hard, Roune envelops Alejandro with sleeping pollen.

"Huh... but... ah..."

When the concentration of hypnotic pollen is increased, Alejandro quickly loses consciousness. Looking at Alejandro, who nodded hard, Noin puts his hand on his chest - I guess it took so much courage.

"... Your Highness, I'm sorry. In His Highness's presence, it clears up resentment..."

"No. Alejandro used such measures as to sacrifice the lives of his own men… still, there was no regret or other fine dust. Then those who have died according to his command will not be rewarded."

"Being unaware of defeat is a particularly bad thing to give up. You might want to keep one of those."

"Your Highness, as an important prisoner about Alejandro and Bail, it will be a negotiating material with Zirconia. But if I take you back to Fortress Isle Rose, it is believed that Weisek will interfere again… I think we should proceed with another pawn as it is, shall we?"

His Royal Highness's eyes, questioned by Mr. Raquel, turn, for a moment only, into something that looks somewhere not here - a vision of the future by the power of the Divine Tree.

"... Raquel, I will deposit this fort with you. Stay here for a few days with Bridget and Chloe."

"Yes...... I accept. What will His Highness do?

"For once, I will lead the gesture back to Isle Rose. Our attack on Zirconia is likely foreseen in the centre… we must avoid being taken over our fortress of Isle Rose"

"... that guy... that's what Weisek's gonna think. Your Highness, may I accompany you and Presha?"

"Yes, Glass, I'll leave the placement of the two magicians to you."

"Your Highness, I'll take care of the defense of this fort. I have some idea of the terrain around me during my stay"

Noyne offers to me - if she stays active when attacking this fort, I can expect to contribute in defense as well.

I, with Leslie, am to follow His Highness back to the Isle Rose Fortress. Even if the Zirconia concerns disappear, it is possible that our original companion, the Lazennaia Army, will come dressed in treason wet clothes.

This is where it stands - if His Highness is to become ruler and create an independent territory, we need to get rid of the worries of hindsight. I told His Royal Highness's horse, Leslie rode Mr. Presha's horse and drove down the still raindropped plain to the south with the fortress.