By the canal, the horses are eating grass. Seeing that figure, Roune puts her hands around protecting the little flower growing on her head.

"Sister Leslie, will your horse eat flowers too?

"... I don't think I'll eat until I'm so hungry. Because I usually eat horse grass."

Get off the horse, sit with a cloth on the rock that was nearby, and Leslie is talking with Roune on her lap - what an idyllic sight.

I get off the horse once, too, and get close to the water. From what I've seen in the drawings, some demons live in water, but I touched the water and asked the algae in the water, and it looks like there are no dangerous organisms.

"... Glass, can you make lotus scaffolding?

"Yes, no problem. Speaking of which, it's such a big river, I thought you weren't alert to aquatic life at all..."

"You don't seem to be around here. We couldn't fish on the canal because of an enemy attack, but if we could build a ship, we'd be able to start."

If the fish had been caught, it would certainly not have been as qualitative as having a meal. Fish are rarely consumed in Wangdu, but they have been salted and preserved because the merchants come to sell them.

"That, too, is only through the coming phase…"

"... Your Highness, the 'divine' from Euselisis, what..."

"... from the east, when the storm comes"


East - From Western territory. In that direction, there is the Wang capital.

"Storm" coming from Wang Du. That's what I heard, and I couldn't help but think of one person.

"Millenia Weed," The Emerald Witch, "headed this way."

"How could the Dean of the Millennia..."

"There's one thing I can think of. Weisek...... Suppose he was convinced of his success, provoking us, with the life of His Highness Cassandra. In the name of my treason against His Majesty, I will consider taking over the fortress of Isle Rose… Western territories"

"... even with that much foresight, I couldn't have captured Weisek. Because it's treason in itself… is that what you mean?"

His Highness nods. Things aren't at all fragrant - but His Highness had a calm eye to relieve this one just by looking.

"Can what we are doing be treason? It is not Weisek who defines it."

"... Your Highness Astina"

"Yeah, well, I have a number of rights tricks...... you mean? I'm not sure about that, but I'm not going to be doing anything wrong. Your Highness can't be wrong."

"... I, too, can make mistakes. I don't think you should always do what you think is right."

I didn't say that to deny Mr. Presha's words.

His Royal Highness turned to me - those cool eyes seemed to me to be asking me to say what I thought of the current words.

"If the people in the realm find out His Highness thinks so, you'll be relieved. Of course I think it's honorable."

"... honorable... that seems a little overwhelming as an expression..."

"I was wondering if I should mention His Highness too... I think Dr. Glass is right. Your Highness is honorable."

His Highness, who even agreed with Mr. Presha and seemed bewildered, turns away when she realizes I was watching, strokes the neck of the horse eating grass and finishes her meal.

"... Glass, I forbid that honor. I know it's not in a bad way, but I'm not comfortable when they say it."

"Oh... but I'm sorry, Your Highness"

Reflect that it was an indifferent statement to His Highness because of his actions in small numbers.

"... I don't even have that much to be afraid of. I'm not saying I don't like it just because I'm not comfortable. You and I are connected via the Divine Tree, but honorable is a way of saying distance."

"Wow, I get it. Well, let's see... I respect your Highness."

"... Brother Glass, I don't think you've changed much"

"Hahaha... even teachers can be nervous and not say good things"

Unlike Sven, I'm not as calm as a stone. But it's good to be able to bicker while you're stuck, because mental fatigue is also great when you're constantly stuck.

Mr. Diete, who was scouting the neighborhood, returns and comes to me with a strange look at what everyone is laughing at.

"Surrounding reconnaissance is over. I don't think you'll be attacked by ambushes while you're crossing… now that you've defeated Alejandro, Zirconia's residual force won't be around."

"Thank you, Diete. Glass, please."

"Yes, sir."

I lay my hands on a flowing canal - another landscape floats in front of me. Countless' floating ghost lotuses' are still floating in Elmir's Fountain in the Spirit World.

"'A sleeping lotus that floats and rises in a spirit spring that does not gush above the abyss. Show yourself in this world once." "

From this side of the canal to the other shore, several large lotuses materialize. I became familiar with the summoning several times, so that the heights at which each lotus floats could be combined and laid down like a path made of cobblestones.

I'm told to ride His Highness's horse, so His Highness pulled me up. Don't fall, Your Highness will turn my hand around my hips.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Be careful not to be stirred up because there seems to be a little wind"

"" "Yes!

When His Highness speaks up, the Kingsguard knights reply as well. When he hears his voice this way, Mr. Presha jumps through and is young, but many knights seem to be about mid twenty years old.

"... if the battle settles, it can be about age, so some knights will choose to retire. I must serve so that I can."

In a state as close to His Highness as it is now, it is easier to convey thoughts. His Royal Highness Astina is also always guided about the life of the knights.

It is because of that sentiment that all the knights, older than His Highness, are faithful.

"... why do you think so often about things that compliment me"

"Eh... su, sorry. I will try not to convey my thoughts."

"No, I'm not angry...... let's just say it's good, unless my thoughts are always telling you"

"That's not a problem, because I know how to be a magician, too. There are ways to prevent the propagation of thoughts through magic."

"... only to me, you're conveying the idea of a glass. Again, I'm going to need to get a little magic trick on my glass."

As we speak, Leslie follows this one and looks back - does that mean you care about me and Your Highness? Maybe it's not a good idea to talk too hiccups.

"... were you listening? That's what I said when I asked for magic instruction."

"Yes, of course I'm listening. If it's Your Highness, I think you'll get the hang of it soon."

"I will try to be. It's time to finish crossing the Lotus Bridge...... when I get down to the shore, I'll make the horses run. Hold on tight."

"... Huh!

His Royal Highness, like I said, just down to the shore, slaps the horse in the neck. Then the horse gradually accelerates and starts walking - if you don't hold on tight, it's likely to be shaken down.

Leslie is also working hard to get caught by Mr. Presha, so I can't lose either. Mr. Diete, riding alone, precedes him and runs lightly - she whistled and signaled and let the bounce bridge down as she reached Fortress Isle Rose one foot ahead.

Once inside the fortress, one soldier rushes over to His Highness. The face was pale - after all, something was going on.

"Your Highness, I would like to report to you. It appears that troops dispatched from the centre have arrived at the western junction. The commander is General Rotogart, who has been telling me he has a letter of order from Central Command. Before His Royal Highness Astina returns, he asked me to put him in the Isle Rose Fortress..."

"... what is the strength of that unit?

If we are not jointly conducting an operation on another unit on our side, we do not need to ascertain the force strength - His Highness was suggesting in that question the possibility of hostility with the Friends.

"Early horses from the Sekiguchi have just arrived today, which means roughly three hundred. Because I didn't know His Highness would be back soon, or I think he's already started moving toward us."

"I can't believe you're turning your hands so far. That man named Weisek, from the beginning..."

Mr. Diete bites his lips. The fact that a general dispatched from the centre is here now can only be assumed to have poked His Highness's absence in advance and was ready to enter the Fortress of Isle Rose.

The number of three hundred would be in view of keeping the Irrose soldiers under their command and continuing their rule. Apparently it's a decision that we don't need to point a lot of troops from the center.

"Your Highness... if General Rohtgart arrives like this, he will probably be given an order from the Marshal. If you refuse to do so, you may turn everything in the Royal Lazennaia Army against the enemy."

Mr. Diete then appeals to His Royal Highness. We knew this would happen - sooner or later we must leave Queen Cassandra's plot in order to continue to govern the Western territories, improve the lives of the people and bring about peace.

"... that I am here at this stage would be outside their assumptions. And no interference by General Rotgart is necessary in this western territory."

"Your Highness..."

"For what reason, are we on our way here? If you have a say in letting me lose my leg, let's hear it. But that was before we entered this fortress on the ground."

"... ok. I will follow His Highness everywhere."

Mr. Presha has no strays. The Kingsguard knights are the same - but Mr. Diete was unable to agree immediately.

"Dietria... if you were to return to the Muse family, it would be..."

"... that it's the only time. That's probably not a mistake."

Dietria would be Mr. Diete's real name. And Muse is the name of Mr. Diete's family.

I've heard of the name Count Muse when I was in King's Capital. The current principals are also managers of the Royal Theatre and are widely involved in commerce and are said to be the top millionaires in the nobility of the country.

Born into such a prestigious house, Mr. Diete chose the path of becoming a knight. But that doesn't mean you abandoned the house.

"... If I were to confront General Rohtgart as His Highness's minister, the Muses would also be punished in some way. But my father tells me to cut it off whenever I need to. My father is an old man, so he won't be easily crushed."


Mr. Diete was not lost. By speaking of that determination, His Highness, and Mr. Presha, knew to lead her.

"... Mr. Diete, are you sure?

"I don't want to think about it, even if it's a possibility, that we're going to end our lives by being incorporated under a new general now. I vowed that I wanted to remain a knight in the service of His Highness."

"Yeah...... me too. Your Highness, take us with you."

The knights had one heart. I look at it and I find it dazzling - in college, I couldn't meet a fellow aspiring to the same place like this.

"... Brother Glass, you look envious"

"One way or another, I guess I admire it. But... right. I had Leslie and Sven."

"Oh... well... if that's what you think..."

Leslie was saying something, but her voice is so small that I can't hear her - I'm sure she's "good if you think so" or something like that.

But in order to stop General Rohtgart, our numbers are small. Nor is there any time left now to return the soldiers occupying the fort of Zirconia.

"... if what we have done is sprouting in this western realm. There's nothing to show you."

"Your Highness...... the words made the stray disappear more than within me. Dietria Muse, Captain First Archer of the Fortress of Isle Rose. I will accompany you until this body decays."

His Royal Highness nods back to Mr. Diete - it seemed to me that His Royal Highness smiled faintly. Mr. Diete smiles, too, and the knights go out of the fortress again.

"My lord Astina, ladies and gentlemen, good luck......!

"- His Royal Highness Astina, His Royal Highness the Knight Presha, His Royal Highness the Knight Dietria, you are in formation!

Friends - No. The knights rush through the meadows to confront the army that was once on their side.

What awaits us ahead. Will I also confront my sister-in-law?

All I can do is make sure I don't lose anything. I swore to my heart that it couldn't be just that.