Hakai no Miko

Episode 36: Second Corner - Bigots

Tribute to Mitsuko.

One of the story idioms is that you have to be thankful to welcome a wise man.

When Soma Kisaki, son of destruction, welcomes Dae-hyun Solon, he derives from the story of Soma's own triple visit to Solon's house, which was still unknown at the time. (From the Story Proverbs Dictionary)

When Soma visited Solon's house for the first time, he could see from the entrance to the house where the figure of Solon lying on the sleeping table and taking a nap was opened. Shemr called out and tried to wake up Solon, but Soma stumbled on it.

"Dr. Solon is on holiday. You must not be rude, even though you visited without a promise. Let's wait for you to wake up here."

That said, I kept waiting all the time for Solon to wake up at the entrance to the house.

Shemr was unhappy that his beloved master could not even go up to the house and wait, but he had to endure jizz because that's what Soma would say.

But Solon can hardly wake up. Still, as Soma continued to wait, Solon finally woke up at a time when the sun would set to the west.

Solon, who woke up, felt deeply into Soma's deeds, which neither went into the house on his own while he slept, nor prevented him from sleeping, but he hoped to pick it up for Soma as the sun would soon set.

"Today, it's already sunset. Come back out."

Shemr was outraged by the statement, but Soma said without anger.

"I'll see you soon."

And later again, Soma visited Solon's house.

Then Solon was absent. It was soma who had eventually tried to return, but Solon, who was just out there, came back.

It was a soma I had just tried to say hello to, but I noticed him. Solon walked out toward the city market when he returned his heel (bite) on the spot without saying anything.

"What a disrespectful guy!

Sometimes the other day, Shemru tried to jump on the solon in a rage.

"Wait, Shemr"

But when Soma held it down, he followed Solon without saying anything.

Solon then guided Soma to all parts of the city silently. Especially since it is the back part of the city, such as the Glades, where Soma has never seen it before.

By the time I finished touring the city that way, it was already time to try to set the sun. Besides, Solon told Soma.

"Today, it's already sunset. Come back out again."

Shemr was furious with this, but once again Soma said without anger.

"I'll see you later"

And later, Soma visited Solon's house.

Then Solon saw the soma he had visited, and said:

"Those who stand above men must not be imprisoned by monetary greed"

Then, Soma threw all the money she had immediately onto the ground.

And Solon was deeply impressed, and when he put his forehead at Soma's feet, he apologized for his previous disrespect and said:

"I, find here a master of my life," he said.

Excerpt from the History of the West Side of the Continent, Volume XXIII

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The Great Festival Borough was also disconnected, and the Ethereal Horse, returning to the city of Bornis, was having lunch with the old man of the city's fame that day.

The cooperation of the city's celebrities and facial actors is an essential part of the city's governance. It was also my duty as a governor to maintain friendly relations with those people in order to spread my will to the city or, conversely, to draw the petitions of the inhabitants.

For this reason, the Ethereal Horse often invited the famous men of the city to lunch.

And fortunately, the Zoan-style flavored dishes with the diverse spices eaten by the Ethereal Horse were also well received by the city's celebrities, which led to a further fondness for the Ethereal Horse.

I was still dining with one of those celebrities today, an old man, who asks when he realizes that the expression of an Ethereal Horse cannot be seen along the way.

"Dear Soma. Don't you have something to worry about?

As the old man guessed, the pale horse had troubles. Shamed to put it on his face at the meeting place because of it, the Ethereal Horse uncovered its troubles with its apology and the expectation that if possible any good wisdom would be heard.

"Excuse me. - I was having a little trouble with the orphanage..."

Aoima had built and operated an orphanage as one of the reforms in the city.

In this era, many children were orphaned by the loss of their parents in plagues and wars, or abandoned for relief from poverty. Some of them were able to tour with foster parents, but such lucky orphans are rare. Most orphans were in situations like begging and garbage picking to get a tiny bit of food to connect their lives.

Because of those painful circumstances, many of the orphans dyed their hands against such evils as pickpockets and tears. Some of them even formed partisans to work robberies and break-ins, and in the city they were synonymous with troublemakers.

It was also natural that the Ethereal Horse, who knew the current situation of those orphans, wanted to create an orphanage.

Of course, I don't deny that Aoima had feelings of pity for the orphans when she wanted to build an orphanage.

But that wasn't all.

When Ethereal Horse first interacted with Marcronis, who was once an assistant squadron leader of the Holmeer National Army, he asked why he was not prejudiced against the Fae in an army teaching him to discriminate against the Fae from the Subhumans. Marcronis' answer to that was because he grew up with the Fae at an early age.

When he heard the answer, he thought to do the same to the orphans.

Orphanages don't just protect orphans. He also intended to acquire vocational skills - i.e. vocational training - so as not to have any difficulty in his life after leaving the orphanage. And by allowing them to learn first-hand from the superior skills and knowledge of the Fae, which are typical of Dwarf's production skills and so on, the aim was to make the orphans experience the fact that the Fae are not inferior species, as the Episcopal Church chants.

Thus the Ethereal Horse created the first orphanage in this world.

But there the Ethereal Horse hit an unexpected problem.

"Actually, I can't find a teacher to teach the orphans."

Aside from dispelling prejudice against the Fae, Ethereal Horses also had the desire to strengthen the foundations of their forces by spreading basic education - that is, "reading and writing calculations".

So the Ethereal Horse taught the orphans Arabic numbers and simple calculations on his own if he found time, but he can't remain a two-legged softie: the city's ruler and the orphan teacher forever.

Besides, even if the Ethereal Horse is taught arithmetic and scientific knowledge, he doesn't know the letters of this world. I really need a teacher who can teach me letters.

There are people in the city called bachelors who make a living by teaching academics to others, and Aoima initially thought of hiring those people as teachers.

But those who were happy to take it on at first when they heard they would be hired by the Ethereal Horse will also put in a uniform no once they find out that the person they teach is an orphan.

The old man who heard it nodded and showed it in the wind that it was still there.

"I can't do it either. Bachelors are all highly respected."

In this world where there is still no printing technology or the like, books are all written in the hands of men. As a result, it was very rare, and its value corresponded to the cost of living for several months of the common people.

Naturally, getting such a book and typing it into your studies will require a corresponding asset. For these reasons, people called bachelors were usually two or three boys, wealthy aristocrats and luxuries.

There was no way those high-minded people could have done anything to teach orphans.

I also thought about buying a knowledge slave that would teach academics to noblemen and luxury brothers if a bachelor could not, but I could not buy or sell slaves for money while keeping myself free of slaves, and the Ethereal Horse was in great distress.

The old man smiled bitterly at such a pale horse.

"If you're not so much of a weirdo, trying to teach the orphans academics..."

So the old man says, inadvertently.

"What have you done?

And when the pale horse asked strangely, the old man smiled bitterly and showed him.

"No. Speaking of strangers, I remember someone"

In the mouth of the old man, the Ethereal Horse was intrigued.

"What kind of person are you?

The old man opened his mouth after a while to see if it was good to say so.

"The name, indeed, Solon. It's been over a decade, but I'm an old man who shows up fluttered in this city and rents a small house to live in. You have a lot of upbringing, such as writing letters to earn a dime. That's all, or the more amazingly good old man you are to see. - Yes, here's the story..."

That's what the old man told us:

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In the city of Bornis, there was a man of greed and reputation in the neighborhood.

The man, anyway, was greedy. Even a single straw wants someone else's, and if it's your own, you'll know how greedy it is because even a single hair is so reluctant to get into the hands of others.

Now, next to that greedy man's house lived a caring young couple. Never wealthy, but the young husband works well, and the young wife is also a close couple who supports her husband well. The young husband, who had recently learned that a new life was dwelling in the womb of his young wife, had been a wife before and had worked so hard.

One day, the young husband bought one chicken at the market, trying to get his wife to concentrate. When the young husband got home, he sickled off the chicken's neck in the garden just to cook.

But the decapitated chicken is in big trouble. As he jumped out of his young husband's hand, he jumped over the hedge and into the garden of the next house. And in the midst of his garden, he died a spatter.

The young husband said this to a greedy man who thought this was gone but just came out of the house.

"Excuse me. My chicken died walking into your garden. Could you give it to me?

Then the greedy man takes the dead chicken in his garden, and he says:

"This is my garden. What's falling into my garden is mine."

Naturally, my young husband is not convinced.

"That's a terrible story. That chicken is definitely what I bought. Please give it back."

But the greedy man laughed it off with his nose.

"Where in this guy does it say it's yours? This one was falling into my garden, so it's mine."

For the sake of his wife, he was a chicken who bought by doing a painful household. Young husbands, who can't back off easily, and greedy men who won't try to return whatever they say, started asking questions that they could and wouldn't return.

Hearing the noise, the neighbors also gathered. Naturally, the neighbors have the shoulders of their young husbands, but they say that it makes a man who is good enough to be greedy and doesn't give it back as hard as he can.

Finally, the young husband and the greedy man grabbed each other's chest barn over the hedge and wondered if it would be a beating.

There, Solon happens to be the one who got through.

When Solon heard from the neighbors who were gathering, he grabbed the wilderness that was nearby and approached the young husband and the man who was greedy.

In everyone's attention as to what to do, what a drag Solon off all at once as he grabbed the clothes of a man who was greedy on the hedge.

Suddenly, Solon turned to his young husband, who was suddenly standing in the sky.

"Look! What are you bluffing about? Tie this guy up."

The young husband, who was drunk by Solon, tied up a man with his eyes in black and white but lust.

Naturally, the greedy man was furious.

"What right do you have to tie me up!

And Solon replied, "Oh, my God."

"Didn't you say? What is falling into my garden is my own. Then what fell into the garden of this young man shall belong to this young man. Or does it say it belongs to you somewhere in your body?

The greedy man who was returned with his words intact was astonished. Still desperately argue.

"I'm telling you I'm mine!

And Solon answered this when he made a stubborn look.

"Hmm. Then why don't I just give you back the neck that says so? Just the chicken has a neck here, and a torso there. You have your neck and your torso. This means it fits your ass."

Saying so, Solon picked up the sickle that was falling, poking it into the throat of a greedy man. A man who is just as greedy for this also says he just can't wait to surrender and immediately returns the chicken to his young husband to apologize.

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The old man told me a few other stories about Solon solving the problems of the city's residents.

Hearing them to the end, the Ethereal Horse exhaled with admiration.

"That's an interesting story"

to the way the Ethereal Horse was interested, but the old man shook his neck to the side.

"But if you're looking to hire a solon, you should stop."

"Why is that?

"We have this story. I heard rumors about Solon. It was more about the extravaganza who invited Solon to their mansion..."

The merchant entertained Solon with a banquet. At that seat, Luxury said he asked Solon:

"What is your stunt?

Then Solon answered this, blushing with alcohol.

"pissing people off and making them uncomfortable"

Surprised by this, the luxury adds, "So what can you do?

asked. And Solon answered this without going bad.

"Drinking and taking a nap"

I say that I was overwhelmed with this and drove Solon back early.

"Anyway, he's a terribly bigoted, twisted old man. I don't really think it would be a good idea for someone like that to teach orphans to study."

The old man shook his neck to the side small toward the pale horse to show it.

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After eating with the old man, the pale horse, as usual, encouraged the affairs in the clerk's office.

Shemr sounds surprised at such a pale horse.

"I'm losing my mind. What's wrong, Soma?

As Shemr put it, the Ethereal Horse seemed somewhere distracted from earlier. Until earlier, I had had Michena, the treasurer, report verbally on the situation in the city, but even then, the Ethereal Horse was not able to concentrate.

"Yeah. Kind of..."

That's all the Ethereal Horse says, he thinks of something when he slightly relaxes and arms.

When Shemr began to worry about what the hell was bothering him so much, the Ethereal Horse finally looked up.

"Okay, I've made up my mind!

"What do you say you've decided?

Said the Ethereal Horse to Shemru, who lay his neck small.

"I'm going to go see a guy named Solon."