Hakai no Miko

Episode 44 Tongue - Juvenile

In the corner of the garden of the Lords' residence, the Ethereal Horse was grumbled.

From the way he keeps his back in the bushes of the shrub and eats mossomoso of the firm bread that has creaked from the kitchen, you can see that he is severely discouraged.

Even so, the Ethereal Horse is busy as Lord of the City of Bornis. If it is true, there are piles of projects that need to be cleaned up. In a while, around Shemr or Michena, who realizes he's disappeared from the office, will come looking for himself.

But even if I thought so, I didn't have the energy to do anything to the Ethereal Horse right now.

What happened to that happened was reports that farmers were repelling the compost they were trying to spread.

Cattle herding was progressing well as a rental fee for land to Zoan and as an important source of motivation for farming. Large quantities of bovine excreta that do not occur are utilized as compost. Previously, it was Ethereal Horse's plan to combine arable land with fallow land and rotation to restore local power by fertilizing (shears).

Yet the peasants, who still have a strong aversion to manure by the legend of Genovanda, did not intend to use it for their fields, even though they made compost because of it.

When exploring the land, you don't have to fertilize it for a few years because it mixes ash, leafy soil, etc. But as it is, one day we will lose our local power and our crops will no longer grow.

What flashed behind the brain of the Ethereal Horse, who managed to spread the compost, was the story of the French parmantier spreading potatoes.

Potatoes rated by Adam Smith, famous for his "National Wealth Theory," as "triple wheat production," and arguably the epitome of crops featured in many light novels. It is very commonly eaten in modern times, but when it spread to Europe from the South American Andes, where it was originating, it was initially called the "fruit of the devil" for the reason that the buds contained poison or were not in the Bible, until it was said that eating caused the plague.

The method taken by Palmantier to spread such potatoes was to keep the potato fields under strict guard by soldiers. The peasants who saw it wondered how precious it was being planted, and said that when the night came and the soldiers of the guard were gone, they began to sneak out potatoes and grow them themselves.

Hinted by it, the Ethereal Horse dressed herself as a pedestrian and went around the pioneering village to retrieve the abandoned compost for free.

In the underdeveloped era of communications, occasional visitors to the pioneering village, far from the city, are a valuable source of information. If the pedestrians had visited, the village chief would have welcomed them by setting up booze seats, instead obtaining information on the situation in the countries and new technologies.

There's no way such a merchant wouldn't mind when it comes to picking up the compost everyone repels. Naturally, he asks me what I'm going to do with that stuff. Besides, reluctant to answer at first, it's a formula to pretend that you've been drunk in a welcome seat and divulged your secrets, spreading rumors that "compost grows well if you put it in the field, and farmers near the city want it even if they pay high bills".

The peasants who want to rebel if ordered headless by the powerful must also be interested in the secret stories that have been leaked.

That Ethereal Horse prospect is in the middle, and then when he goes back a year later to collect the compost, he refuses to give it to the peasants, and the Ethereal Horse will sneak off and giggle.

For the record, visiting merchants from outside are not only welcome to bring goods and information. In order to avoid too much blood thickening in a narrow village, the purpose is also to give young widows to visiting pedestrians and travellers in this way and to have their children.

But Ethereal Horse, who swallowed a bad liquor to pretend he was drunk and divulged a secret, got really drunk and got drunk every time in every pioneering village. For this reason, what the mayor of the village who prepared the widow said in the shadows that "it is not useful for young people" is a story that neither the Ethereal Horse knows.

And it was when the Ethereal Horse visited one of such pioneering villages. In a welcome seat, Ethereal Horse, who was licking the liquor recommended by the village chief, was all the more surprised by the sight of the village women cooking.

"Is that, possibly, miso?!"

That is the brown pasty one the woman was trying to put in the soup pan. It looked, like, a whole miso. The mayor of the village, pressed with tremendous shapes by the Ethereal Horse, whose face was turning bright red with alcohol as early as possible, is surprised, but tells us that it is food called "mitu". In the pioneering village around here, they add this mite and goat's milk where they boil the vegetables and meat that they chop up, and eat the more boiled well as soup.

The Ethereal Horse who hears that, gets stunned.

Goat's milk on miso? A blasphemous act fearless of any god!

As for the Japanese, their anger at the very unforgivable place of work and the booze momentum there also add, and Aoima cuts off on the village chief.

"Sell that mitu!

It was the miso soup making that the Ethereal Horse, who returned to the city of Bornis after holding the mitu he had thus been forced to buy away, had just begun.

In order to give up typical dishes of miso soup such as tofu and fried tofu, the problem with making miso soup was how to take stock.

Even if there are mushrooms available in this world, I don't know if I can take stock like shiitake. Kelp is not available because it is inland. It is out of the question when it comes to the verse.

The only one of them that seemed to get it was boiled dry.

Exactly. I don't even know how to make Ethereal Horse in detail, but I guess I should boil and dry the little fish from the name. Then it is easy. Little fish can't be substituted with river fish either.

The Ethereal Horse had just begun to boil and make. When you are introduced to fishermen who take fish in the river, you are asked to separate large quantities of small fish. After boiling it in a large pot, it took a few days to dry it in a good place on the wind street.

That was a lot of hard work. The Ethereal Horse is not free at all. The only time I can make a simmer is when I have managed to do the affairs of a busy lord and have managed to open between them.

That's not all. While you're drying it up, a little caution will bring in birds and other looters as well. And above all, the struggle of having to get rid of the drinkers who raid to make the boiled dried food a pinch of alcohol is enough to be told without tears.

At the end of such a struggle, something that seems to be boiled and dried is finally complete. Finally, I can make a memorial miso soup.

Rent a pot for soup from the kitchen, first simmer and take stock. Pull up the simmering where enough stock has been removed and dissolve the mittens there. Then, the appearance appeared to be like miso soup without utensils.

However, the palatable pale horse leans his neck.

Not bad. But something's missing. The pale horse, often conceived, realized that it was delicious. Contrary to that, I feel a lot sweeter.

Now rather than miso soup, a very thin seafood flavored white stew was a candid feeling.

Shemru, who tasted it with me, told me it wasn't "bad," but for Ethereal Horse, who knows what real miso soup tastes like, it's hard to say that it's very miso soup.

The cause was quickly discovered.

"Are you making soup in Mitu?

Michena, who had been crying to return to her affairs to the Ethereal Horse, peered into the wooden barrel containing Mithu and said so.

"Mr. Michena, do you know this?

"Yes. It's something we eat well in the countryside around here. They shredded the steamed potatoes, mixed the salt, and then put them to sleep for a few days to make."

"Potatoes? Not soybeans...?

"Yes. It's potatoes, but what's that?

Akane and Michena replied, but the Ethereal Horse is stunned.

It should be different in reason.

The flavour of miso is the breakdown of the soy protein. In contrast, imoes have most of the starch and little protein. It was also natural that I felt that the flavour was not good enough and that the sweetness was strong.

I thought I had gotten the memorial miso because of it, but this is the end. I couldn't help but notice that the Ethereal Horse had fainted.

"Come to think of it, they didn't eat soybeans..."

Calm down and rethink, soybeans weren't considered edible until you let them grow them. Yet there is no way there are foods that use soybeans. Besides, I wouldn't have had this misconception if I'd asked you how to make it on the spot you had Mito split up.

Even though I was drunk, I'm ashamed of myself for floating around saying I found miso so much that I couldn't even think of such a simple thing.

But that's not impossible either.

It's been over a year since the Ethereal Horse came to this world.

Beginning with a night raid on the village of Zoan, it was a series of fires, fortifications, city domination, and battles against General Darius, known as the best general, and a critical battle in just a few moments. Then again, struggling with inexperienced city governance, he also embarked on plain development and industrial emergencies. And even a lot really happened when I looked back, such as becoming the tribal king of the Zoans on the plains.

Exactly, it would be a year that I have been desperately rushing through without my sides.

However, in addition to the cooperation of all Zoan families in the plains, the opening of the plains and the operation of the workshops that manufacture glass and soap, etc. have also been in good order, and only recently have I been able to loosen up a little bit on the feelings of the Ethereal Horse.

And with it came a certain thirst in the pale horse.

It is Japanese food.

The main food, rice, came hungry for flavors typical of Japanese foods such as miso and soy sauce.

Even in modern times, I have heard that people living abroad become thirsty for miso and soy sauce. But I never thought I'd see the same thing in another world.

Nothing. I'm not dissatisfied with Zoan's dishes that Shemr makes. Spicy meat is delicious. Given the general cuisine of this world, I didn't know how many times I appreciated the presence of Zoan's cuisine.

But at the same time, I think.

He wants to eat this with white rice.

Also, it would look more delicious if it tasted like soy sauce even for the dough. It would be nice if you added miso to the soup with stewed guts.

Every time you eat, that kind of thought springs from behind your chest.

I have already asked Joash and others to look for anything similar to Japanese food, but they have not returned any absurd replies yet.

I've even thought about making them myself.

Unfortunately, crops like rice have not yet been found. But there are soybeans. I also wondered if I could make miso or soy sauce as long as I had soybeans.

But Ethereal Horse doesn't know how to make the key miso and soy sauce.

Then there is research and development.

However, even though some looseness has been created, the Ethereal Horse is still in a position to handle various affairs as the ruler of the city. So it was the dwarves who protruded the arrows of the white feathers in charge of the development of miso and soy sauce in their place.

Like the Dwarves in many fantasy novels, the Dwarves of this world are tense in eating. If they do, they will surely also develop miso and soy sauce, just as they have made distilled liquor based on the slightest knowledge they have brought.

But such a pale horse's prospect ended in failure.

How dare the dwarves salt boil the soybeans they gave them to develop miso and soy sauce and eat them all. All that or the Dwarves, who found out the salt-boiled soybeans were delicious, even got their hands on the blue soybeans that were still pre-harvest and remembered the taste of edamame without the need for Ethereal Horse to teach them. Besides, when the Ethereal Horse complains, it is instead the end of what the Dwarves call "a shame to rot the food because of it".

Now that I think about it, it could have been a failure to suddenly try to make fermented foods, not to mention how many tenacious dwarves they were.

Even that favorite liquor, the Dwarves didn't try to make it out of wheat or grapes themselves. When it comes to food, I've never crossed it well, but it seems to want more quantity than quality in one way or another. I expected to be able to make anything if I stuck with Dwarf, but I felt they were unsuitable for food development.

Besides, taste changes dramatically depending on the person's birth. I had an overseas treat that my father had received from an acquaintance, and I also have an experience with Ethereal Horse that was not very much but my tongue could not be accepted.

Just because the country is different, it is. When this becomes a different world, it is doubtful that the taste of Japan will ever pass. Asking people in this world to reproduce Japanese flavors was a baseless story.

If anyone could do that, it would surely be more edifying than a dwarf and someone with flexible thoughts and tastes.

After thinking that far, the Ethereal Horse mocks herself all the time.

In this world, where the food situation is still poor, the priority is to fill the belly. In a world like this, I want more flavor than quantity in my diet. Someone of that convenience can't be there.

After all, is it impossible to eat Japanese food in this world?

The Ethereal Horse brought a deep sigh.

But the more I think I can't, the more I miss Japanese food.

No. I don't say luxury anymore. It doesn't have to be Japanese food. At least I want the same level of food I was eating in modern Japan.

Even this bread, yes.

The pale horse drops his eyes on the ready to eat bread in his hand.

Hard bread as if you just baked a chunk of flour. For the sake of luxury, I am the one who told you to serve the same bread as a soldier, but I don't think you have this bread. This is like a biscuit. I wouldn't even call it modern Japanese fuzzy and soft bread. At least I want some better bread.

That thought leaks out of my mouth.

"" Oh, I want something delicious... "

The pale horse blinked his eyes.

Now I felt like I had someone's voice on my words. When the Ethereal Horse stood up, he looked back at the bush where he had kept his back.

Then eyes meet the person who rose from across the bush so as to match the pale horse.

It was a boy as old as a pale horse.

The gentle brown eyes that people seem to be good about, the low nose, and the plump cheeks. Did it follow you when you went through the bushes, the appearance of a single blue leaf over your head with a cluttered red brown hair cut short with scissors somehow reminded me of Tanuki, who appears in a fairy tale.

The Ethereal Horse greeted him with one hand up somehow.


Then the boy greets with one hand up, too.


That's how they stared at each other for a while.