Hakai no Miko

Episode 56: Right Front

A fierce blow called Zugan struck Darius's mansion in Holmenia, the king's capital of the Holmeer kingdom.

"Did they take the lead...!

Darius, sticking his fist on the table as he punched him, bit his teeth tight with a girillic.

Spread on its table is a letter that rewards the raid on the Conte River by rebel slaves led by the Son of Destruction, which was secretly delivered earlier by his former men.

Darius thought it would be a little later for the "Son of Destruction" to re-invade once he had left the soldiers.

I let the soldiers settle the spear once. I really lose my temper from the soldiers. I was reading that it would take time for the soldiers to regain their will and invade again.

But it is a re-invasion much faster than that prediction.

As far as the news reads about what kind of magic was used, Zoan and the others who attacked the crossing appear to be highly motivated.

And it's a shame they took the lead on that too.

You must always take the lead when dealing with a large army with an oligarchy. Because if you go around to take it, they'll crush you. Abominable, but the Son of Destruction is familiar with it. Darius felt frustrated at the same time that he took it for granted because he was the enemy who defeated him.

"Anyway, right now, there's nothing you can do if you know a little bit about the situation."

Darius hastily sent out a letter to someone he knew who was inside the Royal Palace and the National Army asking them to tell him the situation in confidence.

It was Pompius, a former prime minister, who came to Darius to gather information about the Son of Destruction.

"... Oh my God! In the fort of Haribote, you drove our soldiers away?

Darius first looked small at the information that Pompius had carried. Besides, Pompius nods and looks small.

"Yes, Darius. Your Majesty is angry with me. He said," Take the Son of Destruction alive, and skin him with your own hands. "

Remembering the ugliness of King Walius then, Pompius will look like he chewed up a bitter worm.

Darius also roughly guessed the sight then, but now more important than that is the countermeasure to the Son of Destruction.

"But thoughtless. If we hurry up more legions..."

What is also mindless for Darius to return was that the crossing was occupied earlier.

The crossing of the Conte River is a narrow road to attack the city of Bornis. If we held it down here, we would have been attacked, like the city of Bornis, where defenses had not caught up with the rapid expansion of the city.

If I had allowed His Highness Alexius and the "Black Wall" to rush west without keeping them at the King's Capital for days on a feast, calling it a prayer for victory, etc., I should not be bothered if I might have made it.

But now I don't even have time to regret it.

"I'm sorry, Pompius. I want you to do some writing."

"That's good, but what do you write?

Darius thought a lot and then said:

"A rebel slave may cross the river and enter your territory. Two dances in Marben's Copper Mountain caught my eye."

"Is that all you need?

"Uhm. That's all I need"

While Pompius was preparing his writings, Darius dropped his eyes on the map, which has remained spread all the way on the table since he came the other day.

Nature and eyes turn to the crossroads where the Son of Destruction sits.

"... nothing. No woods, no mountains, no valleys, no land, just plains."

On the map, the flatlands are just spread out in front of the crossing.

"No way, you guys...... - No, that's why..."

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"Along the Conte River, you look like a soldier to the lord of Holmea?

The Ethereal Horse frowned on a report from Zoan's warriors, who were putting it out for reconnaissance in the neighborhood.

"Yes, a few guys spanned the dragon rider at best, but have been confirmed wandering the river several times. But if you notice this one, you'll get away with it."

Hearing Zoan's answer, the Ethereal Horse speaks to Dvarin, who was nearby.

"Mr. Doverlyn. Any reports of an assault on a ship carrying materials?

"That's not even my big ear."

To the question of the Ethereal Horse, Dvarin immediately denied it.

And the Ethereal Horse clouds his face even more.

I was wondering if even ships carrying materials from upstream to this point are trying to raid, and that doesn't seem to be the case. Or so, for us to be scouting ourselves, the sighting reports of Holmea soldiers have spread too widely along the river.

What is believed to be so is the possibility that it is examining the river itself.

"Looking for a place where you could possibly cross the river?

To that own guess, the Ethereal Horse puts his face up.

"It's an unpleasant move..."

This surprise raid on the crossing meant not only occupying the only bridge crossed by the great army across the Conte River, but also collecting the ears and eyes of the Holmeer State.

What Ethereal Horse fears most now is the return of interest to the Marben Copper Mountain raid he did.

As it raided Marben Copper Mountain, the Holmeer nation secretly crossed a handful of troops into a raid on the city of Bornis, their home base. When they do this, the pain is good for the Ethereal Horse.

If they cross the Conte in any way, nothing will block the invasion of the enemy to the city of Bornis, their stronghold. Even a small number of troops are threatening to cause considerable damage to the city, as they are throwing almost all their forces here in preparation for the battle against the "Black Wall".

It was also a threat, even if it did not have to be raided on the city itself, just with enemy troops in the rear. Anyway, there are not enough people and only a minimum of warriors can be placed in the defense of the barracks. On such a fragile (fighty) line of barracks, even a small number of troops could easily be dimensioned.

To keep you from doing so, you dared spread the word to the rumor that the fort was haribote, even though you tried to nail Holmea's ear eyes here.

Zoog speaks to the pale horse who troubles his head.

"What shall we do, Lord Soma? Shall I lead the warriors and kick some Holmeer nobles around here?

If it is only a periphery for Holmea, it is all a weak lord like it would be good to have one or two knights at best. If Zoog, the fierce general of Zoan, takes as many as a hundred warriors, he will be able to control them easily.

"No. Let's not"

But the Ethereal Horse withdrew the suggestion.

Maybe that's how you raid where you subdivide the soldiers and calculate to destroy each one. Or, where that's how you let the peripheral domination crack down, there's a possibility of a measure to attack this place. I can't inadvertently move my power.

It is more important now than ever not to draw enemies here.

Whatever you say, work here is what determines the trend in future battles. If the enemy comes at us, even if we can push them back, if (and where) the work here lags behind, everything will be ruined.

"For now, let's increase patrols by Zoan warriors and Harpuan people along the river. And tell Mr. Solon to step up the city's security and perimeter security."

Be alert to the fast legged Zoan warriors and the harpurans who can fly through the sky, and you'll be fine.

Though I made that decision, the face of the Ethereal Horse did not clear.

"'If you want to weaken your enemies, let them do what they don't like first..."

The Ethereal Horse mumbled in a passage in The Darius Guide.

There is no certainty whatsoever.

But the guy's name really came up in the back of his brain, and he didn't disappear.

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"Why isn't he moving...?

Darius, who was rewarded for his early horse, wrinkled between his brows in front of a map of the western part of the Holmeer Country spread out on the table.

What we asked the border lords to show us by moving knights and soldiers around the Conte River is a measure to blunt the legs of the "Son of Destruction", which would further invade the interior of Holmea.

Darius, however, was frustrated when he said that "Son of Destruction" was not trying to move from the crossing, as the thought implied.

"It's Darius. What would upset you if your plan was successful?

It was like a lion roaming in a narrow cage. Pompius stopped Darius from revealing his frustration.

"If he's going to be quiet with such a measure, I can't have a hard time either!

Darius yelled back at me unexpectedly, but when he returned to me in his own voice, I apologized small and sorry. In the wind of not caring about it, Pompius shakes his neck small to the side and then asks Darius.

"It seems to me that I'm simply trying to focus on building a fort, isn't it?

In front of the crossing of the Conte River is an ideal flat ground for deploying large armies with few ups and downs. Trying to intercept an enemy that doubles itself in such a place is the pinnacle of stupidity. Building stronger fortifications than that to prevent the enemy's army seemed like a good idea.

"That's impossible"

But Darius trumps Pompius' words as if to cut them off.

I hear that the timber that has been cut out of the mountains upstream is being transported to the crossing one after the other using the river, and the fortifications are being fortified. However, no matter how much defenses are fortified, such impromptu fortifications are known. There is no way we can survive the attack of the Holmeer National Army, which exceeds 15,000. It wouldn't even be the "Son of Destruction" you don't know that.

Darius thought that the crossing fort was nothing more than a bridgehead to the invasion of Holmea, from which he could create further confusion within Holmea.

Pompius questions that prediction.

"But no matter how much momentum there is, I hear that the insurgency slaves total less than eight thousand. Can't you imagine daring to invade the interior of the country to intercept this crusader who counts at least 15,000?

If you invade the interior of the country, you will be surrounded by the Holmeers. It is hard to believe that in the weak lords of the best frontier because they defend their territory, they will wake up their own soldiers, but the situation that they are still surrounded by enemies would be a nightmare for those who lead the army.

Darius tells Pompius in a bitter voice that even before he fights a crusading army that beats his own with force, isn't that unthinkable?

"What I was most concerned about-"

Darius' finger pointed to a point on the map.

But it is not west of the Holmeer country, where the rebel slaves have enlisted, but the opposite east.

"- To be broken through the country and poked behind the Rabbian crossing."

Pompius was brazen.

They will attack the fort across the country while keeping their doubling enemies at bay. If this wasn't Darius' statement, Pompius must have laughed off too.

Darius assures Pompius of his face that he is still incredible.

"If he does, that's about it. And it's not impossible."

Originally, the Zoans were inhabited by a vast plain with little to mark. For this reason all the people of the race had an excellent sense of direction, even in strange lands. Distributed march on such Zoans and raid the now thin Masarca Gate Fort and the Roylops Fort.

If Romanians respond to this, the fort may fall and allow the Romanian army to cross the river, Darius said.

And if the Romanian army were to succeed in crossing the river, Holmea would no longer be dealing with the "Son of Destruction". I'm going to have to take the "Black Wall" back east again to deal with that.

In that case, the situation returns before defeating the Romanian army. Holmea and Romanian will stare at each other and fall into glue, during which time "Son of Destruction" will brush their fangs in preparation for the next battle in the city of Bornis.

"But Romanian response will be essential to that. How do you respond to Romanian?

Darius answers the Pompius question instantly.

"You forgot? The Son of Destruction has a winged species, Harpuran. They will fly across the Rabian River with our country and keep in touch with Romanians."

If there is indeed a Herpuran decree, the predictions Darius spoke of will also be realistic.

That's exactly what I would call absurdity. But if you ask me, it also seems like Pompius is never impossible.

Pompius was still horrified by the "Son of Destruction," who, at the same time, admired Holmea's best general for his wisdom and admiration for coming up with such a thing, even so much as "I'll do about it" Darius praised him.

Without even realizing how such a Pompius was, Darius mutters like a solitary.

"Besides that, you could hit other more effective hands. And yet, why aren't you moving? Why are we just waiting?!"

It's not just Zoan or Harpuran. There are exceptional elves in the bow, excellent dwarves in civil engineering work, and even fierce Dinosaurians. If we use the crossing as a bridgehead, we could hit a lot more hands.

But the Son of Destruction is not trying to move from the crossing to obsess with the fort.

He said, "What are you doing? What are you trying to do?!"

Darius had already issued a letter asking Zoan to be rewarded as soon as he saw him, to the queens who would set up their territory on the expected path as they moved towards the crossing of the Rabian River.

So far, however, no such news has arrived as one.

If the situation in the east is to pass across one country to the west, it will take a corresponding amount of time. If you want me to turn back before you fight the impending "Black Wall," you have to be moving fast. That's not even a sign yet.

"Already the Crusaders have left the city of L'Oma to march to Fort Garraf. I can no longer avoid clashes with the" Son of Destruction "and the Crusaders..."

So Darius realizes the error of his thoughts.

"No. Are you unwilling to avoid..."

An analysis of the Son of Destruction, fearing battle by cowardice, was at some point preconceived. Fighting the Crusaders, who are more skilled and outnumbered than their own troops, always assumed that if they avoided this, the "Son of Destruction" would never try to fight.

However, if one looks at the situation only, one solution is derived from the other.

"No way, oh no..."

Think of it that way, everything is convincing.

Drive the soldiers away in the fort of Hariboth, and while entering the enemy land, they do not move off the spot merely by building the fort. All of them are measures to provoke this one and drag the Holmeer National Army out to their own place.

"Him! You bastard! Son of a Destroyer!

The "Son of Destruction" intent inferred from them is obvious.

"Right here! Here?!"

Darius stuck his finger in the flat in front of the Conte River on the map.

"Let's smash the Crusaders from the front here?!"