Hakai no Miko

Lesson 85: Lamb

"Marco. How are the troops?

A pale horse, who was patrolling the formation with Shemr, visited it as a makeshift cooking place where people in white were busy standing between cooking platforms and pots sprinkled on furnaces. In it, Marco, who was sweating and spinning an international large pot, stops his hand and looks back.

"Oh, Master Soma. You're doing very well. They all say it's delicious."

Then Marco asks someone who was nearby to "bring that one". Then, some time later, it was brought in the same yellow-brown, block-shaped thing that Adomius had eaten.

The Ethereal Horse, given that by Marco as "It's the latest", speaks painfully without hesitation.

"Yeah. Sweet, delicious lamb."

It is a pasted bean with added sugar or honey and boiled sweetly, solidified in cold weather - lamb.

However, no beans (azuki) were found in this world, and the colour was different from the light yellowbrown colour because it was replacing other sweet beans, but it was definitely called lamb.

"Much closer to the lamb I know."

I meant to admire him as a pale horse, but Marco was also aroused by his rough nose and vowed to make further improvements, "I mean, it's still close," he said.

When it comes to food, it seems the same.

A sharp gaze like an arrow concentrates from all around him on a pale horse who is smiling so bitterly. If you look, the people who were busy working around Marco were pointing their gaze at the accusations of "don't say anything nice". To this, the Ethereal Horse also had to apologize silently.

They're from Marco's new unit.

In the first place, Marco is a cook dedicated to Ethereal Horses.

But in times of war, the job is almost gone because the Ethereal Horse is committed to eating the same thing as the average soldier. Marco like that was in a faction trying to take down the city of L'Oma because he was leading a unit.

It was among the heavy units carrying food and materials to the battlefield, a special unit specializing in food - a unit named the Food (Cucumber) Unit.

All are cooks, including Marco, who belong to that unit. But what they cook is not food like commonly eaten soldier balls. What they make was a sweet-like preference.

The task entrusted to this unit is the soldier's comfort.

No matter how much battle is considered honorable, the battlefield that kills people and may kill them is the extreme place where tension can always be imposed. If I stay in that place long enough, I naturally get stressed out and one day I'll reach my limit.

In order not to do so, it was necessary to exude hesitant stress and moderately loosen the overly strained nerves.

So what Ethereal Horse founded was this Marco feeding team, which also manufactures sweet treats on the battlefield and provides them to the soldiers.

Initially, even Garam, the great chief of Zoan, who led many warriors, was skeptical of this Marco feeding squad. Zoog and others said, "Aren't meat and booze better for warriors?" So much so that they disputed it.

However, from many soldiers, including Zoan's warriors, this Marco feeding squad was greatly admired.

On consecutive days, in front of Marco's feeding corps, a long line of snakes of soldiers seeking sweets was formed, and even a fierce battle unfolded. Among the soldiers, the confectionery of the food squad began to be used as a substitute for currency, and at last, as it developed into a quarrel over confectionery, so much so that the Ethereal Horse finally had to give priority to the troops who had great merit the day before.

Now, when it was time for rations, all the armies drank spit (and watched) over which troops Marco's food squad was headed, and the voices of joy and sorrow flew by.

Gallum and Zoog, who had disputed this, surrendered with all their hands, and even the Ethereal Horse was frightened, "No way, I didn't think so."

However, even Mamiya, a former Japanese naval feeding vessel that was the original proposal of Marco's feeding corps, probably deserved this in a way because even the strictly honest naval officers changed the colour of their eyes and took away the excellent lamb that would be manufactured there.

"Hey, Soma. I admit it's delicious too, but can you drop the city with something really good?

Asked by Shemr, who had a hamhamham and mouth of the lamb offered in the same way, the pale horse nodded.

"I'm gonna do that."

To such Marco's feeding corps, this time the Ethereal Horse was given a special task: the Luoma attack.

Initially, the L'Oma strategy of the Ethereal Horse was to give Alexius' nonsense, as Adomius read, and to promote how gentle this one is to the prisoners, inviting them to react inside and out.

It was when I was contemplating the liberation of some prisoners as part of those pompous measures.

Oh, my God, the prisoners refused to be released.

The Ethereal Horse was also surprised by this.

In the Holmeer country they should have become savage Zoan and rebel slaves. Yet it is a strange story that we want to stay with ourselves like that.

When a pale horse interested in it spoke directly to the representatives of the prisoners, he received an unexpected answer.

"This place is good for rice"

That was why the prisoners refused to release them.

However, the Ethereal Horse did not intend to abuse the prisoners, but he was also not particularly favoured. The meal we are giving is also mainly only the same porridge of soldier balls that we eat.

But the prisoners admired it.

The Ethereal Horse seemed unexpected, but it was caused by the Ethereal Horse itself.

The Ethereal Horse is an amazingly pale person as a powerful man of this era.

In an era of feudalism in which tyranny of the powerful is justified, it is not uncommon for the powerful to let their power and money say things to luxuriously trifle. Even Mutos, known as the famous lord, holds two or three concubines, and his clothes and conditioning around him are lavish so as not to undermine his authority.

But the Ethereal Horse is different.

Originally born and raised in the average modern Japanese family, I prefer a qualitative life and have not been able to luxury it.

The opposite is true when it comes to welcoming visitors to your private room, for example, when you throw plenty of money at them. When the large room was restless, he deliberately used a narrow separation of the large private rooms from those of the former lord Vritas, and he preferred those that were used and dirty, saying that he was afraid to scratch and taint the conditioning there.

The same goes for clothes again. Exactly. If you have visitors, etc., quite a costume is a Ethereal Horse to wear, but I usually wear the Zoan-style costume that Shemr got me five years ago, saying "this one is easier to move around".

Naturally, if I had worn it for five years, I would have been able to flake and tear it everywhere in such costumes.

But I also keep wearing that without worrying.

On top of that, lowering from its neck is a necklace that does not even look splendid in the flattery given to it by the young Zoan brothers and sisters of Zita and Shepoma. He does not seem to be the lord of the city of Bornis, which continues to produce enormous wealth at last.

When a woman who was still fresh in threw out "a dude dressed in a miserable way was in the lord's room," it was a covert joke among Bornis women that later found out it was a pale horse and turned blue and fainted at what she had done.

Such a pale horse, but exceptionally something that sticks without a thread on the gold.

It's a culinary study.

Exactly what scattered the stench like Nato's failures had been stopped, but culinary research was viewed fairly largely as "one of Soma-like's few ways of doing things" by others and by grace.

Good thing Aoima was devoting a lot of money and enthusiasm to culinary research and development.

Moreover, it is Marco who takes it and works on improving the actual cuisine, wheeling it around the Ethereal Horse and eating it up.

In a world where it would be good if this belly could be filled, this heretical young man, who just wants to eat and feed even good, was maximizing his abilities by gaining the supreme patronage of an Ethereal Horse.

By both of them, the city of Bornis had developed a more food culture than any other.

And if it is also to be the food of an army that can immediately benefit those two, it goes without saying how high that level is.

There was no way that the stomach of a Holmeer soldier, who had only accepted crude food, could not succumb to this.

"A lot of people are having trouble eating soldiers originally. Alexius is the prince who did the fool, and if he comes over here, he can eat something delicious, and some of his heart moves."

As Ethereal Horse put it, all the defensemen of the city of L'Oma had already surrendered from the city by leaving it. But even knowing it, Shemr still doesn't seem convinced.

"That's true, but don't you know who gets caught in the food?

If it were to be as big a city as L'Oma, some would make their desires take precedence over those loyalties. But it didn't seem very good to Shemr that those people would come out enough to surrender the city.

"I guess so. - That's why I let you have this."

And it came to pass, that the pale horse showed, that it was a lamb about to be eaten.

"As ordered by Master Soma, we make Yokan a priority. But I still can't make it well, except for me, so I can't make it that massive."

The Ethereal Horse gives a nod to Marco, who says with a hint of pride that he can't yet make anything but himself.

"That's fine. The lack of sugar and cold weather will shorten the ingredients anyway."

Seaweed, very similar to Tengusa, which is an ingredient in cold weather, was also easier to obtain because of the friendly relationship with Marman, but only sugar is not produced in the western region and is difficult to obtain.

However, as an unprecedented investment in the development of sweets made from ice cream and other sugars, Joash has given priority to turning a considerable amount of them to Ethereal Horse through my parents' Shapiro Chamber of Commerce. The Ethereal Horse was calculating in his chest that if he asked him to do something about it.

If there was only one problem, it would be about that Joash would demand how to make lamb for that sugar.

"But Soma. Isn't that the only way you can make it, is if you can't be very flexible about all the people in the city?

If I wanted to use this lamb to flatter my enemies, it seemed to Shemr that I didn't have enough lamb. Pointing that out, the Ethereal Horse becomes a Kyotong face.

"You're not thinking about being flexible with lamb, are you?


The Ethereal Horse laughs small and then says to Shemru, who thought he was going to catch it with a sweet treat and pull it in here.

"I'm more of an intimidator."

"Intimidation? Isn't that what you are?

In the words of Shemr, the pale horse is stuck in words.

In the continent of Cerdeas, where baked confectionery, when it comes to confectionery, cooked with flour, is common, lamb, with its strange elasticity and softness, was unexperienced for many people. For this reason, it is also Marco's most popular confection, just as it was the most popular supply ship Mamiya, which was originally proposed by the Food Squad.

Recently, however, much of the manufactured lamb had been preferentially turned to the souvenirs to the city of the surrendered soldiers, thus reducing the amount distributed to the allies. Plus the three daughters of the elf girls, Ilsa, Nina and Paula, who are apprenticeships, say, "Give us more yokans, too!," he says.

Ethereal horses, uh, cough up and get back on their minds before continuing their words.

"It's just a sweet, rare treat for normal people, but if you're a bit of an eye-catcher, you'll understand."

And the Ethereal Horse gave people a bad grin.

"They said their perception was too sweet as sugar."