Hakai no Miko

Lesson 90: Responsibilities of the Minister

Discuss the Romanian outer roads.

And the king Walius' throne was immediately passed on to all Holmea.

But the response of the people to it is neither joy nor anticipation, but anxiety and abandonment.

Indeed, we cannot leave the aggression of the Romanian State unattended. But it was unlikely that they would be able to repel the Romanian army because they woke up following King Walius.

In any case, it is King Walius himself who leads the entire army of the gathered Holmeer nation.

King Walius, who has quite a track record in internal affairs, but his experience in leading and fighting the army so far is unknown. There were also rumours that his son, Alexius, had just lost a great deal to his rebel slave opponents or had disappeared as it were, and the royal prestige had fallen to the ground.

Now it is impossible to expect victory.

But the Hordes didn't have a choice.

Rumors have already been heard that the Romanian state is not acknowledging the eulogy of the Lords of the East and is doing everything possible for tyranny. Even as we sat here, the Romanian army had no choice but to respond to King Walius' insignificance.

Lords from all over gathered their troops together with a grievous determination to join them in Holmenia, the king's capital.

But only about 8,000 soldiers were collected that way.

Fighting the Romanian army that this is more than 20,000 is hardly a winner or anything.

Still, King Walius himself, wearing his armor, defeated the resentful Romanian enemy and declared that he would not return to the king's capital until he mentioned Vritas' neck, and carried out a grand appearance.

King Walius, who had thus concluded his appearance ceremony, was walking to join the army, which had taken the lords and officers of the National Army and kept his nose rough and waiting outside the aisle of the royal palace.

One man waited for King Walius on the way down the aisle. And when he saw the man, king Walius looked upon him as if frightened.

"Da, Darius......!

It is old general Darius, who was called the supreme general of Holmea.

Darius was already dressed in his battle outfit, and beside it was a helmet with a purple chamber cut out showing the position of general.

King Walius says in a trembling voice.

"I should have told you to be careful."

I am aware that King Warius and the result of Darius' withdrawal from the gamble he risked his life five years ago is today or so.

For that reason, he was dreaming of any grudges or rhetoric that would pop up from Darius.

Darius, however, droops his head deep as he pokes one knee on the spot.

"I was so cautious that I couldn't stay or stand in the heart of this country, and I wanted you to join me in the last seat of the army, and thus I overcame my shame"

Before Darius, who remained deeply drooling over his head, King Walius was feeling silent pressure from around him.

During this exile crisis, Darius, known as the best general of the Holmeer Nation, will join the ranks. Darius is a former general with a proven track record of defeating numerous powerful enemies and releasing many national disasters to date. Everyone who was on the spot thought that if we gave Darius command of the army, he would overcome this danger.

Regardless, I thought the same thing as King Walius.

Darius became cautious in the first place because he complained of the danger of destruction.

But the Son of Destruction, who only thought he was the head of the slave who rebelled, has now become a mighty enemy that threatens the Holmeer nation, proving Darius' words were right.

If King Walius admits to that error, Darius will be dismissed with caution and returned to his general post again.

But Walius was too narrow to admit his own error.

"Or at will!

Although it was the senators who admitted it, King Walius did not even mention any reinstatement to the general position, rather than giving Darius command.

King Walius crossed before Darius at an early age, as if fleeing, to the colour of disappointment that sprang from those who were there.

It is the common sense of the Royal House of Holmea that it is useless to say anything to King Walius that this has happened.

The Horsemen and generals had to follow King Walius with a bitter look.

When Darius, who had finally raised his head after all of them had passed by, himself moved his legs to continue again later, he was called out of his back.


Turning around, it was Pompius, the former Grand Chancellor, who was there.

Pompius asked Darius further diving his voice after making sure there were no people around him.

"It's Darius. I want you to be honest with me. Can you beat Romanian?

Darius answered this question with a small sigh.

"I can't speak for my men."

It is above all an eloquent answer.

As a subordinate, an army led by a king loses is not something he can say.

Pompius' face is full of the colors of pain and dismay.

Then Pompius finally uttered one metaphor after repeating it several times, such as saying something to Darius.

"It's Darius. Even the beasts hide in the bushes before the storm, and the big fish dive into the rocks again."

"... what does that mean?

Pompius looks to Darius, who asks.

"I can't do this country anymore."

It is a matter of pompius and hatred to mark the end of a country to which I have devoted my whole life as Prime Minister. But still, I have to say.

"But still in the north of the country there are many leading marquises, starting with the Marquis of Appius. Once we escape there, shouldn't we set Lady Warina up as queen to rebuild the Holmeer country?

The only person to succeed the royal family is Princess Wallina. The Princess Wallina admires Darius more like her father than ever before. If it was Darius's request, he would listen. And if the former Grand Chancellor and the former Grand General move with the princess as their flag stamp, there must be some queens who will be in tune with this.

Yes, Pompius said.

"That would be possible, too"

Darius had secretly considered it, too.

Now that the State of Holmea is doomed, only the Son of Destruction can be an obstacle to the unity of the Western Region for the Romanian State. The Romanian State is also the only threat to the Son of Destruction.

Then all you have to do is abandon the king's capital, Holmenia, and use it as bait to severely mesh the Romanian nation with the Son of Destruction. And in the meantime, it will also be in our hands to flee with Princess Wallina to the north, where we will set up the country and build up our strength, and put a deadline for the recapture of the land.

But Darius withdrew Pompius' suggestion.

"But the country doesn't end there because it was built. We have to create a system that serves as a basis for this. How long will it take..."

Above all, if we want to create a new national system, there will be a power dispute between the old ministers, who have long been involved in national politics, and the leaders of the northern marquis, who want to hold real power in the new country of Queen Warina.

Even if it's a national disaster, it's humans who can't abandon their right to roll at the moment.

But Darius thinks that if he and Pompius had their eyes on it too, they would manage to contain it.


"Pompius. How much more can I and you live? A year or two? Even if five years were lived, ten years would not be possible. All we have to do, then, is make the country suffer and survive in vain"

Originally, there were successors who could be entrusted with the aftermath.

Marius, whom I raised with my own eyes as my successor.

As deputy commander of the elite unit "Black Wall," Huakis won the trust of Alexius, the next king.

As long as these two and those who support them, even without them, the protection of the country is fine. It was then that he resigned from the post of General and later intended to place his sword in anticipation of the time.

But it had also been lost by its own incompetence.

Darius has a sinking face and goes on like this.

"If we don't finish when it should, isn't that unhappy for the people and for the country?

Between the two, a painful silence descended.

After a while Darius spoke to Pompius when he had eyes that looked somewhere far away.

"Now I think we may have misjudged. When you left, I thought I should have left with you again..."

When the earlier King Holmeer collapsed, Darius and Pompius were secretly trying to make their own retreat with the end of the country in mind.

From the two perspectives, Warius, the heir to the throne, is highly skeptical and suddenly doesn't rely on leaving the country to him.

So, first of all, Pompius, who is in charge of the affairs, leaves himself to King Walius for his affairs to gain experience and track record. Until then, Darius stays with the Grand General to give him a glimpse at home and abroad and devote himself to the country's stability. And, anticipating King Walius' growth, Darius should have left again.

But King Walius came to power, and began to keep the practitioners raised by Pompius away from government.

The cause of this is the fame of the Predecessor.

The predecessor King Holmeer was a famous king who could obey the Pompius of government and Darius of Wu. But that too great a fame was heavily upon Walius, his successor.

Whatever you do, you will be compared to the performance of your predecessor, and if you fail, you will be disappointed, and if you succeed, you will not be recognized.

I guess those things have cast a dark shadow on the personality formation of King Walius today.

And what should also be called such a symbol of the fame of the Predecessor were Pompius and Darius.

"Perhaps His Majesty would have calmed down if I had retreated with both of you. And you didn't have to be famous to be quite a king, did you?

As long as we have ourselves, the prestige of the Predecessor always goes around. That must have been so frustrating for King Walius.

To Darius, who says so, Pompius leaks his sigh.

"That's an assumption. Didn't we then decide that this was the best we could do"

And Darius laughs bitterly.

"Even if I regret it now, I can't believe it. It was the stupidity of a boring old man."

Darius says when he can pull in a bitter laugh, he takes it seriously.

"But it was my immorality that failed to humiliate His Majesty now. Then it is the duty of your servants to martyr and follow you to the end."

"You mean with Your Majesty..."

Darius is ready to die with King Walius.

Pompius, who realizes that, says, remains an emotion that protrudes from the depths of his chest.

"Then so am I."

Darius shook his head sideways to Pompius to take responsibility for the exile together.

"At the end of the day, we must always pull the curtain. If there is no one to draw the curtain, the confusion will be greater. I'd like to ask for a curtain puller."

Besides, Pompius makes a bitter face.

"Pushing an unpleasant role"

"He decided to hide before me. Let's have a hard time with this."

They laughed at this joke a lot.

In the past, they laugh at each other's fuzziness before the Holmeer nation, which is now about to be a thing of the past, when they say that they have spoken and laughed at the future of the Holmeer nation under the Predecessor. What irony would that be?

Pompius, having finished laughing a little, asks at the end.

"It's Darius. Is there anything I can do?

And I tried to answer that there was nothing, Darius, but I came up with something.

"If anyone comes forward before you say anything unexpected about me, I want you to give him a message."

It was a strange wish.

If you're asking for a message, just tell them the name of the person you need to tell them. That being said, even though Pompius asked who the hell to tell, Darius insisted that he would always know when the time came, and never revealed it.

I didn't know what the hell it meant, but with my old friend's final wishes, Pompius had to take it on.

"Okay. - So, what do I tell him?

To Pompius, who asks so, Darius entrusts a message.

It was another strange message.

Pompius is baffled that I just thought I'd leave it to someone else after all. To such a Pompius, Darius left only one word saying, "I have asked you," he followed King Walius to come out again as of late.

Not long after Darius departed.

In order to defeat Romanian troops, more than eight thousand troops combined with the Hordes left the king's capital, Holmenia.