Hakai no Miko

Episode 99: Legacy

Piata-led by Piata away from the Romanian National Army, Baihua Squad drove their horses to Darius' territory.

Piata, who adores Darius as our master, is a known thing, such as the location of his territory. The village of Pillay was also found in less time.

The village of Pillay thus found is a small village where all five small houses have been gathered together.

Is there really something deposited in such a small village that would help us to consider the Son of Destruction, even though there is also a greater city in Darius' territory?

Even with such suspicion, Piata took Baihua Squad closer to the village.

Then, if you acknowledge the appearance of the Piatas Baihua Squad, who have also received rumors that the Romanian state has invaded such a small village, the villagers abandon their farming tools and flee into their homes, even though they say they are in the middle of farming.

"Stop. From here I'll go with Demetria. And just one of you, follow the escort."

Piata first takes to the village only one of the knights of the escort to herself and Demetria so as not to cause unnecessary irritation.

Piata, approaching with only three horsemen, was greeted by an old man who looked like a village chief from the biggest house and a man who seemed to follow it.

"I don't know who it is, but where there's nothing like this, what can I do for you?

In highlighting and saying that there is nothing, he still seems to be wary of looting.

"I've heard there's someone here who's brautous, are you there?

That's what Piata asks from the horse, the old man and the man often look at each other. Then the man who went back to the old man telling him to "call me" brought in one old man after a while.

Piata frowns faintly.

The way he walks with his spine pinned out is an old man who makes him feel like an elegance unlike this kind of muddy countryside.

"Are you Brauthus?

"It's on your left."

In the eyes of an old man named Brauthus, who returns the answer so, there is a colour of vigilance, but not a colour of fright. Seeing that standing behavior just didn't look like a villager. However, the movement is not that of a person who has learned martial arts. It is the movement of those who have acquired a more sophisticated gratuity than that.

"Don't be so hard on me. I didn't come here to blame you or to loot the village."

Piata asks after pressing yes.

"I want you to answer honestly. Does that have anything to do with General Darius?

Brautas hesitates slightly before answering.

"My house is located in a family lineage that served Master Darius's House of Brutus for generations as a family order. Until the other day, I myself served close to Master Darius."

At this time, Brautus was ready to die. Darius is a resentment to the Romanian state. I'm just so deeply involved in that Darius that it's not strange to buy Romanian hatred.

But it was a betrayal of that Brauthus anticipation.

"I've come to receive deposits from troublemakers at the mansion. That's what I was taught?

Brautas looked out for him greatly.

Trouble with the mansion.

That is a word that only goes to myself and Darius. I was confused not knowing why the princess of the Romanian country knew that. For a moment, I tortured Darius and wondered if he'd heard it, but that's impossible. If so, I'm just talking about telling you to give me what you normally keep.

I couldn't help but feel Darius's will above all that words came out there that only dared me and Darius.

"We have what Darius keeps with us here"

Brautas guided Piata through a warehouse built beside his residence.

When the door was opened by shifting the large candlestick, there was a shadow of something packed full inside the dark warehouse where all the windows were closed so that the sunlight could not enter.

Light the candlestick Brautas brought.

"This is what Darius left you."

"Oh my...!

Piata looks to surprise at what emerges from the darkness driven away by its lights, and Demetria is also stunned.

There it was, a huge pile of materials. It can be a letter, a scroll, simply a bundle of parchment paper, or an unknown tool of use.

But there is only one thing that is common to all of it.

"What is this...?

To Piata's question, Brautas answers with one nod.

"Yes, this is in what Darius has examined the Son of Destruction over the past five years."

It was since Darius defeated near the city of Bornis five years ago, throwing his personal possessions and using all manner of handouts (once) to examine the Son of Destruction.

"So much..."

It is just a roll.

In just five years, I can only admire that it is a well collected one. It is precisely the very obsession of a man called the Supreme General of Holmea.

Piata, leaking words of admiration, entered the warehouse looking around the mountains of materials. And when he tried to escape between the narrow place and the pile of stacked materials.

Piata's elbow hits one of the piles of material.

Then the book, which had been put on the top of the mountain of that dossier, made a sound and fell into Piata's footsteps.

"Is this...?

Is it, by any chance, a whim of God? The book was falling open with pages, as if to show Piata what was in it.

Piata, who saw the open book with the candlestick borrowed from Brautas close by, looks small.

What was written in the book was about something, brought to this world by the Ethereal Horse.

Darius examines that in surprising detail and even puts in a handwritten illustration. All that or the introduction of it could dramatically improve the strength of the army, but it was probably expected to undergo the rebellion of many aristocratic lords, even annotated as difficulty in diffusion, etc.

Piata's hand shuddered small as she stared into eating the book into her hands.

"This is... this is what happened!

At that time, something stuck in Piata's brain making a rattling noise.

That's like the last gear of a big mechanical trick, where one after another something starts to move with tremendous momentum in Piata.

And it finally produced one completion prediction diagram behind Piata's brain.

When Piata accidentally held the book, even remembering its numbing peak, she looked up to heaven.

"Thank you, Lord Darius!

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Piata, who ceded the luggage used to carry the materials here from Brautas, once again carried all the materials on that luggage. After confirming that the carrier with the materials was securely covered with a front (mole), Piata offers Brautus a bag of silver coins prepared for Demetria.

"This is less, but it's gratuity. Take it."

But Brauthus insists on it.

"Notice is useless. - If you still say that, please promise me the peace of mind in this village."

"I got it. Demetria! In my name, write a tentacle that whoever harms this village will be punished with severe punishment."

When Demetria wrote down the words as Piata had said on the appropriate wooden board, Piata herself put in the signature at the end. Keep this as a sign and the Romanian National Army's looting troops won't be able to get their hands on it either.

Brautus was alone in the warehouse after Piata and the others, who promised him peace in the village, took it away.

All the heritage of Darius, which was piled up in this warehouse, was taken back by the Piatas, not left with a piece of paper. The warehouse, which felt so narrow, has now become a cancer.

Inside such a warehouse, a small whine of brautas leaked.

"Sir. This Brauthus. You have successfully completed your last duties."

Before leaving the King's Capital in accordance with King Walius to fight the invading Romanian National Army, Darius was distributing to those who were serving the Mansion the money he had made by disposing of all his household belongings. And all but Brauthus perceived that Darius was ready not to return alive.

As many left the mansion with tears, only Brauthus intended to remain in the mansion and await Darius' return.

For Brautus, who has served the House of Brutus since his ancestors, it is all about serving the House of Brutus, whose mansion is the last fortress. Perhaps the Romanian National Army, which became a mob and avalanched into the king's capital, will push us not to loot the mansion of the resentful enemy Darius. When that happened, it was my role and Brauthus' readiness to fight to protect the Mansion, even if they were powerless, and to come to an end with the Mansion.

But to Brauthus, Darius said, showing the material he had gathered concerning the Son of Destruction.

"This is my last crystal. It's a waste to get rid of this. I want you to keep this until someone shows up who will inherit it it."

Perhaps that was a convenience to get Brautas out of the King's Capital.

But what was at its convenience was what kind of fateful tour, it became a reality.

Brautus, who was able to safely hand over what he had deposited from Darius, had felt the loss of a large hole in his chest, along with the relief that the load on his shoulders had fallen.

What such a Brauthus reminds me of is Darius.

On the battlefield he was General Darius, who was called a famous general, but who could do nothing in the mansion.

To Darius like that. Brautus said, "My husband is a troublemaker in the mansion," and Darius laughed back, "I can't say this back," he said.

I remember Darius smiling then, and Brautus smiled again.

Then Brauthus takes the small barrel he brought in and sprinkles the liquid that was in it onto the floor of the warehouse.

When it was over, Brautus took the candlestick.

"Really, sir, you couldn't have done anything around you without me. Probably still in trouble."

With a smile on his face, Brauthus throws the candlestick in his hand on the floor.

"He's really a baker to take care of."

A red flame ran.

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"Dear Piata! Give me that!"

Looking back, I saw smoke rising from the village I had just been in.

Has a looting unit of the Romanian National Army arrived in the wrong place with ourselves?

That's what I thought, Piata, but soon I don't think so.

"Do you want to go back, Master Piata?

To that Demetria inquiry, Piata shakes her neck to the side.

"No. Let's join the army as soon as possible now"

The main army, led by his father King Dordea, will be about to reach Holmenia, the king's capital of the Holmeer country. I do not believe that the Holmeer country will respond to the bloodless opening of the castle either. It should probably be a siege battle after siege of the King's capital.

The king's capital, Holmenia, is a strong city inherited from the ancient dynasty. No matter how great the Romanian National Army may be, it is not easy to let it fall.

And perhaps multiplying that mess, the Son of Destruction should move.

At last, he can be seen as the man our master has identified as his enemy.

With that anticipation and excitement, Piata put her strength into the hand holding the reins.

"Let's go, Baihua! We'll rendezvous with the army!

Under the decree of Piata, the brave men of the Baihua army ran their horses.

But Piata was making a mistake at this time.

At this time the Ethereal Horse had already moved.