Hakai no Miko

Episode 102 Heterogeneity

Pompius was horrible.

That is not against the conditions of surrender proposed by the Ethereal Horse.

I was terrified of this young man himself, the Son of Destruction.

Equalize all.

That is the idea put forward by the Son of Destruction.

Sure, sounding is a good idea.

But it is a denial of the existing governing mechanisms that had guaranteed legitimacy by descent and divinity. The Son of Destruction, who lists that idea, must build a new governing mechanism that replaces lineage and divinity.

And it will probably be a system of consultation by the representatives of each race.

Pompius guessed so.

Governance through council systems also has practical examples in the western region. Although neighboring Jeboa, for example, wears (was) a king, the fact of the matter is that it is a council system by the ten members of the Merchant Guild.

But that is possible because it is Jeboa.

The merchants welcome wars in other countries, but they are not happy that their country will be involved. For this reason, Jeboa has adopted a Yoo-wa policy for its neighbors, avoiding confrontation and building friendship. That's why the busy ten-member commissioners' extravaganza can afford to decide by gathering and discussing.

But the Son of Destruction is different.

I am now the son of destruction who has a pact with the Romanian State once and for all, but if here the Holmeer State surrenders and repels the Romanian National Army as promised, it will be completely separate from the Romanian State.

In that case, the Romanian State will never forgive the Son of Destruction. We enter a battle that will no longer end until one of us perishes.

In such an urgent time of war, we cannot afford to deliberately decide things at length.

So, what do we do?

As a measure of emergency, we can only entrust one person with the full powers of the State.

And who will be depositing the country's full powers?

Of course, it's up to the Son of Destruction.

The Son of Destruction calls himself the King of Absolute Royalty, but he becomes the King of Absolute Royalty.

No, it would be worse than that.

When it comes to an absolute kingdom that gives absolute power to the king, nothing really can be done at the will of the king. If you behave yourself too much, you buy disgust from the leading players and the marquis in the country. And if they consign and turn the flag, they will chase the throne with a king of mighty power.

In order not to do so, even the kings of the absolute kingdom, when they look at the faces of the powerful and the marquis, they wield power to the extent that they are forgiven.

But what the Son of Destruction is trying to make is a land of equality for all.

Then really, the authority and power of every nation will be concentrated on one of the Sons of Destruction. And even if the Son of Destruction wields it as he thinks, there will be no one with as much power as he can to restrain it.

To those concerns, the Son of Destruction himself expresses the idea that the rule of law binds also those in power by law.

The philosophy is good, Pompius also thinks.

But who lays down that law?

Of course, it is this young man himself, the Son of Destruction.

This means that if you care about it, this young man can lay down a law that is convenient to him. And evil law is also the law. If a nation hath put the law in the first place, it shall obey it, even though it is a wicked law.

And what awaits ahead is the complete privatization of the country, which is not comparable to absolute royalty or anything else.

The country the Son of Destruction makes can be one terrible monster with the Son of Destruction as its head bound by a strong chain of law. That is what has the potential to become a monster powerful enough to swallow and destroy everything in the West.

But even that is only one scale of the horror of the Son of Destruction.

The horror of the Son of Destruction is the thought itself.

Pompius would have understood if he had simply said that the Ethereal Horse would marry Princess Warina and take away the kingdom of Holmea.

Or it would have been easier for Pompius to accept it if he had said that he would completely abolish the State of Holmea and build a country that would make him king.

Otherwise, it would have been more convincing to be told to make those who were once slaves aristocrats and to enslave the lords of the Holmeer kingdom.

In this day and age, identity systems are the order of the world. A king at its apex is the kingdom itself. And a country is the world itself.

It is something that even children know. That is as natural as the sun rising from the east and setting to the west.

But deny it.

They don't take it over, they don't take it away, they don't replace it, they just destroy it, they make a country that makes people all equal on top of it.

The thought was beyond Pompius's comprehension.

Still, it would have been understandable if this were to say that it would destroy the country with fierce anger. I would have been convinced if I had said that I would drop the royalty to the ground with more and more black hatred.

But the young man who named this Son of Destruction spoke of it without any feelings and as if he were to tell the truth.

Yes, for this young man, that's quite normal.

The country dies or breaks the order of identity.

This young man is different from us from his roots.

Pompius was so sure.

What underlies people's thoughts and judgments - so to speak, common sense and values - are completely different from ours.

You look no different than the young people there. At best, it just seemed like the second son of a big dealer who had lived a life of nothing but good.

But when it comes to its contents, it's heterogeneity itself.

How did you gain such common sense? Why are we equipped with such values?

It was no longer beyond Pompius' comprehension.

Pompius would have been convinced if he had said something difficult to name wearing a man's skin. At the next moment, even as the head of the Ethereal Horse was torn in two and countless tentacles popped out of it along with the black sludge, Pompius might have been surprised and reassured instead, "Again, did it".

In any case, they say that if such a man looks a human face, speaks a human language, reaches out a hand that can only be seen as human, and surrenders to himself, he will help him.

Indeed, if even that General Darius were to retreat and the son of destruction who broke even Holmea's strongest "black wall," it would not be impossible to kick even the Romanian National Army today, which gains momentum.

But can you say that was really helpful just because you defeated the Romanian National Army that way?

Trying to escape the atrocities of the Romanian National Army, will we be taken in by something even more horrible heterogeneous?

Pompius remembered his fear of the unknown and his aversion to the heterogeneous.

Even though Darius called this young man a monster, Pompius now felt sincere empathy.

The only thing that frightens this Son of Destruction is not just his superior strategy of defeating his enemies. It's not just because he has enormous knowledge of developing the city.

The horror of this destruction is heterogeneity.

That's heterogeneity enough to destroy this world.

That is the essence of the Son of Destruction.

This is no good. If I let something like this do as I please, all the Holmeer countries or all the western regions will be doomed.

Negotiations can no longer only be broken.

Pompius thought so.

It is then.

"May I, Lord Pompius?"

Until then, Solon, who had listened silently to the outcome of the negotiations, raised his voice. "Something?" To Pompius, who asks with his eyes, Solon shows Shemr holding back by the Ethereal Horse with a cane in his hand.

"Zoan's daughter there..."

Suddenly she was told about herself, Shemru wrinkled her face in a musty way just wondering what it was. But Solon continues his words without being attached to it.

"The daughter is the first to accept the Son of Destruction, and will remain with her ever since. I think it would be interesting to hear from him."

Pompius moved his eyebrows piquely.

"This person is an example of…"

Shemru, who received an astonishing Pompius gaze, snapped his neck properly.