Hakai no Miko

Episode 101 starring

As the sun went down, the candlestick, which was placed at the main point of the venue, was lit one after another. Along with that, the waiting orchestra begins to play an elegant song.

"Thank you for your daily work, and here we are holding a memorial service."

The words announcing the holding of the Azure Horse with the liquor cup were applauded by the people who gathered at the liquor party on this day.

The purpose of this feast is to comfort the king. Therefore, this is the end of the greeting of the king's pale horse. Later, participants were free to eat and drink.

When it comes to the banquet of this era, it is said that the host, Azure Horse, will sit in the seat according to the position of the person, and eat and drink there.

However, this consolation is very different.

Based on the intention of Yokohama to give rituals, he abolished the seating order according to the position, and took a standing meal format that allowed him to move around freely so that he could have interactions with officials from other departments who usually did not know each other. It was not long after the founding of the country, and the consolation party was awkward at first. Now, the participants waited and got their favorite food and sake. When they gathered there, they began to laugh.

Among them, Eladia and Zoan's bowman Fagul Grashata Shahata, who was an escort and captain of the Pale Horse Guard, and Dinosaur Morad Jabbard Sawmi, who had the flag and was now appointed captain of the Guard as well as Shahata, smiled at the subordinates who came to say hello.

The man who came to say hello to such a pale horse was a new ambassador who had just come from the Baljibor country.

"My name is Pichore, and I'm from Baljibor."

It is not unusual for ambassadors from other countries who have heard about the reputation of a rare sake banquet in this era to wish to attend. In addition, Erdoğan's offer of participation from foreign countries and guilds has been accepted happily until now to show the prosperity of the country and the unity of the king and his subordinates.

Against this background, the participation of the ambassador of the Baljibor country was also allowed, but the Azure Horse who received the greeting of the ambassador of the Baljibor country who actually came often became hardened.

Then Azure Horse worries about what she should say, and asks in horror.

"Um... it's King Cesar, isn't it?"

The man who called himself Pichore looked like a pale horse to King Cesar.

However, King Cesar, who called himself Pichore, replied without any evil.

"No. I'm afraid I'm often mistaken by His Majesty King Cesar, but I'm a completely different person." My mother is related to the royal family, which is why she looks alike. ”

In response to such a grand lie, Azure Horse was seriously troubled that he had made a mistake.

However, the woman next to him, who was introduced as his fiancée, was two maids who were accompanied by King Cesar, and the same was true of the gloves used to hide the hands stained with paint, which were synonymous with King Cesar.

If you insist on someone else, at least you should try to pretend to be someone else.

However, if the person in question still claims to be different, it is polite to respond in that way.

Following the diplomatic courtesy of Eladia, who had been thoroughly beaten by her since her reign to this day, Azure Horse decided to treat King Cesar as Pichore.

Don't get high-pressured, so that you can't see the king and the ambassadors of other countries, and gently exchange conversations without hindrance while trying to keep a ventilated attitude. And he said, Take your time, and enjoy the feast: and he ended the conversation with king Cesar.

Then, behind the pale horse that exchanged greetings with another person, one of the officers whispered to Eladia, who was following her with a smile.

Onee-san, isn't that King Cesar?

It was the noise of the banquet hall, so small that it could not be heard without being whispered in the ear. But in hearing, their elves, who have excellent ears that do not allow other races to follow, are sufficiently vocal to hear.

Eladia answered this with the same small voice.

"Is that so stupid?" If you only have a similar face, you can't have two people with such rotten eyes. ”

Aydia smiled slightly without breaking it, and showed a special technique that could bring the irritants who were about to tongue in.

Tutu contacted me to say that he had been noticed by the Baljibo people, so when the Baljibo ambassador offered to participate in the consolation party, he said, "This is it." The prey was trapped in the mood of the hunter.

And it came to pass, that the king of Sethar came.

Eladia was very puzzled by this.

Looking back at history, there is no such thing as a small king assassinating a great king himself. However, that is a story that is not likely to happen without the small country being cornered and in an unpleasant situation. And at least the Erdoğan state has never pressured the Balkans. Instead, they've been treating Holmea more amicably than they once were.

Thinking like that, it was very unlikely that King Cesar himself was willing to risk his life to kill the Azure Horse.

But we cannot leave King Cesar alone.

I've come all the way to El Door to call myself someone else, so I'm sure I've got something to do with it. If it's not clear, we can't just turn a blind eye.

Even if he had come to the consolation party out of curiosity, even if he had been a fool of the reputation, he could not have abandoned him to say, "Yes, I see."

It is important that the king of another country be injured, let alone die, in El Door, even if the rudeness of entering the territory of another country without any warning is on the side of the Balgibor nation. In the name of the kingdom of El Door, there is no need for unwanted mud to come.

"Have a few sisters who can afford it." I don't think we're going to attack Soma, but we're going to monitor them to make sure they don't behave suspiciously. ”

The Elf lady, who had received Eladia's whisper, bowed and stepped back.

After seeing it, Eladia moved her gaze and looked at King Cesar.

"Damn, in such a difficult time..."

Eladia smiled and spilled folly inside.


When Eladia noticed that she was looking at herself irritably, King Cesar laughed with a small nose.

It seems that the Lady Commissioner has a lot of work to do, too.

King Cesar mocked the cause of the effort by putting himself on the shelf, and now he took the glass bottle offered by Delilah, the female intercessor of "Root", who pretended to be his fiancé.

King Cesar licks the wine poured into the liquor chamber with his long tongue.

"Now, it's time for the star of the feast to arrive."


A room in a corner of the royal castle of El Door country where the noise of a remembrance party can be heard in the distance.

It is usually a closed room.

It was once used as a private room for the prince who became the first heir to the throne in Holmea. However, the Hormea kingdom was destroyed, and after becoming an El Door kingdom, the prince was no longer used due to his absence, and now it is a room that remains locked except for regular cleaning.

The key to the door to such a room was suddenly removed with a loud noise.

Then, as she slid into the room through the gap of the slightly opened door, she was a human woman in a junior officer's clothes. The woman quietly closed the door behind her so as not to make a noise, and for a while she looked inside the room where no one was.

After a while, the junior officer confirmed that there was no sign of anyone, and when he sat down, he lit a candle with the seed fire he had brought. Then, the darkness in the room was pushed by a small candlelight, and finally the state of the room was revealed.

It was the room where the prince of Holmea lived. The walls and pillars were engraved with stunning sculptures of people and animals. Exquisite sculptures, as if turning real people and animals into stones, even seemed to be really moving with the fluttering candle lights.

The junior officer who was looking for something while stroking the sculpture on the wall, eventually stopped his hand when he touched the sculpture of a small bird carved near the floor.

And what did she think, the junior officer pressed the sculpture of the little bird with both hands.

Then, the sculpture of the wall that seemed to be one with the surrounding, sinks into the wall only the part of the small bird. Instead of a small bird sculpture that was pushed in, there was a hole in the wall that looked like a small pocket.

When the junior officer puts his hand on it, he falls backwards and pulls on his weight.

Then, a part of the wall was pulled out in front of me, about the size of a melt vertically and horizontally, with a much heavier sound.

So something crawled out of the black hole in the empty wall.

"No way. I've kept you waiting a long time..."

It is the star of a performance that will celebrate this evening's feast, directed by King Cesar.

He was an avenger.