Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 60: The End of Lockhart

Fox circled at the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, waiting for them.

But before they left, they saw Hermione and Rohit fall and walked in. Rohit looked frightened, his body kept shaking, Hermione pointed at him with a wand behind him, and his face was equally pale and powerful.

“Miss Granger, the adventure should be over, we may be too late to save your friend, I'm sorry, you know me and Mr. Mason..."

Lockhart's words were not finished, and suddenly he saw the giant corpse of the serpent monster, his knee softly paralyzed to the ground, and he screamed in horror, "Snake, snake, serpent! ”

“Oh, my God, are you all right?! ”

Hermione followed by three people, Ivan, Harry and Ron, who stood next to the snake monster's body, and ran over with surprise, red eyes and hugs for everyone.

“We're fine, Hermione, but if you keep hugging me so hard, you won't be able to say!” Ivan was weak for a while, and he felt Hermione was hugging him longer than the other two, and some embarrassing shifting conversation said, "By the way, how did you get in here with Rohit?

“Yes..." Hermione hurried, blushing and releasing her hand.

Upon hearing her explanation, Ivan learned that Professor McGonagall and other teachers had arrived in the public lounge after he and Harry had been taken away by the Serpent Monster, and that they had intended to go to Dumbledore, but that the principal had been enthralled by the magic ministers who had subsequently arrived, Cornelidge and Lucius Malfoy, and could not escape.

Hermione inferred from the fact that the first victim was the sobbing Peach Golden Girl when the Chamber was opened 50 years ago that the entrance to the Chamber was in the girls' bathroom on the third floor, and then she decided to go to Professor Lockhart for help.

“But I didn't think he wouldn't dare come down with me to save you, and when he heard the Snake Monster start attacking students in school, he even wanted to run away! ”

Hermione looked at Lockhart, paralyzed, and swallowed, "I forced him down with my wand, I couldn't find anyone else to help me, time was running out, I was afraid to delay it any longer, you guys..."

Ivan hurriedly held Hermione in his arms and touched her head, and the little girl looked frightened.

“But why would he run away? I mean, how could he do that? He's a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and he wrote so many amazing books?” Harry can't believe it.

“This, this, how to put it... when I accepted the position, the work regulations did not include... I did not expect...” to see four people turning their eyes to themselves, Rohit mumbling vaguely, "and the book can also be deceptive. ”

“Liar?!” Hermione looked up in surprise. "Didn't you write those books? ”

“Oh, dear Miss Granger!” Lockhart moved aside for a moment, "think about it with your common sense. If people don't think I did all that, the book won't sell very well. ”

“Readers will not be willing to read about an ugly old American wizard, even though he freed a village from the scourge of werewolves. Put his picture on the cover, it's not ugly. He doesn't have any taste in clothes. And that witch who banished the Banren ghost, she's a bitch! I mean, think about it...”

“So you put everything someone else does on your own account?” Hermione asked incredibly.

“It's not as simple as you say! ”

Rohit shook his head impatiently and moved a few meters to the side, "I have a lot of work to do, and I'm going to follow up with these people and ask them how exactly they were able to do that. And then I'm going to put a forgetful spell on them so they can forget about it. ”

“Forget the spell?!” Ivan was on a dark alert, and he almost forgot that the guy in front of him was a master of oblivion spells.

“Yes, if there's anything to be proud of, it's my oblivion spell. You know, I have a lot of hard work to do too, not just signing books and taking celebrity photos. If you want to be famous, you have to be prepared to work hard for a long time. ”

Rohit felt something on the floor, and he stood up panting, holding Ron's wand in his hand, with his peculiar smile on his face, revealing his bright teeth.

“All right, boys, it's over!” He said, "I'm going to take this snake's body back to school and tell them that I saved you, and that you've lost your mind because of the overshock! ”

“Professor, how can you do this! ”

Harry, Ron, Hermione looked at Lockhart with surprise, and Ivan intended to knock him down with a coma spell before he could stand up, but when he saw that Ron's sceptred wand in Lockhart's hand, he abandoned the idea.

He was able to feel Hermione trembling in his arms, and he patted her on the shoulder gently, indicating that she was relaxed.

Rohit is not Tom Riddle, he can't do it without a wand, he doesn't have that much magic control, he uses a broken wand in two knots, the only thing that happens is...

“I won't be stupid enough to let you go up there and expose me! Say goodbye to your memories, boys! ”

Rohit raised the wand of the broken spirit above his head and shouted, "Forget the sky!

Boom! The wand suddenly exploded and was no less powerful than a small bomb.

Lockhart was struck by his magic and flew out quickly, falling hard on the secret room floor.

Evan knew how powerful this oblivion spell was when he saw the effect.

“Oh, my God, is he okay? ”

“He was struck by his oblivion spell and should not remember who he was. This may not be a bad thing for him, or Professor Lockhart will go crazy when we get up there and tear his face apart.” Ivan whispered.

“Professor?! Who are you talking about?” Lockhart looked up at them with kindness, "this place is strange. Do you live here? ”

“No!” Harry shook his head.

“Well, let's get out of here and toss it all night, we all need to get some rest. Besides, Professor Dumbledore is still up there waiting for us, so don't let him worry too much. ”

Ivan had a headache when he thought of facing Dumbledore's questioning.

Who knows what the greatest white wizard of our time will think, although he doesn't mind helping Harry fight Voldemort, it feels bad to be manipulated by others.

Evan suddenly figured out that after beating Snake Monster and Tom Riddle again, there was no small amount of trouble to solve.

First of all, he must be careful that Dumbledore calculates himself, which will not be as easy as Harry's, and that he will be sold by others to help count the money; but there is no need to worry too much about this, anyway, that Dumbledore has at least some bottom line, not as careless as Voldemort.

Secondly, about Hogwarts' four founders leaving behind a secret treasure.

I don't know what's in there, but listening to those four people's conversations, you can guess what's in there is very helpful in fighting Voldemort and saving Hogwarts. But the question is, where are the four keys hidden?

Also, now that Lockhart has lost his memory, his previous lies will be ripped through, and he will certainly be disgraced.

This is not good news for Hogwarts Magic, and Ivan had to worry about finding new selling points.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Ron standing with a lost face, Harry standing next to him not knowing what to say, and Hermione wanted to go over and ask them about Tom Riddle. He hastily stopped Hermione and left Ron alone for a while. He could say anything tomorrow.

Believe that after this, Ron or Hermione will be taught enough to not fully believe what's written in the book.