Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 339: Changed Fate and Dark Temples

The mysterious ancient magical civilization, the dark gods from the void, and the magical creation left behind by the most evil dark wizards in history, things have developed far beyond expectations...

By now, Evan was beginning to wonder if he was in the magical world of Harry Potter.

He sighed and gently touched the wand between his waist, leaving him awake with a cold touch.

Deep beneath the ruins, the eyeball monster called himself Reaper in front of the octopus giant spider, took charge of immortality and helped Aragok prolong his life with dark forces. But in the end, it turns out that it is not a god at all, but the magical creation of the most wicked black wizards in history, possibly even the despicable Hailbo himself.

So what would this guy called the Forest God himself be?!

Ivan thought about it, and there was a slurry in his head. He didn't know what kind of monster he was dealing with, but, for sure, things got very troublesome, and the horseman who believed in it took part of Griffindor's secret treasure key.

It will certainly not be easy to retrieve the divided part.

“You see that blood moon over the temple, too?!” Ferencher said softly that his face was hidden in darkness, "this is the worst of all omens, I just said that ancient evil is about to return, that evil god is about to return to life..."

“Are you saying that someone tried to summon the evil dark creature that your ancestors once offered or to revive it from its sleep?!” Ivan asked.

“Could it be Voldemort?” Harry went on to say, "He's the worst dark wizard. ”

“Yes, it sounds like something a mystery man would do.” Ron nodded.

“It doesn't make any sense. How did Voldemort know about the Horseman?” Hermione's eyebrows are wrinkled, "and he can't now...”

“I don't know what happened, but fate did change!” Ferencze did not answer their questions directly, but went on to say to himself, "Things have happened in recent days, where the bloodmoon representing the evil gods coincides with the trajectory of Mars running on behalf of the Wizard War, which means that not only you humans, but even the Horsemen, will be involved in the coming war. ”

Harry, Ron, Hermione were all the more puzzled when they heard from Ferencze.

They had no idea what Ferencher was talking about, had just emerged a terrible evil god, and now there was another mysterious war of wizards.

When Harry remembered talking to Hagrid the other day, Hagrid commented on the horseman: the horseman was just some confused old mule, who always looked up at the stars and gave others false warning signs, but ignored what was happening around him. They may know a lot of secrets, but they never tell you straight away, trying to communicate with them about those signs is simply a waste of time.

Harry hasn't thought about it for a while without a clue.

Evan knew that the war Ferencher was talking about was the second Wizard's War after Voldemort's return.

Does Voldemort then summon the evil spirits offered by the horse ancestors?!

Although Voldemort has always looked down on non-human magic creatures, it does not rule that out.

Everything was too vague and Ivan needed more information in the face of unknown enemies.

He was just about to ask Ferencher, and he saw Margaery and Sirius coming.

“Dear Human Warrior, welcome to the Horseman Tribe!” He bowed gently to Evan and waved, which seemed to be a signal.

Almost instantly, the dark, straight path in the middle of the tribe suddenly lit up.

Fire basins were placed on either side of the road, and they were lit in turn by horsemen.

This is a flamelit path of light that stretches from the tribal entrance to the temple on the central island and looks spectacular.

“The elders are waiting for you!” Margaery turned around and looked scornfully at Sirius, Harry, Ron, Hermione and said in disgusting tone, "As for the four of you, you are also allowed to enter the sacred temple! ”

“We're like Ivan's followers!” Ron couldn't bear to mumble.

“Don't take it personally, the horses always do, there are many horses like Margaery, arrogant they despise humans!” Sirius is relieved to say, "We better hurry up and don't stay here too long. ”

The huge welcome team moved on, and Ivan and Hermione also wanted to ask Ferencher about the evil god he had just mentioned, but nothing had happened.

They followed Central Avenue into the Horseman tribe, and by the side of the road, more and more Horsemen came out of the cabin and looked at them curiously.

The majority of these horses are old and weak women and children, many of whom are minor ponies. Ivan saw a couple of little ponies very short and just got to his knee position. They had obviously never met humans, and their eyes were filled with curiosity and fear.

Ivan would prefer to visit the Horseman tribe and feel the civilization of the Horseman up close, as opposed to going straight along this road, which is a very rare opportunity.

Margaery obviously had no intention of leading the way.

The closer you get to the huge temple on the central island, the more impressive and hidden oppression Ivan can feel, about half the size of Hogwarts Castle, built entirely of obsidian stone and covered with green marble slabs.

The walls are engraved with exaggerated horseman patterns, and they are hunting, sacrificing, watching, living, etc., as well as operating trajectories of various stars.

But that's not all of it, and there's a lot of creatures and patterns that Ivan doesn't understand.

They are arranged irregularly in everything, and the eyes of all living beings seem to be looking at you, with ancient mysterious oppression, making people afraid to speak up at all.

If there is any word to describe this temple, it is darkness and repression!

“Something terrible is about to happen, and in that dark temple full of taboos, the magic of the Dark Head of the past will..." Along with the whistling wind, Evan's ears sounded like Professor Trelawny's mute, hysterical voice.

Is this the temple of the Horseman the place mentioned in the prophecy?!

The feeling of uncertainty rose from the depths of his heart, and Ivan felt that his blood was turned into ice water, and he thought about it repeatedly, thinking about the horror prophecy that was about to be met!

It wasn't until he turned around that he realized he had come to the entrance to the temple.

After a cool breeze, his back had been soaked with cold sweat.

Ivan gasped, wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, looking at the dark, narrow stone passage ahead of him...