Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 358: Entering the Temple

Although some gill bladder grass was collected for occasional use, Evan had never eaten it before, inhaling the first cold lake water, like getting the oxygen needed for life.

He swam like a real mermaid and his head stopped spinning in the water.

Evan sucked in another cold sip of river water, and it felt amazing that the water flowed smoothly through his gills, sending oxygen into his brain.

He put his hands in front of him and measured them carefully.

They look a little green underwater, they look weird and scary, and they have fins between their fingers. He turned his head and looked at his bare feet, which had grown long, and his toes connected, as if his feet had suddenly become duck fins.

In the evening the river was no longer ice-cold, but rather he felt cool, comfortable and very lightweight.

Along with the equally bizarre Uggart, Ivan continues to paddle forward.

With the help of two finned feet, he is now able to move quickly in the water.

Moreover, his eyesight became good and he seemed to be able to see clearly without blinking at all.

Along the narrow river, he quickly swimmed forward a long way and heard the horseman's slaughter not far above his head, smoothly entering the huge lake in the heart of the tribe.

Without preparedness, without resistance, the fallen horses never expected anyone to dive underwater.

Ugart's strong figure faintly appeared in front of him and eventually disappeared.

After entering the central lake, Ivan swam around in a dark, hazy and strange scenery, silent in his ear.

He could see the scene within ten feet of a circle, and every row in the water, a new scene suddenly emerged from the darkness ahead: a jungle of fluctuating, tangled black aquatic plants scattered with wide, flat mud sand of shiny little stones.

The deeper Ivan and Uggart swim, the deeper they march towards the deepest depths of the center of the lake.

Along the central island, the main building of the Moon Temple continues to extend deepest below the water, with ancient and huge architectural contours appearing in front of Ivan.

Once again, he was struck by the miracle created by the Horseman and immersed in the greatness before his eyes.

Ivan's eyes were wide open and his eyes penetrated the gray, creepy water of the lake, staring into the vast shadows in the distance, where the water was shadowy.

Countless little fish swimming lightly beside him, like a silver dart.

The next second Ivan saw a big guy moving in front of himself, not Uggart, and when he accelerated his swim, he realized it was a giant squid.

The squid danced his claws and stared closely at Ivan, seemingly trying to attack him.

When Ivan grabbed his wand nervously, he suddenly lost interest in him, chased the distant fish and quickly swam away.

Ivan sighed in relief, but soon he was in new trouble.

He encountered a Greendillo in the thick grass beneath the island, a long-footed monster who suddenly burst out of the grass and grabbed Ivan's leg tightly with long, pointed teeth in his mouth, as if to bite him.

He waved the wand gently and a boiling water column emerged from the end of his wand, hitting Green Dillo all over his skin.

The monsters immediately froze, greyed, motionless, and slowly fell down.

Ivan's petrochemical spell worked, but more Greendillo came out of the grass, no mermaids and other natural enemies, and these monsters bred wildly in the lake.

This is not the way to go. Ivan is going to let them know it's good.

He quickly swayed the wand, and Greendillo, who was pouring at himself, was instantly split in half, the blood stained a large chunk of the lake water, and the water monsters began to disperse.

Ivan seized the opportunity to swim past, and a few minutes later, he slowed down and stared around, looking for what Ugart called a hidden entrance to the Temple of the Moon.

But he didn't see anything, he was the only one in the dark lake.

He turned 360 degrees in the water and felt silent pressing his eardrum.

He knew he must be at the bottom of a very deep lake, but there was nothing around him but endless darkness, and the enormous water pressure left him unprecedented loneliness.

He and Uggart are separated, and the other party may have entered the temple, and the role of the gill bladder is fading away, in case Ivan replenishes himself with a bubble curse.

Immediately thereafter, the end of his wand began to emit strong light outward.

The darkness was dispersed, Ivan saw lonely aquatic plants, and in front of him, the giant blue and black rock walls were engraved with images of ancient horses watching the stars.

A few horsemanstone sculptures scattered deep beneath the lake, not knowing that they had stayed here for centuries, either with bows and arrows in their hands or with strange looking canes held high.

Evan followed the rocky body of the Moon Temple another distance down, and just as he darkened his grief, a powerful arm suddenly protruded from the middle of the rock wall.

He hastily raised his wand before realizing that the other side was Uggart.

They continue up the narrow, wet tunnel with thick green moss and aquatic plants on the surrounding rock walls. Through the action of the light shadow, Evan discovered that the entrance to this secret passage was cleverly hidden from the mural and difficult to spot without knowing its exact location.

“I just turned around and found you gone!” Uggart said out loud and rude, "The herbal effects are disappearing, and I can't swim too far to find you. ”

“I just met a bunch of Grindillos and fought a war.” Ivan explained that he gently lit his robe with his wand, creating a large amount of water vapor.

It's a very effective little spell that instantly dries up on him.

“Those horrible water monsters have been lurking in the lake, causing us great distress and suddenly attacking people to get water and drowning you out of the lake.” Ugart shook himself hard and threw his water beads dry like a beast, "you're lucky enough to come by the entrance, otherwise I don't know what to do. ”

“Is there a trick to this?” Ivan asked, "I saw murals in the lake on the rock. How did you find this entrance? ”

“It's simple for us horsemen, just follow the trajectory of the stars.” Uggart walks to the top of the narrow tunnel and continues, "This is the Temple of the Moon, you have to follow the star trajectory to find the location of the Moon, where the entrance or the location of the organ is located. ”

He said, gently patting on a pattern that looked like the shape of a lunar tooth, and the thick stone door in front slowly climbed open.