Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 377: The Shocking Truth

In an empty hallway, the conversation continues.

“I don't blame him, but some of Buddy Crouch's practices and ideas on other things are definitely beyond your imagination!” Sirius lowered his voice and said seriously, "Ivan, I don't know how much you know and what you want to do, but you have to know that Crouch is a fierce, ruthless man, even more vicious than his opponents, the culprits who use black magic. He advocated violence against violence and allowed unforgivable spells to be used against suspects. ”

“That's right, it gives him a lot of supporters!” Mr. Weasley was disturbed to say that he kept looking around and making sure that no one was listening to them, "when most people thought he was doing the right thing, and many wizards shouted and demanded that he be the Minister of Magic, whose own reputation far exceeded that of the rest of the Ministry. After Voldemort disappeared, it seemed like it was only a matter of time before he took any hand! ”

“But ironically...” Sirius smiled coldly, "that's when Crouch's own son was captured with a bunch of cannibals fleeing Azkaban with fantastic words. Looks like they're looking for Voldemort, trying to make him rise again. ”

The smile on his face did not fade, staring at the heavy wooden gate not far away, with a sign hanging obliquely above it: AULO Command.

“You should know the next thing!” Sirius went on to say, "You can imagine it's a pretty big blow to that old guy. He should spend more time with his family, shouldn't he? You should get off work early from time to time to learn more about your son. ”

“Exactly!” Ivan nodded.

It's not just Crouch, everyone should know more about Little Buddy Crouch.

If Mr. Weasley and Sirius knew who he really was and where he stood among the dead, they would be surprised.

“I've seen that boy, a coward who only knows how to cry, look weak.” Sirius recalled, "I was there when he was locked up in Azkaban, and he was right next to my cell. I remember him crying every day. When the boy was arrested, everyone he was with was a Death Eater, and I bet that poor guy probably just shouldn't have shown up at that point! ”

“Maybe he's not as simple as you think?” Ivan cautiously said, "My findings reveal some very interesting information that they were imprisoned in Azkaban for torturing the Lombardons with a drill spell, and I asked Professor Lupin to help me reach out to the witnesses to that incident..."

Mr. Weasley and Sirius were obviously very surprised to learn so much about Ivan.

“All in all, Little Butti Crouch is not easy.” Ivan concluded by repeating the information he had received.

“Maybe, but what's the point of all this?! ”

Sirius impatiently said, "I saw them bring him in with my own eyes, and I watched them through the bars of the prison door. He was 19 years old at most, and they put him in a cell next to me. In the evening, he screamed at his mother. But a few days later, he was silent, and they all ended up silent, and in that shithole, everyone would be like this, only screaming occasionally in their sleep..."

“Everyone knows that a year after he was locked up in that place, he died and paid for his crimes!” Mr. Weasley hastily said, "Well, can we not stand here and talk about these things? ”

“Yes, what you need to do now is write a letter to your parents!” Sirius hugged Ivan's shoulder, "maybe you should write Rhymes a copy too. ”

“Come on, what do you guys want to drink, I have there...”

“Wait, this isn't over!” Ivan hurriedly raised his voice and said out loud, "Little Buddy Crouch may not be dead! ”

Mr. Weasley and Sirius all stopped and stared closely at Evan, who was serious, with a funny look on his face that wanted to laugh and force him to hold on.

“He must be dead, right in front of me, and I witnessed his death. Sirius said painfully," If you want to know, I'll tell you. More than one of them died, where most people went mad and many ended up on hunger strike. ”

Sirius looked into Ivan's eyes and the dull voice slowly recounted the past.

“They have lost their desire to live, and it is clear when a person dies, because the Phantom can feel that every time they are excited.” Sirius said, "The boy came sick and distorted, and Crouch was an important official of the Ministry of Magic, and he and his wife were allowed to visit his dying son. He held his wife for half a mile and walked past my cell. Looks like his wife died soon and was overwhelmed. Died like that boy. Crouch didn't come to collect his son's body, and the Phantom buried him outside the fortress, and I watched them do it. ”

Ivan wanted to talk, but Sirius stopped him.

“Think about it, isn't it pathetic?” He had a cruel smile on his face, "he lost everything when poor Crouch thought it was done. Just now he was a hero, confident enough to become Minister of Magic... turning a blind eye, his son died, his wife died, his family's reputation was tarnished, and his prestige in the eyes of the public declined dramatically. ”

“I remember all the newspapers at the time, all about it. Mr. Weasley added," After the boy's death, people began to sympathize more with his son and ask the question: Why would a child from a good family go such a wrong way? The conclusion was that his father never cared much for him, and as such, Cornelly Foggy was in her first chair and old Buddy was transferred to the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic. ”

“Well, after knowing all this, what more can you question now?” Sirius asks Ivan, "I don't know exactly how much information you have, but little Buddy Crouch is definitely going to die. ”

“No, that's not everything, Buddy Crouch may have taken his son out of Azkaban!” Ivan gasps and decides to say this directly, "We can deduce based on Buddy Crouch's character and style of action...”

“Reasoning?! This is ridiculous. I saw him die in front of me with my own eyes, and you're here to tell me what reasoning is!” Sirius sighed heavily and said, "Evan, you may have been under a lot of stress lately, I think...”

“It wasn't him, it was his mother!” Ivan said aloud, "Just when you saw the visit, Buddy Crouch replaced his son. ”