Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 450: Eleven Witchcraft Schools

Soon, everyone arrived at Mr. Weasley's scheduled camping site.

At the end of the camp, by the woods, a small sign was inserted, which read: Weasley.

“Nice place! Mr. Weasley was pleased to say that" the site is on the other side of the forest and cannot be closer. ”

Ivan looked at the dense woods and felt that this place was really nice.

The landscape is pleasant, and if there is any disturbance in the camp, they can flee to the woods for the first time.

While Ivan doesn't expect any riots, preventing them from happening is not always a bad thing.

“All right, let's start the tent!” Mr. Weasley was excited to say, "No magic, since so many of us have come to Muggle's land, we have to set up the tent with our own hands! Now that those Muggles can do it, it's not hard, is it?! ”

He took two grey tents out of his backpack and a variety of tools.

“Come on, kids...” He rubbed his forehead with a handkerchief.

“Wait, Arthur, are there enough space for these two tents?” Sirius said, carefully detailing the tent on the ground.

“By the time Charlie, Bill and Percy get here, we'll have twelve!” Mr. Weasley frowned, “This was borrowed from Perkins at the office. To be honest, it's not very suitable, the place may be a little crowded if you add a few beds..."

“There is no need for extra beds, I have a tent there and the space is huge! Sirius said," A few days ago I ordered Cleecher to deliver it and now it can be used directly. ”

“All right then!” Mr. Weasley said, "That's a good idea, or we'll all be crowded together. There are two open spaces, we can build a smaller tent for the girls first! ”

“Evan, Harry, Ron, would you three please come with me to move the tent?” Sirius asked.

The three of them nodded hastily and followed Sirius into the camp.

At this point, the sun had just risen and the mist gradually dissipated.

In the camp, they saw tents everywhere and could not see their heads.

The four of them slowly walked between the tents and were interested in looking east.

“God, I never thought there were so many wizards in the world!” Harry said with emotion.

Until then, he had never seriously thought about what wizards in other countries would look like.

“I've never seen so many witches before!” Ron sighed, “this is beyond imagination! ”

“If you graduate to work for organizations like the Department of International Magical Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic or the International Federation of Wizards, you will have frequent contact with wizards abroad! Sirius laughed and explained," Depending on the country in which you live, the traditions and magic used by wizards vary from country to country. In Africa, for example, curses, witchcraft, astronomy and masquerade are more prevalent, and they rarely use magic wands in their application, but are more accustomed to using fingers or arms. ”

“Instead of using the wand, use your fingers?!” Ron was surprised to say, "Just like the elves at home. ”

Ivan remembers the African black wizard he saw earlier in a tavern on the edge of the Albanian forest.

Instead of having a wand on his body, he carries an evil doll, always hanging on his wrist.

Ivan guessed that the weird doll was made out of human skin and was designed to curse.

“Sirius, you and Ivan went to Boothbaton for the summer, and like Hogwarts, it was a magic school!” Harry suddenly asked, "Can you tell us about the other magic schools? ”

Ron was also focused, and he wanted to know about other magic schools.

Ivan has seen descriptions in magic books before, but most of them are unclear.

Witchcraft schools are the top secrets of the magic world in various countries, and not national wizards rarely have access to relevant information.

“It is well known that the cultural and educational traditions of the magical world in each country are different. There are many ancient schools of wizards who are still inheriting in more traditional ways than through magic schools.” Sirius said, "But overall, there are eleven prestigious magic schools known in the world today. ”

“Eleven so many?!” Harry is amazed, “all I know is Hogwarts! ”

“Hogwarts is one of the three most prestigious magic schools in Europe, with two remaining in Boothbaton, France, and Demstrang, Germany!” Sirius continues, "You should have heard Ivan talk about Boothbarton before, and as for Demstrang, it's a magic school that only admits students of pure descent, long history, but with a more tolerant attitude towards black magic. In the past, a lot of black wizards graduated from there. ”

Ivan knew that Grindelwald, the black magician, had studied there.

As the first Dark Demon King, Grindelwald even surpassed Voldemort during its full power.

Given the circumstances of Muggle society at the time, and the enormous wars that spanned the world, which provided the right soil for the development of dark magic, Grindelwald and his claw teeth were almost ready to take control of Europe as a whole.

He was plotting an astonishing conspiracy and was almost successful.

But unfortunately, he met Dumbledore.

At the height of Greendward's power, Dumbledore defeated it alone, saving the European magic world.

Coincidentally, shortly thereafter, the protracted war in the world of Muggles came to an abrupt end.

Germany lost the war and paid a heavy price!

Since then, the world has entered peace and a new international order has been re-established.

“What about the other eight magic schools outside Europe? ”

“There are three in the United States, two in North America, including a magic school for witches only, the only magic school in the world that is full of female witches, and one left in Brazil!” Sirius said.

“I know Bill used to have a pen pal who went to school in Brazil!” Ron said, "That was a lot of years ago, and he wanted to have an exchange trip, but Mom and Dad couldn't afford that much. He said he couldn't go. The pen pal got angry and sent him a spell hat, wrinkling both of his ears. ”

Harry laughed when he thought about that picture.

To be honest, he was very surprised when he heard Sirius say that there was a magic school in the world altogether.

Looking at the tents in the camp, he thought he was stupid.

He never realized that Hogwarts was not the only school of magic.