Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 471: Ivan's Tracking Magic

The notion of sparkle represents the vast majority of households raising elves, after all, a minority of heterogeneous species like Dobby.

The long-standing oppression has allowed them to develop this false notion of deformity.

The worst thing about keeping elves is that they are the slaves of wizards.

Ivan knows that, but the others don't.

When he heard the glitter, Harry blurted, “Is there something wrong with that that Dobby shouldn't be paid? ”

Shimmering seemed frightened by the idea, holding her fingers together so that her face was halfway blocked again.

“There is no reward for raising elves, sir!” She screamed from behind her fingers, "It's the worst, the worst idea, the worst, and it's a disgrace to us. ”

Hearing her, Hermione's eyebrows picked up.

Ivan knew it was a sign that she was unfamiliar with something and was ready to express her opinion.

Indeed, the next second she turned her attention to Ivan, with a divine look of questioning on her little face.

“I paid Dobby and I got a vacation!” Ivan whispered, "Four golden gallons a month and a day off. ”

“That's it!” Hermione's brows wrinkled more tightly, "I never knew you were using Dobby in such a cheap way...”

Ivan wanted to give Dobby some more golden gallons and vacations, but that elf didn't take it at all.

Think about it. Every time he does less or cares, he cries in his lap.

Over time, Ivan stopped looking for trouble.

More work means more happiness for the Elvish!

But Hermione obviously doesn't think so, and from the look on her face, she seems to think that Ivan is squeezing the cheap workforce.

She knew Dobby's job, which was a full-time servant of Ivan's, 24 hours a day.

With such a large workload, he can only get one Golden Gallon per week, what's the difference with slaves?!

Over there, Harry and the sparkling conversation continues.

“There's nothing wrong with getting paid, and Dobby should have some fun.” Harry said.

“It shouldn't be fun to raise elves, Harry Potter!” Shiny hands covered my face, seriously, seemed angry, directly calling Harry's full name, "The elf was completely at my master's command, I was afraid of heights, but my master sent me to the top compartment, and I came, Harry Potter! ”

She glanced at the edge of the box and sucked in a breath of cold air.

“Why would he send you here if he knew you had heights problems?” Harry frowned dissatisfied.

“Master, Master asked me to give him a seat, Harry Potter, he's too busy.” Flashing over her head, looking at the empty seat next to her, "Flashing wished she'd returned to her master's tent, Harry Potter, but Flashing followed orders, unlike Dobby, Flashing was a very nice little family elf. ”

She looked at the edge of the box with fear and quickly covered her eyes completely.

After a moment of silence, everyone looked at each other in silence, and only Hermione was frowning at what he was thinking.

“These little elves are weird, aren't they?” Ron whispered.

“Dobby is weirder than she is!” Harry agreed.

“They're just trying to be too simple, but not bad in nature. Evan said he looked anxiously at Hermione," The Elves have their own ways and customs of survival, and we should not stand in the first-class unknown to interpret these, or even try to intervene. ”

He also didn't know if Hermione was listening, hoping she wouldn't make something like saving the elves.

But Ivan thinks, if Hermione doesn't do that, she doesn't seem hermione!

This is one of Hermione's features and her lovely place.

Some things are meant to be, and they can't be changed anyway.

Ivan thought about whether to leave Hermione alone or do something within his grasp.

He quietly pulled out the wand and pointed it at the empty position next to the flash, where the subtle magic fell quietly.

This is a tracking magic that allows Ivan to grasp the current position within a certain range.

Voldemort and the vampires can save Little Barty Crouch, but they can't have too much war.

Crazy things like horseman ruins can't happen here at the World Cup.

Evan suddenly thought that every time he saw an evil god, he ended up with a lack of sacrificial flesh, unable to keep up with the rate of expansion of his vast body, which eventually led to its body beginning to collapse and crack.

The expansion of the evil god seems to be endless. What would it look like if there were a flesh supply of 100,000 people?!

It's probably going to cover the whole of the UK, extending all the way out into the atmosphere.

These monsters are really scary...

Soon, everyone's attention shifted from glitter to Quidditch grounds.

Ron pulled out his panoramic telescope and started commissioning, looking at the crowd on the other side of the stadium.

“Awesome!” He swings the playback knob on the side of the telescope, "I can make the old guy over there pull his nose again, pull it again, pull it again...”

“Hermione just said there was a mascot show before the game, I wonder what that would be?” Harry asked curiously.

“Oh, that's always worth a look.” Mr. Weasley said, "The decision will impress you. ”

“This is a tradition of the World Cup, where national teams bring in some Hitch animals from home to perform. Sirius said to Harry," It's very rare that they brought more than thirty phoenixes a year. ”

Dumbledore has a phoenix, Fox, a magical creature with golden feathers and powerful magic.

Phoenix is very rare and originates in Egypt, India and China, with slight differences between different places.

Overall, however, they are all spectacular and it is hard to imagine what more than thirty phoenix flying around the site would look like.

Over the next half hour, their compartment gradually filled with people.

Mr. Weasley constantly shook hands, and those men were, at first glance, great wizards of great stature.

Sirius laughed most of the time, sitting in the corner, whispering to Ivan about the witches' past.

In front of them, Percy hurried up again and again, looking like she was sitting on the back of a stubborn porcupine.

When Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge arrived, Percy bowed too low and his glasses fell to the ground, smashing.

He was so embarrassed that he hurried to fix the lens with his wand and sat in his seat.

When Cornelius Fudge greeted Harry like an old friend, Percy cast a jealous look at Harry.

Then Fogey saw Sirius and Ivan sitting in the corner and walked over with a smile.