Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 498 Ron's Dress Robe

“Since Griffindor left the magic stone with the Horseman!” Harry raised his head and said with interest, "The other three founders are probably near Hogwarts, and I know there are fish in the lake, Ivan, and you've said it before...”

“It's worth investigating!” Ivan nodded.

Not surprisingly, Ravenclaw had the mermaid in the lake.

Think about it: beautiful Ravenclaw, from the tranquil river! The brightest of minds deserves a reward! The key to unlocking your treasure is an extraordinary intellect that you will inherit forever from your equally intelligent allies!

The only intelligent species near Hogwarts, apart from the forbidden horses, are the Mermaids, who live in the water of the lake.

Mermaids are a non-human-magic race of high intelligence, with a long history that surpasses that of horses.

Around the world, there are legends of mermaids, and they often appear in mythological stories.

Unlike the haughty horses, mermaids and wizards come into contact very frequently.

They have long been indispensable allies of Hogwarts Castle, although their specific origins are unknown.

From either point of view, Ravenclaw's remaining tips are met.

Ivan has been thinking about investigating in the lake, trying to get in touch with mermaids, but he doesn't speak mermaid language and can't communicate with them.

It would appear that this aspect of the semester should be included in the learning plan.

“This stuff is really good!” Harry said, "I want one too, but it doesn't seem to work, and I don't always have a lot of books and information around like you, but it's good for broomsticks, candy, and clothes. ”

He said a little less, and this cloth bag can actually be used to hide things.

Elaine's cute underwear was mixed up in his underwear, and he had intended to burn it directly, but that didn't seem to be a good idea, and Ivan had to keep the trouble until he had a chance to return it to Elaine in the future.

There's nothing wrong with giving Harry the cloth bag. He won't flip his clothes anyway, and probably won't recognize the girl's underwear.

Harry lacks experience, but if Hermione were to kill Ivan, he wouldn't dare just give her the bag.

Ivan continued to comb the book with his head down, and Harry began to pack his stuff and work hard to fold his underwear into the crucible.

That's when they heard Ron yelling disgustingly behind.

“What kind of play is this?” He shouted loudly,

Ivan and Harry turned around and saw what he was holding in his hand, which looked like a velvet dress in purple sauce, with a neckline set like a moldy ruffled leaf and matching laces on the cuffs.

You're staring at this ugly velvet skirt, and you're studying its utility.

Mrs. Weasley walked in with three people in her arms who had just washed and ironed Hogwarts' robes.

“For you.” She said, divide the robes into three piles, "Well, remember to put them neatly when you box them and don't wrinkle them. ”

“Mom, you gave me Ginny's new dress.” Ron said, handing her the dress.

“How could I be wrong!” Mrs. Weasley said, "This is for you, the gown robe. ”

“What?” Ron said, expressing horror.

“The gown robe!” Mrs. Weasley said it again, "Your school list says that you should have a gown this year, a robe worn officially. ”

“You must be kidding.” Ron couldn't believe it, “I would never wear that. Never! ”

“Everybody wear them, Ron!” Mrs. Weasley said angrily, "Those clothes are like this! Your father also has several pieces to wear to a decent party! ”

“I'd rather not wear it without hanging it up.” Ron stubbornly said.

“Don't be silly,” Mrs. Weasley said, "you must have a gown robe on your list! I also bought one for Harry and Evan and showed it to him..."

Evan glanced at his clothes and also had a black gown robe inside.

However, there is no lace on it, it looks similar to his school robe, but the color is not black, but sky blue.

Next to him, Harry was carrying a robe of the same style, dark green in colour.

“These two clothes are perfect for you, honey.” Mrs. Weasley said affectionately, "Ivan's colour matches his looks so well that it attracts the attention of many girls. Harry, this one, I think it'll bolster the color of your eyes nicer. ”

Ron looked at Evan and Harry's robe and said, furiously, "Why can't I have one of these? ”

“Because... Alas, Ron, I have to buy you used goods, so you don't have much choice!” Mrs. Weasley said, blushing.

There was an awkward silence in the air and no one spoke.

With so many children, the Weasley family's spending has been stretched and painstakingly sustained.

Ginny's school uniform robe was sponsored by Ivan at the time.

He would not recommend continuing to sponsor a dress robe for Ron, but Mrs. Weasley would certainly not accept it.

Fred and George have recently made some gold gallons, but they won't use them for Ron.

They need to buy raw materials for new products, expand production, even rent their own store, and that's not a lot of money.

Moreover, it could not be taken out or discovered by Mrs. Weasley, who could not be informed that they were still studying prank products.

The last time she was found, all the gold gallons were confiscated by Mrs. Weasley and returned to Ivan.

Beyond that, the twins have been having a lot of trouble lately.

They've been writing to Ludo Bagman urging him to give them back the gambling he won from the Quidditch World Cup, but all these letters are rocky.

Bagman wasn't going to pay back the money, and Fred and George couldn't really go to the Magic Department to get the money.

“I don't care, I'll never wear this," Ron stubbornly said for a long time, "Never! ”

“Okay!” Mrs. Weasley seemed really angry when she saw Ron, harshly refuting, "Then you're naked, Evan, Harry, don't forget to take a picture of him. As God testifies, I can laugh. ”

She walked out of the room and shut the door violently.

A very strange sound came from behind them, a pig stuck in the throat by an oversized owl.

“It's not fair, why are my things all crap!” Ron said angrily as he walked over and broke the piglet's mouth.

Evan and Harry looked carefully at each other and didn't know how to persuade Ron.