Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 530: The Great Swamp (Subscription Request)

According to information previously received from Hagrid, Ivan commanded Buckbeak to fly deep into the swamp.

They fly in white fog, keeping a close eye on the ground.

Despite the beauty of this place's aquatic plants, very few creatures live here in the forest.

There are many places in this swamp that are bottomless and dangerous.

It appears to be no different from the ordinary ground, but it is inadvertently caught up in it and can only wait to die in desperate struggle.

Only the most experienced explorers, like Hagrid, can find a path through the depths of the swamp in a perennial search.

Although animals in the forest are rarely close, this does not mean that there are no other organisms in this swamp.

On the contrary, there is no invasion by forest species, and in the unique environment of the Great Marsh, many rare and special life forms are born here.

They influence each other to form a complete ecosystem.

In the rush, Ivan saw a piece of Mandela grass.

Mandela Grass, also known as Mandela Grass Root, is a potent restorative.

Returning deformed or spelled people to their original state is also an important component of most antidotes.

In Professor Sprout's herbal class the other day, Ivan changed a pot of Mandela grass seedlings.

Near Mandela grass, he also saw dozens of magical animals like a piece of wood.

They have claws, fins on their claws, and very sharp teeth, gliding in the swamp.

These amazing animals are swamp diggers and feed mainly on small mammals and plants.

They can cause severe damage to pedestrians' ankles, but their favorite food is the roots of Mandela grass.

The rootstocks of Mandela grass are an ugly baby image that can make a stinging cry, and the swamp digs feed on those rootstocks until they've eaten and pulled Mandela grass out, and they see a bloody, messy, tangled thing.

The roots and stems of Mandela grass look like they were eaten by swamp diggers and can no longer cry.

In addition to the swamp excavation, Ivan saw two Hinkpunks.

They hide in the water pits on the side of the road, with only the lanterns draped down on their front feet exposed to faint light outside.

In this always foggy swamp, this light can entice travelers or passing animals to follow.

Hinkponk would give the wrong instructions and lead them intentionally into bottomless swamp areas or water pits.

When the travelers die, feed on their rotten corpses.

Going forward, next to a large reed, Ivan also sees a creature like an enlarged firefly.

Its tail glows with a light red or yellow mist mask with a sharp spike.

It floats quietly a few feet above the water, capturing plankton.

But not far out, it was eaten by a big fish covered in green scallops and sharp fangs.

In addition, there are several rolling grey fleshworms that crawl slowly in a swamp full of mushrooms.

This creature has huge mouths and keeps devouring the mushrooms in front.

Behind its body, it is also a cave that spills green mucus.

Evan, it's like they're entering a new magical world, seeing a completely different scene from what they've always been in contact with.

“The ancient relic you said was in this place?” Keresis frowned and said.

“This is where Hagrid met the Lion Scorpion, and we're heading east.” Ivan replied.

“I am absolutely insane to come to a place like this with you, and beware of the Lion Scorpion that may appear at any moment, which is absolutely beyond your imagination!” And, "said Keresis," I doubt that what you call ruins will be of any exploratory value, and I've seen too many of these ancient buildings, with nothing inside but rubble. ”

As the place where the demon statue was first discovered, even if only gravel remains, it is worth exploring by Ivan.

“I'm on my own, you just have to do what we planned before, and I've asked Hagrid about the habit of the Lion Scorpion, and as long as there's no accident, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. ”

“Say yes, even if your plan and trap work, I can only control the guy for an hour, you hurry!” Keresis stares at Evan in the shadows, "and if he hasn't come out in an hour, I won't go in there and save you. ”

“I know!” Ivan nodded, "I'll pay attention to time. ”

With long-standing contact with dangerous magical creatures, the wizards have summed up and explored an effective set of controls.

For example, using coma spells, special magic and herbs, and trapping traps.

Like the soon-to-be-headed Lion Scorpion, the skin of this monster is immune to the vast majority of the magic, and it is very aggressive and dangerous in itself. It is difficult to defeat it positively.

Ivan doesn't know if Keresis can do it, but it's definitely going to cost a lot.

Luckily, they didn't come here to defeat the Manticore.

Only trapped this guy for a while, enough for Ivan to finish exploring the ruins.

After reviewing the information, Ivan chose a trap tool that meets his requirements.

He asked Sirius to help him get this trap to Moody's office, a magical object specializing in dangerous magical animals.

Once triggered, several chains can be quickly extended to trap magical animals.

Under the control of the wizard, it is difficult to break the chain, how long it lasts is related to the magic of the wizard who controls the trap.

With the power of Calesis, control of the Lion Scorpion for more than an hour.

Of course, he was unhappy that Ivan had asked him to do this, but there was nothing he could do.

The current situation is that whatever Ivan requests, Keresis will do his best to meet them.

Besides, there was nothing dangerous about it, just a little bit of magic on the part of Keresis.

Over the past few years, Hagrid has been feeding this man, the Lion Scorpion, who lives in the swamp from time to time.

Ivan learned from Hagrid that the lion's scorpion favorite food was the flesh of the dwarf.

The Porcupine Monster is a magical animal that lives in rural Europe, Russia and the United States.

It looks like a stunted pig, long legs, chunky tails, stitched black eyes.

It often sneaks into pig rings, eats cow's milk with piglets, and destroys them.

If not detected for a long time, the Porcupine Monster will grow up.

The longer it lasts, the more devastating the farm it enters.

Ivan also had Sirius fetch him a lot of Porcupine meat and send it to Moody's office with the trap.

Now, all of this stuff is in the package that Keresis is carrying.