Ron looked right in search of Krum, and the question was answered almost immediately.

By then, they had walked to Slytherin's table and only Kakarov had rushed to his students.

“Well, go back to the boat.” He said, "Viktor, how are you feeling? Did you take your medication on time? Do you want me to send someone to fetch some heated wine from the kitchen? ”

Krum shook his head gloomy and put the fur cloak back on.

“Professor, I'd like some wine.” Another Durmstrang boy coveted.

“I didn't ask you, Polyako.” Kakalov harshly said that his merciful, gentle look disappeared suddenly, "I noticed you dropped food on the front of your robe again, hurry up and clean it up, you nasty boy...”

Kakalov turned around and led his students to the door.

They walked to the door at the same time as Ivan, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Colin, Ginny, Fred and George.

Everybody stop and let Kakalov go first.

“Thank you." Kakalov casually said, sweeping at them.

Suddenly, Kakalov was completely stuck and his eyes stopped on Harry.

He turned his head back to Harry and stared at him like he didn't believe in his eyes.

Durmstrang's students followed the principal and stopped.

Kakalov's eyes slowly moved onto Harry's face and stared at the scar.

Durmstrang's students also looked at Harry curiously and could see several people's faces showing enlightened expressions.

The man with the soup stain on his chest stabbed the girl next to him, pointing uncoverably at Harry's forehead.

Krum also measured Harry with a gaze of scrutiny, which then fell on Evan and Hermione.

Ivan looked at him and felt that Krum's eyes seemed to carry some strange emotion.

When Ivan saw himself again, Krum hurried to turn his head to the other side.

That's weird, they met at Quidditch World Cup last time, why would Krum hide from himself?!

“You are..." Kakalov said slowly.

“That's right, he's Harry Potter.” There was an angry rush behind them.

Kakalov turned around and MadEye Moody stood there.

His heavy body rested on the cane, and the magical eye stared at Durmstrang's principal without blinking.

Kakalov's face turned white, revealing a horrible mix of anger and fear.

“It's you!” he said, staring stunnedly at Moody, seemingly unsure that he really saw him.

“It's me,” Moody said in a gloomy way, "unless you have something to say to Porter, Kakalov, go ahead and block the doors. ”

Half the students in the auditorium were waiting behind them.

The people in the back compete over the shoulders of the people in front and want to see what caused the traffic jam.

Professor Kakarov said nothing more, and he waved and walked away with his students.

Moody kept staring at him until he couldn't see.

His magic eye stared dead at Kakalov's back, displaying an extremely repugnant expression on his crippled face.

In the face of Kakalov, even impersonating Moody, Keresis reacted a little too excitedly.

Ivan thought about it, separated from the crowd, and told everyone he was going to say hello to Gabriel and they were going back.

But in fact, he followed Moody's down a remote side staircase to an unmanned third floor office.

“Kid, I warned you, we'd better stay out of touch!” Keresis chewed his teeth and said.

At this point, they were standing in a dark corridor, and even close to each other, they could see each other.

“Do you look like you have an affair with Kakalov?” Ivan asked directly, ignoring each other's reminders.

“That cunning guy is giving me and my people a lot of trouble in the Nordic region, that's my own business, and I'll fix it. All you need to know is that Kakalov is very dangerous and don't let his appearance fool you.” Keresis said in a low voice, "He's a dead eater. ”

“Once upon a time, he had betrayed Voldemort, but he was undeniably dangerous.” Eventon went on to ask, "but it shouldn't be our current focus. Did you find that guy tonight? Could it be Buddy Crouch? ”

“Buddy Crouch is obviously under control, and I've seen it with my own eyes, but I'm not sure if he's faking it. I repeat, he doesn't believe me, he didn't even tell me his plan!” Keresis lowered his voice and said, "I came in here to attract people's attention, a task that Voldemort gave me and a punishment for my last failure. Well, if you don't want me to be spotted right away, then get out of here and go back to sleep! ”

Ivan turned around and left, and it seemed that Keresis knew nothing more than him.

When Ivan returned to the public lounge, the little wizards gathered there to discuss the Flame Cup.

Fred and George are marketing their ageing agents, a bunch of people around them.

Looks like they are going to buy an ageing agent if it does work after tomorrow's verification.

Hermione ignored them, holding a thick book in her hand and keeping track of what was happening.

Ivan greeted him and went back to his bedroom alone.

He took out the map of the living spot, laid it on the bed and gently knocked it with his wand.

Ivan quickly searched for Patty Crouch Jr. 's name up there, in Dumbledore's office, where he saw Dumbledore, Kakalov, Mrs. Maxim, and Patty Crouch, Rudo Bagman.

The five of them seemed to be talking about something, because little Buddy Crouch and his father's names were repeated, so it was not certain if it was him.

Evan slid his fingers gently down and paddled over a familiar person's name.

Everyone in Boosbatons lives in their carriage and is walking towards that neighborhood.

Durmstrang's students have returned to the boat, where the location of the lake is a white fog, covering everyone's name and not seeing anything clearly, and where the powerful protective magic of the boat renders the map of the living spot ineffective.

Looks like Durmstrang needs another chance to verify.

Ivan searched again before putting away the map of the living spot.

He looks at the ceiling to reconsider the matter, and if he is Buddy Crouch Jr., what should he do?!

Voldemort, Keresis, Kakalov, Jr., Buddy Crouch, Buddy Crouch, several faces spinning in his head, he had a feeling that the incident did not seem to go in the direction he had intended...