Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 579 Magic Exercises

That night, Ivan, Harry and Hermione took a long time to regain Ron's courage.

As long as there are no accidents, Ivan, these measures are simply unmistakable.

Broomstick helps Ron not to be touched by fire dragon fangs, flame-proof magic loses the dragon's breath and flame, and Ron masters the most effective spell and eye spell against fire dragons, which can damage fire dragons and make them blind.

He didn't slaughter the dragon, he got what it guarded through the fire dragon.

With all this, it's very easy to pass the first contest project anyway.

Ron didn't seem so anxious and desperate after Evan told him what he thought.

He did not borrow the magic stone or escape again, his emotions gradually stabilized.

All he needs to do these two days is master flying spells and eye spells and imprint them on bones.

The eye curse is taught by Ivan, while Hermione helps Ron learn to fly.

Nor did Harry master these two spells, and he was prepared to take this opportunity to learn from them.

The next morning, they were busy looking for an empty classroom to practice in.

Hermione proposes to go to the library first and find some books about these two spells for Harry and Ron to analyze.

It was very helpful for them to learn, but she quickly left and was in a bad mood.

“He's back. Why can't he read on his stupid, stupid boat?” Hermione said irritably.

At that time, Viktor Krum walked in uncluttered.

He swept the four of them in shadow and sat down in a corner in the distance with a bunch of books in his arms.

“Let's go, Evan, Harry, Ron, let's go out and find a place. His star hunting club members will be here soon, chirping and annoying...”

Rarely did Ron refute Hermione, whose head had been filled with those spells.

Indeed, when the three of them left the library, a group of girls walked past them with their toes, one of them wearing a Bulgarian scarf on his waist.

Finally, they found an empty classroom on the fifth floor.

Ivan didn't follow in because he saw Keresis on the stairs, and he seemed to have just returned from the Owl Room.

Regarding what Sirius said yesterday, Ivan felt it necessary to ask the vampire.

As before, his office still houses many of the things Moody's used, most of which are broken.

Poor Moody has been locked in a box by Keresis for months.

“So you helped that kid find a way to fight the Fire Dragon?” Keresis said, pouring Ivan a cup of tea.

He still looks like Moody's, but the tone is his own tone.

“I think there should be no problem!” Ivan said his plan.

“You did a great job, basically thinking about it!” Keresis said with satisfaction, nodded, "I was going to tell Ron, if there was nothing you could do, that the magic was effective against fire dragons and could stimulate their brutal nature, making them more manic and distracting, and then he could go and get what Fire Dragon guards. ”

“Become more manic?!” Evan stunned for a moment and remembered what spell Calesis was talking about.

It is a dark magic with a bloodthirsty effect, not too difficult, but extraordinary effect on firedragons.

Once struck by a spell, the Fire Dragon becomes angry and its brutal nature is inspired to the extreme.

By then, it will definitely give up Ron and jump straight to a larger audience.

Without the dragon's guardian, Ron naturally has easy access to what he guards.

As for the firecracker dragons that ravaged the audience, Dumbledore and the dragon trainers needed to think about it.

This is a typical evil dark wizard mindset that cares only for its own interests and does not care about the lives of others.

Ivan can be sure of the terrible consequences if Ron really uses this magic.

It's no surprise to have a firedragon ravaged in an audience full of little wizards, killing and injuring hundreds of people.

By then, Ron will be blamed by everyone, even if he passes the game, and his situation will worsen.

While accusing him, one would certainly ask why a minor wizard used black magic, even Dumbledore and Hogwarts could not break off.

The feasibility of this approach is absolutely nil. Looking at Keresis, Ivan doesn't intend to waste time with this guy, and he goes on discussing this topic, saying his questions directly.

“I know this, Voldemort is asking my people to find all the information about the ancient evil god, and he intends to do something with that ugly statue, but he has yet to find a way.” Caresis said seriously, "I think he's going in the wrong direction, and it's a waste of energy. However, he should have planned something, and that's what I'm getting so far, and I have no idea what he's going to do, and my people have yet to find anything of value. That's why I didn't tell you about it. ”

“Well, remember to let me know the first time you hear anything!” Ivan was upset to say it.

“Of course!” Karesis said, "We're allies now, and sharing the message should be! ”

Ivan didn't think so.

This guy looks really uncomfortable, though he answers painfully.

But against Voldemort and the demons, he and his vampires really played a big role.

By the time Ivan found Harry, Ron and Hermione, they were practicing the flying spell.

Hermione asked Harry and Ron to concentrate all their ideas and force all sorts of things in the room to fly towards them.

Of course, Harry and Ron haven't fully mastered the spell.

Whether it's a book or a quill, it's always halfway down and falling on the floor like a rock.

“Concentrate, you two, concentrate...” Hermione keeps saying, "This spell can be used if you concentrate! ”

“Sounds good. Aren't we focused enough?” Harry said furiously.

“I can't calm down, I don't know what's going on, a very big firedragon keeps coming out of my head!” Ron says, "Flipping over and over always shows this image, okay, try again..."

After Ivan went in, he and Hermione split into two groups and took turns helping Harry and Ron to practice.

Harry was fine, no fire dragon pressure, and after more than six hours of practice, he managed to grasp the spell.

Ron was worse, and he needed more practice to make him forget about the firedragons.