Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 583: Furong and Sleeping Fire Dragon

Dragon trainers took a lot of effort to control the fire dragon that went mad because of the eye curse and calm it down.

This short nose dragon was completely pissed off by Krum, it stirred its wings hard, stared hard at all the witches daring to come close, the yellow eyeballs with countless bloody filaments, appeared extraordinarily stunned, the fire dragon kept making horrible howls, raised its neck and sprayed blue flame into the sky.

I don't know how it would react if it saw dragon eggs missing by half.

The second appearance after Krum was Furong, and everyone looked forward to her performance.

“One down, three more warriors!” When the whistle rang again, Bagman shouted, “Miss Delacour, come on in! ”

Furong came out, and she seemed to shake from head to toe, not as comfortable as Krum.

She held her head up and held the wand tight in her hand, making Furong look exceptionally weak compared to the colossal monster in front of her.

She was wearing a sky-blue Boothbaton uniform robe, and the pavilion jade stood there, making people feel the beauty of touching the mind.

At the other end of the field is another beauty, representing a strong to ultimate force.

Furong's opponent is Ordinary Welsh Green Dragon, the most common fire dragon species in mainland England, with a long history.

Humans have discovered the trail of the Welsh Green Dragon thousands of years ago.

Unlike other dragons representing evil and horror symbols, ordinary Welsh green dragons often appeared on flags in England during Anglo-Saxon rule, and Muggles considered it a symbol of royal power and courage.

Because of their noble status, they often appear in literary works and traditional paintings.

Until today, the Welsh Green Dragon remains a symbol of the nation in the Welsh region.

Wizards have established a protected area on Mount Wales for this firedragon, surrounded by dense weeds that can help them hide their figure well.

Plus, ordinary Welsh Green Dragons are the least troublesome of all fire dragons.

They love to hunt sheep for food and always actively avoid humans unless they are provoked.

Although not easy to spot, Welsh Green Dragons are still easy to identify and their roar is surprisingly beautiful.

And their flames, which emerged from the thin upper jaw.

If not, after seeing Furong, the Welsh Green Dragon didn't rush in.

Despite their proximity, they greeted each other with a friendly greeting, and the beautiful and moving sounds of the dragons were intolerable.

Of course, good temperament doesn't mean good bullying.

If Furong continues to approach or dare to touch its earthy dragon eggs, the ordinary Welsh Green Dragon will surely tear her to pieces without any hesitation.

“Miss Delacour is in luck, let's see how she intends to move this dragon away!” Bagman shouted joyfully, "Oh, what magic, I'm not sure she was wise to do that! ”

Furong intends to cast a more sophisticated spell, like dancing, with her body dancing with a wand.

Light smoke emerged from the end of her wand and slowly drifted past the fire dragon.

This image does look pleasing, but there are doubts about how effective it actually is.

“What's she doing? Are you dancing?” Hermione said with confusion, "I've never seen this spell before. ”

“This is supposed to be some kind of rare guiding magic, and I think she's probably trying to use the smoke to hypnotize the dragon.” Ivan said, looking closely at Furong's movements, he had never seen this magic before, but felt powerful magic.

In general, guided spells are rare and very difficult to release, with few wizards using them.

“Unique guiding spell?!” Harry stared at Furong for a long time, uncertain, and said, "Do you remember those Mei Wan dances on the World Cup? I feel like Furong is dancing like them. ”

Upon Harry's reminder, Ivan noticed that Furong's movements were really similar to those of the dolls.

Of course, she must be human, not Mei Wan.

But as Furong danced, there was an extraordinary rhyme between her movements, which was a seductive force.

Most of the boys were staring at her, looking confused and immersed in the beauty of Furong.

Not surprisingly, this spell should have something to do with Furong's Mei Wan lineage.

Ivan saw the light green smoke centered on Furong, slowly moving forward, spreading around the Welsh Green Dragon body, and the Fire Dragon fell asleep.

It gracefully lay down and began to sleep.

Without battle, Furong easily passed the test, and now all she had to do was walk over and take the golden egg.

Obviously, that's what Furong thinks.

She walked past, and the scene was a repressive argument, and everyone was afraid to wake the Fire Dragon.

Gabriel stared closely at Furong from the audience in Boosbaton, his face filled with tension and anticipation.

“Incredible, Miss Delacour succeeded, immersed in beautiful dances and magic!” Bagman also lowered his tone and said with appreciation, "She's gone, almost there... Oh, my God, I thought she'd gotten it! ”

At the center of the site, Furong walked over to Fire Dragon, and she seemed completely relaxed.

Just as she was about to cross the Fire Dragon, the sleeping Welsh Green Dragon suddenly snored.

A green flame erupted between its thin maxilla and Furong hid in the past, but a little Mars sputtered onto her dress.

Suddenly, the skirt caught fire.

Flames spread upwards and suddenly the audience rose again.

It seemed to have been noticed that Fire Dragon's head moved a little and was about to wake up.

This is a very dangerous picture, everyone pinched a sweat for Furong.

If the Welsh Green Dragon wakes up at this time, she doesn't even have a chance to hide, she will be pressed directly into a meatloaf.

Furong obviously panicked too, and it was a question of whether to continue to venture forward or back off temporarily.

If this Welsh Green Dragon wakes up, it will surely pounce like her in anger, Furong has no time and opportunity to use the same magic to drown the Fire Dragon into sleep, and she thinks that her magic will surely succeed and not prepare for other spells.

She hesitated for a moment and looked at the huge green fire dragon in front of her and made up her mind.

Next second, Furong rushes forward quickly, hugging the golden egg with the quickest possible speed, regardless of the flame on his body.

As soon as she got the golden eggs, all the wizards who had been waiting beside her rushed in.

Dozens of wands point at Furong, turn out of the water and put out the fire on his body.

Mm, mmm, mmm...

The water column kept spraying on Furong, making her wet from top to bottom.

By this time, her beautiful blue skirt had been burned to the face and turned into a super short skirt.

The remainder also became seemingly translucent, the spring light leaked, the boys stared at Furong and his head was blank.

Ivan Yili was able to see the style of underwear inside, not the one he had seen before, the colors were different...

Furong ignored the others, hugged the golden egg and left the competition site with the quickest speed.