Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 605: Christmas Ball

Ivan pulls Hagrid around and leaves, no matter what the other side lacks.

He can be sure that he won't like Rita Skeeter no matter what she says.

This woman is going to make rumors, and neither good nor bad is what Ivan wants to see.

He needs to keep a low profile now and doesn't want to attract the attention of the other side and the Death Eaters as Voldemort approaches his return.

Think about it, the first game was over so long ago, Hogwarts Magic's news coverage of the game was long overdue, but Rita Skeeter and the Daily Prophet were in no hurry.

Obviously, their focus is not on the competition at all.

Ivan was not prepared to give Rita Skeeter a chance to make a lie, and talking to her as long as Hagrid did was self-inflicted.

When Ivan told Harry, Ron and Hermione about it, the three of them very much agreed with Ivan.

“You're right, Ivan, she'll distort every word Hagrid says.” Harry said worried.

“I hope Hagrid did not illegally import those tailpipes and other things.” Hermione followed.

They looked at each other, and that's exactly what Hagrid might do.

He couldn't have gotten those fire crabs from regular channels, a magical species protected by the Fiji Ministry of Magic.

“Don't worry, Hagrid's been in a lot of trouble before, and Dumbledore hasn't fired him," Ron consoled, “and I think the worst possibility is that Hagrid has to lose the tail screw. I'm sorry, am I talking about the worst? I mean best. ”

Everyone laughed and felt much happier.

And then Ivan started looking down at ancient magic, and Hermione took out a bunch of parchment and wrote and painted it.

After Harry and Ron wrote their homework, they picked up two false wands that Fred and George invented and started you coming to me to compete with swordsmanship.

They fought hard and a bunch of people gathered around laughing and watching.

Professor McGonagall informed everyone that he had to meet tonight at 8: 00 in the public lounge, so no one was running around.

“Potter! Weasley!” Professor McGonagall said annoyingly, walking into public rest, "What are you doing?! ”

The two raised their heads in shock, Ron holding a tin-plated parrot in his hand and Harry holding a rubber black wire cod.

“Can you make yourselves age proportionate?” Professor McGonagall swept both angrily.

That's when Harry's black line cod head fell off and fell silently on the floor, cutting off the beak of Ron's parrot.

They looked up at Professor McGonagall with fear.

“Sit down over there. I have a few words to say to you.” Professor McGonagall glanced at them again, turning his eyes to the others in the public lounge, "as you probably all know, the Christmas ball is coming! This is a traditional part of the Troika and a great opportunity for us to socialize with foreign guests. Yes, the ball is only open to students in grade 4 and above, but you can invite a junior student if you like..."

Ivan blinked and turned his head subconsciously to see Hermione, who did not...

She glanced at Professor McGonagall without even noticing the parchment on the floor.

Ivan also let go of the parchment full of ancient magic and looked at Hermione for a while, suddenly a little nervous.

After the month of December, the Christmas Ball is on the agenda.

Everyone needs to find their own partner, normally a boy who invites a woman, but Ivan doesn't seem to be qualified.

He is now only in third grade, a junior student, and he would not have been able to go to the prom without an invitation.

So Hermione would invite him...

After hearing Professor McGonagall, the public lounge suddenly became excited.

Everyone was mumbling, especially the girls, and a lot of people were laughing a staggering smile.

“Wear your gown robes.” Professor McGonagall was a little dissatisfied with the reaction, but did not stop them, but went on to say, "The ball will be held in the auditorium at 8 p.m. on Christmas Eve and will end at 12 p.m. Listen..."

She paused and gauged everyone unnecessarily.

“The Christmas ball undoubtedly gives us the opportunity to spread our hair and relax ourselves.” She said in an unexpected tone.

The girls, especially Ravind Brown, laughed harder, holding her hands against her mouth and keeping her voice out.

Professor McGonagall's hair was always trimmed into tight cubes, and she never seemed to have spread her hair apart.

Everybody imagines how she opens her hair!

“Huh, but that doesn't mean!” Professor McGonagall goes on to say, "We will relax the behavioral demands on Hogwarts students, and I will be very saddened if one of the students in Gryffindor embarrasses the school in any way. ”

She then moved away from the already messy public lounge and waved at Ron.

“Weasley, come here for a second, I have something to say to you. ”

She leads Ron out to the empty corridor.

Though here, you can still hear the excitement screams coming from inside.

Ron stared nervously at Professor McGonagall and wondered what she was going to say to herself.

“Weasley, warriors have their own companions!” Professor McGonagall said, "You must invite a dance partner...”

“Dance partner?!” Ron was surprised, "What partner, I don't dance! ”

“Don't be silly, you have to dance!” Professor McGonagall said irritably, "I was about to tell you that, as is customary, the dance is performed by warriors and their partners, and you have to find yourself a partner, Weasley! ”

“I'm not going to dance! ”

“You have to jump, it's traditional practice!” Professor McGonagall resolutely said in an unquestionable tone, "You are a Hogwarts warrior, and as a representative of the school, you must do as you all expect, and you must find yourself a partner. That's it, you go back! ”

By the time Ron gets back, people will still be talking about it.

Everyone is excited to talk about having a dance partner at the Christmas ball, and everyone is choosing their goal.

Ivan, who was not qualified to invite others, could only sit there, hoping Hermione would invite herself.

Hermione didn't seem to mean that, or, rather, didn't intend to invite Ivan when there were so many people.

Everyone is talking about it now, but no one is acting up, everyone is waiting...