Using Harry's blood to resurrect, it was this stupid idea that killed Voldemort.

Ivan was thinking about what he'd just heard, combining intelligence he knew.

A thousand years ago, Salazar Slytherin had dissected the body of the evil god he had found from the despicable Hailbau, dividing that terrible monster into three parts: the eye, the brain, and the body.

In the present circumstances, the three segregated parts have their own consciousness and abilities and are not dead.

Slytherin may have learned from this evil study how to use the power of evil gods and passed it on to his descendants of vampires to keep these secrets for generations to come.

But these secrets are now known to Voldemort, who is ready to try to use the power of the Evil God.

This is a terrible thing, and Ivan feels the need to figure out exactly what Voldemort has mastered.

“I need Harry Potter's blood, but how do I get him here? He was so well protected, I don't think he even knew it. A long time ago, Dumbledore designed a protection package when considering the future of the boy. He used an ancient magic to make sure the boy would be protected under the care of his loved ones, and I couldn't even touch him!” Voldemort continued, whispering a hissing whisper, "Of course, it was later the Quidditch World Cup, where I thought his protection would be weaker, leaving his loved ones and Dumbledore. Me and the vampires planned a riot, but everything was ruined by a boy named Ivan Mason, who ruined my plan again! ”

Evan can hear the hatred in Voldemort, and he must have been remembered in his heart.

“After the World Cup, the boy went back to Hogwarts, beneath the eagle hook nose of the muggle-loving fool, and the damned Ivan Mason beside him. How can I get him here? Voldemort said," I can't trust those vampires anymore, they're unreliable, and I know perfectly well that they may have betrayed me. With the information I received from Bertha Jokins, I rescued those who remained loyal to me, and this time we had to do it ourselves. ”

“We devised a plan to make my servant a senior official in the Ministry of Magic responsible for the upcoming triumph at Hogwarts, where he put the name of Harry Potter's friend in the Flame Cup. In fact, we were going to choose Ivan Mason and let him die in the game by accident.” Voldemort slowly said, "Of course, we failed again, but it doesn't matter, we can change the charter of the game as that magic ministry official... but I can't wait, I can't wait, I feel that powerful power calling me, I have to speed up, just at the end of the second game, my most heartfelt servant used the door key to bring Harry Potter here, away from Dumbledore's help and protection, into my hands. He's right here, you all think it's this boy from my Ke Xing...”

Voldemort slowly walked forward and turned to Harry, lifting his wand.

The next second, the rope tied to Ivan and Harry broke loose, and those glowing red eyes looked at them through the fog.

“Now, I want to completely dispel the foolish misunderstandings in your minds. Voldemort said softly," Harry Potter escaped from me in total luck, and I'm going to kill him to prove my strength, and here and now, in front of you, there's no Dumbledore to protect him, no Ivan Mason to help him, no mother to sacrifice for him. I'll give him a chance to fight me so you don't doubt who's stronger! ”

Ivan and Harry stood up and looked around, and the Death Eaters were laughing at them in a low voice.

They came close, surrounded closely by Evan, Harry and Voldemort, squeezing out the empty slots where the unaccompanied Death Eaters were supposed to stand, and the serpents swimmed up the grass to where Evan was not far from standing.

Harry gasped desperately, and in an instant he thought about escaping, but his legs were trembling.

And Gabriel next to him, he can't just leave her, they can't run past Voldemort and a bunch of Death Eaters.

Vampire Durand walked outside the circle to fetch Harry's wand and rudely stuffed it into his hands.

He didn't even look at them and went back to the Death Eaters' circle.

Ivan also lit up the wand he was holding in his hand, and he expected to have a few more minutes.

If possible, he hopes Voldemort can speak slowly, explain everything clearly, and buy them time.

But no, it's unlikely that he'll leave, and that's only one shot.

Seeing Evan dare point his wand at Voldemort, the mockery of the Death Eaters around him is even louder!

They all thought Ivan was an eight- or nine-year-old girl, weak...

“Interesting girl, you want to fight me proactively, against the great Voldemort!” Voldemort said softly, "Red eyes are shining," because of your stupid courage, I can give you a chance to challenge me, but one at a time, we have to follow the rules of duel, I'll kill Harry first, then you. Wait a minute, Nagini, they're both yours in the end. ”

The serpent came a little closer to Ivan and threw up a letter.

“Gabriel, when the battle starts, I'll give you a chance to escape!” Harry gasped,

He wasn't sure what to do with Voldemort, but he had to do everything he could to protect Gabriel, at least before she died...

Harry's head was blank and he couldn't think of any other spells besides a weapons spell like "Your Weapon."

But even if he could take Voldemort's wand, what use would it be?

Surrounded by Death Eaters, Harry has never learned what to use here.

He knew that what he would face was a curse Moody's constant warning to guard against, an unstoppable Avada curse.

If Ivan had been there, he would have figured it out. He knew so much magic.

Harry had to admit, Voldemort was right, this time without his mother to fight to save him, he had no protection at all.

“You rush out to the boulder, it's a door key, maybe you...”

“It's me, Harry! I'm Evan, not Gabriel!” Ivan quickly said, reaching into Harry's ear and holding his trembling right hand, "Listen, you're going to use an armored spell against Voldemort and duel one-on-one! ”

“What?!” Harry looked at Ivan in surprise and couldn't believe his eyes.

He hasn't reacted yet, so how did Gabriel suddenly become Ivan?

His prayers worked, and it was a miracle!