Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 756: Giant Gugo

Ivank suppressed the urge to pull the wand out, the giants feared magic and liked to feel the magical mysterious power, but hated the wizards pointing the wand at them and using magic on them, which would make things worse.

Until now, he finally understood why Dumbledore must have sent someone not far away to pull these giants together.

Imagine the shock and dominance of a terrible enemy as big as a mountain on the battlefield...

If these giants surrender to Voldemort, his dark forces will multiply several times, and few wizards are rivals of giants.

In the face of such enormous things, the vast majority of people do not even have the courage to fight.

They've come around the lake, and Ivan looks around and sees more and more giants gathering around.

He doesn't know how the other three feel, but his heart beats so hard.

Although Ivan has seen many dark creatures, there is no visual stimulus as intuitive as a giant.

Giants were invincible beasts in ancient times, and mankind had built tall walls in an attempt to defend itself against giants.

Fortunately, the number of giants has become small, and those dark times are gone forever.

Otherwise, one day humankind will recall the fear that was once dominated by them and the humiliation of being imprisoned in a birdcage.

“We are here to present a toast to Gurgo and salute him!” Hagrid shouted loudly in English.

Most giants couldn't understand what he was saying, making meaningless and rude shouts, but several giants in some clothes obviously understood, and they turned their heads and ran to the top of the hill across the street, making a huge bombardment.....

“They went to the chief and we just have to wait here.” Sirius whispered.

Evan took the opportunity to measure around, and before they came in, the giants separated around the lake in piles.

The nearest giants to Evan seemed to be cooking food, and they didn't know where to get a giant pot of stone, big enough for Voldemort to come back to use, with meat and some grassroots in it.

This is supposed to be a giant family, with a slightly thin female giant and three strong male giants, who have two children, young giants of young age at first glance, and of course, these two guys already have three Ivans that tall!

They hid behind their parents, curiously measuring the four people who had entered the camp, and their eyes eventually fell on Ivan.

Ivan smiled at them and responded with a rude roar.

At this point, the first giant to leave ran back and rushed into the crowd.

“Humans, Gurgo wants to see you. Follow me with presents!” An older giant said he was wearing a brown robe, relatively neat, like a normal wizard, but wore it for a long time, decades ago.

This outfit seems to have been transformed with a magnifying spell, and no one will ever be tailored to the Giant's figure.

They followed the old giant to the top of the hill across the street, and the giant around the lake seemed afraid of it and didn't follow.

The path built next to the cliff was straight up, and they walked carefully on it.

This road is built to the size of a giant, and it's already very wide for Ivan and them.

“My name is Herbert!” The old giant said the rumbling voice came from the top of his head, "I've been to Poland in the past and married my wife and son there for a long time, and I like that country. Of course, that was over eighty years ago, and then there was a terrible war, and I ran back! ”

The old giant walked and said that his pronunciation was not pure, but barely understandable.

He then turned his head and looked at Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim with dim eyes.

“You two seem to have giant blood too? ”

“My mother is Friedwafa.” Hagrid said, looking at him with concern, "Is she, is she alive? ”

“Are you Fred Waffa's son?!” The old giant seemed a little surprised, measuring Hagrid carefully, "she was still alive, but she wasn't doing too well. Giants like us who lived in human society were different and had very low status in the tribe. The other giants were reluctant to believe us, and they didn't think we were worthy of trust. ”

“My mother is alive. Where is she now?” Hagrid raised his voice and looked a little excited.

“You'll see her, Fred Waffa's son! When she came back, she reborn two more children, one dead and the other, just like you, a deformity, too short!” Herbert said, looking at Mrs. Maxim, "What about you? ”

“My father is dead, on the battlefield!” She simply said.

“Yeah, the Giants end up mostly like this, dying in battle!” Herbert turns his head again, "we used to die too many people, but the living don't want to learn lessons and continue fighting. Humans, what are you doing here? ”

“We brought gifts and Dumbledore messages, hoping to make allies with you!” Sirius said.

He patted Hagrid on the back, indicating he was calm.

They didn't expect to meet such an easy to communicate old giant.

The other side is clear, not like a giant at all, but a taller human being.

“Albus Dumbledore?!” The old giant said, "I've heard the wizard's name, and he was against killing the last giants in England and helping them leave, and he's our friend, and I think Kakus would be interested in what he said. ”

Evan, Sirius, Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim looked at each other and it would really go so well?!

“But don't hold out too much hope, the giants need war, not peace...” Herbert continued, "Dumbledore's ideas rarely have supporters here, giants like me are already different, few giants are willing to communicate with humans. And of course, they're very happy that you brought gifts. ”

Then he stopped talking and led Ivan to the top of the mountain with the four of them.

At the top of the cliff is a large platform, and at the end is a cave that cannot be seen properly.

By the time Ivan climbed up, the platforms were full of giants, taller than the giants below, wearing simple clothes made of animal leather, and a lot of giants still had weapons in their hands.

In the middle is a huge stone bed, very simple but spacious with two giants lying on top.

One of them was a male giant, very big, 35 feet long, and ugly, and he looked like three male elephants with bare skin like a rhinoceros, and he kept growling to feed the giant next to him, his hands busy with other things.

Needless to say, he must be the giant Gurgo Kakus.

In his arms, he lay a giant woman, naked...