Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 904 Bat Pokémon

The president of the student council has the right to replace the superior, but has never been used.

If Gleason were to be fired, he would set another precedent, and Gleason would be a laughingstock.

What will people say about him later, the first to be fired for stupidity?!

Sure enough, listening to Ivan, Gleason's face swelled red and suddenly became extraordinarily excited.

“I'm going to fight you, Mason!” He shouted and pulled the wand out, "I want you to know what is the right attitude to treat the dean, and Dumbledore can make you president of the Boys' Student Council, but you don't deserve it. ”

“Sorry, I don't have time for this right now!” Ivan said, "As the president of the Boys' Guild, I'm going to start giving new semester directions to the superiors, and then we're going out to patrol, maintain order, and have no kung fu and play a boring game with you. Draco, can you help me get this dean of your college out of here? I think confinement can calm him down. ”

Don't say calm down, Evan. That's like pouring oil on a fire.

Malfoy, who had been named by Ivan, had yet to act, and Grissom waved a wand to cast a red spell on Ivan.

“Stop, Gleason! ”

“Careful, Ivan! ”

The next second, a small shield appeared in front of Evan to block Gleason's curse.

With the appearance of the shield, the wand that had just disappeared was quickly pulled out by Evan.

He swung the wand heavily, winking, and Ivan's spell hit Grisson. His whole face was covered with winged monsters, making a fierce scream, trying to rip the monsters off his face.

Bat spell, Ginny's improved version, powerful.

Ivan is still using it for the first time and the results are amazing. Before these bats disappeared on his face, Gleason had no way of looking straight ahead and was pounded on his face by so many furry little monsters with big ears, that feeling...

Gleason kept scolding, but he couldn't see clearly and could only fire a magic spell at the surrounding area, and the others were in a hurry to escape.

“Are you crazy, Gleason! ”

“Stop it! ”

The dark red shield in front of him gradually vanishes into the air, and Ivan looks at Gleason before him as he loses his fighting power.

He waved his wand and gave Gleason a petrochemical spell to give him peace of mind and enjoy the Bat Elite service on his face.

Depending on the size of the magic Ivan uses, these bats will probably disappear by the time the train reaches Hogwarts.

Bats don't bite anyway, they just keep creeping on their faces, sticking out their tongues and licking them.

That looks like a mutant mouse.

Bats are said to lick that place before they suck blood, and their saliva is anesthetic, and they start sucking blood when the person being licked feels more and more comfortable and less comfortable!

These bats naturally don't suck blood, so Gleason should be comfortable now to some extent.

So many bats lay down on their faces to lick and serve him with their little tongues...

“Evan, are you okay?” Hermione hastily said that everything had just happened too quickly.

Evan's spell flourished, especially the magical shield that blocked Gleason's evil spell, and seemed to appear empty.

Others have no idea how Ivan did it. Can he do it without a cane or instantly?

In fact, this is a combination of wandless application and silent spell. The wand inherently plays an auxiliary role. Once the magic is strong enough, the wand's effect will be reduced. Of course, this will consume a lot of magic and spiritual power.

As for the summoned shield, it's the white magic Ivan found in the Black family's collection not long ago.

The strength of this shield is related to the magic magnitude of the input, and even theoretically resists the killing spell.

“Nothing, I was ready, after all, it's always been Slytherin's tradition!” Evan said, looking at Malfoy getting paler, "Draco, could you please get him out of here? By the way, better not touch those bats on his face. ”

“You can't do this!” The sixth grade Slytherin grew up aloud next to Malfoy.

He raised his wand in high altitude, but what had just happened was so fast that he had hardly made a move.

“I'll explain what happened today to Professor Snape.” Ivan smiled and put the wand away, "If you have any objections to my handling methods, you can raise them, and I'm ready to take up the challenge. ”

In his eyes, the Slytherin boy in the sixth grade retreated a bit.

“Let's get this idiot out of here first.” Malfoy whispered, "Go back to Professor Snape. ”

There was no point in continuing to stall, as he had expected, and a few of them could not beat Ivan at all.

If it's possible for everyone to do it together, the other three colleges won't help them either.

After Grissom left, the atmosphere in the compartment became much more pleasant and the rest did not want to be the male student chairman's ambition.

As a result, they are more receptive to Ivan.

Some people started asking Ivan what the hell was going on, and others were talking about the duel just now in a low voice.

The Girl Head is a seventh grade Ravenclaw student with a smile on her face, and she lets Ivan speak first.

Ivan's Boy Chairman is likely to serve another four years, naturally in a different position and influence than she does.

“I think you all know me, and my requirements are simple. As superiors, you must lead by example and follow and uphold the rules of the school without causing trouble.” Evan said, his eyes slid across a face, "and I hope that students' own affairs will be dealt with internally by the student council, not involving schools, professors and other forces. ”

“By the way, if anyone else objects to my chairmanship of the Boys' Association, or questions one of my practices in the future, it would be better to get a response from your Dean and Principal through the normal channels, rather than today. I promise, next time it won't be as simple as the Bat Pokémon spell! ”

No one will probably do the same after seeing Gleason go down!

Evan's troubles are simply uncomfortable.

The next step is for the president of the female student council to give instructions to the superiors and tell them exactly what he should do, which is handed down year after year, at the beginning of the new semester, mainly to guide freshmen and help them get acquainted with the campus.

All penalties imposed on students by superiors shall be aggregated into the hands of the corresponding president of the student association, who shall review them for reasonableness.

Ivan naturally doesn't have time to do this, but you can ask Hermione for help...